(Perdón por ponerlo en inglés)
No Bail Reduction in Michael Jackson Case
Wednesday, 01 September 2004
For the second time Judge Rodney Melville refused to reduce the $3 million bail in the Michael Jackson case after an appeals court asked him to revisit the issue.
Citing justification such as Mr. Jackson's wealth and his world travel, Judge Melville also wrote "The Grand Jury transcript provides detailed evidence that (the) defendant sought to arrange for the "Doe" family to travel to Brazil, and the statements of the "Doe" family are that this was being done against their will."
"Jackson has no prior criminal record, but this factor is at least partially offset by the allegation that he has previously engaged in similar criminal conduct - the prosecution of which may have been derailed by a private settlement with the alleged victim."
"Defendant has the financial ability to hire private jets and has frequently traveled beyond the borders of the United States," Melville said. (Y que tiene que ver??!!!!
Este tio esta compinchado con Sneddon! :vom: )
"While on bail, he received his passport back to travel to England
. Although defendant subsequently returned his passport to law enforcement, he may request his passport again for international travel before the January 31, 2005 trial date." (Para que querria Michael su pasaporte antes del juicio? :mmm: )
"No amount less than $3 million dollars would provide a financial incentive to return and appear for hearings and trial."
Source: Reuters/MJJForum
No Bail Reduction in Michael Jackson Case
Wednesday, 01 September 2004
For the second time Judge Rodney Melville refused to reduce the $3 million bail in the Michael Jackson case after an appeals court asked him to revisit the issue.
Citing justification such as Mr. Jackson's wealth and his world travel, Judge Melville also wrote "The Grand Jury transcript provides detailed evidence that (the) defendant sought to arrange for the "Doe" family to travel to Brazil, and the statements of the "Doe" family are that this was being done against their will."
"Jackson has no prior criminal record, but this factor is at least partially offset by the allegation that he has previously engaged in similar criminal conduct - the prosecution of which may have been derailed by a private settlement with the alleged victim."
"Defendant has the financial ability to hire private jets and has frequently traveled beyond the borders of the United States," Melville said. (Y que tiene que ver??!!!!
"While on bail, he received his passport back to travel to England
"No amount less than $3 million dollars would provide a financial incentive to return and appear for hearings and trial."
Source: Reuters/MJJForum