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Nuevo equipo de seguridad para Michael

Nuevo equipo de seguridad para Michael *¿despedidos?*

Perdonad que no lo traduzca.

Lo mas importante que se dice es que el nuevo equipo legal de Michael, encabezado por Thomas A. Mesereau ha encargado los servicios de seguridad para el Viernes y proximas apariciones de Michael en la corte a una compañia de seguridad privada. Tambien dicen que esto sera muy positivo en cuanto a la imagen, ya que no era muy positivo que fuera el NOI quien llevara la seguridad. Del nuevo estilo de Mesereau, dicen que hara menos espectaculo en TV, y mas ley, se centrara exclusivamente en el caso.

Bueno comienzo ;)

The Jackson Case: New security team hired to protect star

Changes indicate a revised image



Michael Jackson's new legal team has directed a private security company to protect the pop star at his arraignment on Friday, rather than the Nation of Islam.

The decision to replace the activist group was made at the direction of Mr. Jackson's new lead lawyer Thomas A. Mesereau, sources close to the defense said Tuesday.

The Nation of Islam has provided security for the entertainer at least since his arrest in November, and was scheduled to meet with the Santa Maria police today to coordinate plans for the Friday's hearing.

Mr. Jackson dropped former lead lawyer Mark Geragos and co-counsel Benjamin Brafman on Sunday, saying they had not given him their full attention.

The shake-up this week -- on the legal and security teams -- may be a sign that Mr. Jackson is changing more than his lawyers.

"I think you will see less glitz and more law," said Laurie Levenson, professor at Loyola School of Law. "I think there's a major shift in the tone of the defense -- a move toward turning down the controversial aspects of the case and getting focused on what is necessary to win."

The nature of Mr. Jackson's relationship with the Nation of Islam is unclear, but the professional company will work security detail for court hearings.

"In my opinion Michael Jackson will do what he will do, but Tom (Mesereau) is going to control what goes on in the courtroom and stay focused on the legal issues," said colleague Dana Cole, also a defense lawyer.

A member of the Nation of Islam at the Los Angeles mosque, who would not provide his name, refused comment on the development.

The abrupt changes come on the heels of a sealed grand jury indictment against Mr. Jackson last week. The charges will be revealed Friday at the arraignment, where Mr. Jackson is expected to enter a plea of not guilty.

Mr. Mesereau could not be reached for comment. Of the remaining members on the defense team, Steve Cochran could not be reached and Robert Sanger declined comment.

Legal experts say the security change was a wise move.

"Image-wise, it's smarter for the defense to use private security rather than the Nation of Islam," Ms. Levenson said. "They're a fairly divisive and sometimes inflammatory group. It could be Mesereau came in and said, 'Look, we're going to do this the right way now. Let's start anew with a very professional and controlled image.' "

Santa Maria Police Chief Dan Macagni learned of the security changes at the last minute Tuesday: "Who this new security team is, I don't know, but we'll be meeting with them on Thursday. We'll see who they are and what they have planned and then we'll go from there."

The police meeting with security is aimed at preventing a repeat of Mr. Jackson's first arraignment in January, when he jumped up on a parked SUV, pulled up his cameraman, opened a black umbrella and performed a few dance moves to a roaring crowd that pushed police aside to get closer to the King of Pop.

With new lawyers and new security, it's unlikely there will be an encore performance Friday.

"I think it will be a much more low-key court appearance," Mr. Cole said.

There will likely be a difference in attorney style as well.

"Very basically, (Mesereau) is not interested in having the spotlight put on him in terms of television time or anything else," Mr. Cole said. "His focus will be on the case. . . . That's what he did in the Robert Blake case and I would not expect anything different."

Mr. Mesereau represented the actor in his murder case until they parted ways recently. Mr. Jackson said in a prepared statement Monday that he wanted a lawyer who would pay more attention to him, hinting that Mr. Geragos was perhaps too busy with Scott Peterson, his client in a double-murder trial in San Mateo County.

Mr. Geragos has not commented since the development, but Mr. Brafman disputed Mr. Jackson's statement.

"I was surprised to see that in the press release," Mr. Brafman said. "I'm a person who pays very careful attention to my clients and we had a number of lawyers on the ground who were doing nothing but Michael Jackson work 24/7 that I was overseeing. . . . I don't think it's either fair or accurate."

When asked whether he stepped down or was fired, Mr. Brafman said: "It doesn't matter. My feeling is that one way or another, this was not going to be a long-term professional relationship as a result of a number of issues that I don't want to discuss."

Mr. Brafman and Mr. Geragos have said they had planned to take this case through trial.

"However, Michael Jackson has the right to change lawyers at any time so long as the change is not disruptive," Mr. Brafman said. "This change will not disrupt the case. I wish him well."

Si alguien lo puede traducir al completo... :)
Última edición:
Buenas noticias, solo espero que el Viernes no se convierta en otro circo como ocurrio el enero pasado, que llegue a su hora y no salude a los fans hasta despues de la comparecencia. Se que muchos fans van muy ilusionados y quieren prestrar su apoyo pero a veces esto es utilizado por los medios como algo negativo y sobre todo qeu no haya bronca con la policia porque quien quedaria mal seria michael. Animo y crucemos los dedos.
Exactamente, buen comienzo. Y es verdad, no le convendría nada entretenerse saludando, que se concentre...
¿Y la rección del NOI? Para mi que esos van de todas formas a darle seguridad el viernes :miedo: . No quieren nada más que usar a Michael para hacerse publicidad :mmm:. Y no se yo si le dejarán asi tan facilmente.
Creo que Michael ha escogido el camino correcto esta vez. Y también pienso que todos los fans que vayan harán lo posible para ayudarlo. Ojala uqe los nuevos miembros de la seguridad sean efectivos y se organicen bien para evitar que Michael llege tarde por entretenerse saludando a los fans, pero como he dicho, seguro q todos los que estén alli colaboraran para que las cosas le vayan bien a Michael
Yo sigo sin enterarme porque desde un primer momento se acuso al NOI de ser malos, cuando ni una sola vez los he visto en tv siquiera para juzgarles aunque sea por apariencia.
Es porque son negros? O porque son islamicos? :mad: :novale:
Los cambios si son para bien...bienvenidos sean!

A mi lo único que me da miedo del próximo juicio es la reacción de la poli con los fans.
Ya no hay nuevo equipo de seguridad

He puesto esto en otro post de la NOI, pero creo que es en este donde lo tenia que haber puesto, si algun administrador ve este reply, y puede actualizar el titulo del post...:) gracias.

Segun cuentan en FOX news Michael habria despedido al equipo de seguridad que eligio para sustituir a la NOI. Segun dice el jefe de la policia, Macagni:Ayer jueves por la mañana recibi una llamada, del nuevo equipo de seguridad de Michael Jackson, diciendome que habian sido despedidos, que no sabian quien estaria hoy (en la vista) protejiendon a MJ, pero que ellos no estarian.

A si que en estos momentos no se sabe que seguridad tendra Michael :llorando:
Última edición: