onday is fast approaching, and many are wondering if the "Great 2003 Bug” is actually a hoax.
Towards the end of February, an email chain letter made its way to email boxes around the world, stating that a large bug had been found in networking equipment. Much like the Y2K bug, this one surfaced because of the date 03-03-03 (030303) and could affect most switches and routers purchased between April 2000 and October 2002.
The chain email urges network personnel to back up data, and states:
The real main concern at the moment is just how much of the internet will be stopped on Monday 3rd, March. No one can predict how much and how long the outage could be for. Even the experts have disagreed on the time length, some saying 24 hours, others suggesting it could be until network administrators patch the firmware.
Sophos, a Business Anti-Virus company, has listed the email as a hoax, and to simply disregard the warning.
But if something does happen, don’t say we didn’t warn you…
sacadod e
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Towards the end of February, an email chain letter made its way to email boxes around the world, stating that a large bug had been found in networking equipment. Much like the Y2K bug, this one surfaced because of the date 03-03-03 (030303) and could affect most switches and routers purchased between April 2000 and October 2002.
The chain email urges network personnel to back up data, and states:
The real main concern at the moment is just how much of the internet will be stopped on Monday 3rd, March. No one can predict how much and how long the outage could be for. Even the experts have disagreed on the time length, some saying 24 hours, others suggesting it could be until network administrators patch the firmware.
Sophos, a Business Anti-Virus company, has listed the email as a hoax, and to simply disregard the warning.
But if something does happen, don’t say we didn’t warn you…
sacadod e
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