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Que Podemos Hacer???


Y q vamos a hacer..... esto no puede quedar asi!!!!! Si ese bastardo se piensa que puede tratar asi a Michael y estar tan tranquilo.... la tiene clara!!!

Lo hicimos una vez (nos vemos en el infierno Mottola) y podemos hacerlo otra vez!!!!!!!

Alguien tiene alguna idea.....???
Vamos a por el!!!!!!!

* Podemos escribir cartas de apoyo a Michael..... no tengo la direccion ahora, pero si alguien la tiene q la ponga!! Si no la pongo manana!!!

* Escribir cartas a ITV, tenemos q expresar nuestra indignacion ante la manera q tuvo Bashir de enganar a Michael...

ITV Network Centre
200 Gray's Inn Road
London WC1X 8HF

* El proximo Miercoles 12, a las 7.30 (8.30 en espana) Bashir contestara preguntas por internet!!! No podemos insultarle, aunq no sera por ganas....

A machacarle a preguntas ..... (si alguien noesta seguro con el ingles pero quiere preguntarle algo, q escriba las preguntas aqui.... seguro que yo o alguien mas q hable ingles por aqui podremos ayudarle)

* Uri Geller...... bueno, bueno!!!
Vamos a conseguir su e-mail, como puede dejar q un hombre como Bashir se acerque a Michael.......

*Puemos conseguir direcciones de prensa inglesa si alguien quiere escribir......

Ahora mismo no se me ocurre nada mas....... pero todas las ideas q tengais poderlas en este post!!!!

Empieza la guerraaaaa

Keep Michaeling!!!!!!
Última edición:
Venga animaros!!!!

He visto q mucha gente mira el post pero no se decide a contestar o a aportar nuevas ideas.... estamos en guerra o q??

Ya tengo algunas direcciones mas.....

* Uri Geller e-mail : Urigeller@compuserve.com

* Direccion de Michael....

Michael Jackson
c/o Postmaster
Figueroa Mountain Road
Santa Ynez Valley
Los Olivos, CA

Keep Michaeling........

Michael Jackson
Se estan recogiendo firmas para q Bashir pida disculpas publicamente a MIchael por los comentarios de la entrevista. Tenemos q conseguir cuantas mas mejor, copia el documento y enviaselo a todos los fans y no fans........

To my fellow MJJ friends,
As you all know Michael Jackson has been unfairly portrayed by Martin Bashir and the Granada Television Company. I think it's time that we MJJ fans help Michael Jackson fight back! I am starting a petition to send to the Granada Television Company demanding a public apology for their unfair portrayl of Michael Jackson's life.

We can easily get at least 1,000 signatures on this.
Please COPY (do not forward) this e-mail to EVERY Michael Jackson fan you know.
Michael has given us such great music and entertainment over the years, now its time we help Michael out.

Feel free to modify anything you feel will help make our case more effective to the letter below. Once this petition reaches 1,000 signatures (and for every 1,000th signature added) please COPY (do not forward) this e-mail to Officers.duty@granadatv.co.uk.

To the Granada Television Corporation,

Michael Jackson fans around the world are very, very upset with your portrayl of Michael Jackson in the documentary "Living with Michael Jackson." The programme used innuendo and editing techniques to imply (without ever explictly saying) that Michael Jackson is guilty of inappropriate behavior with children. What we are demanding is a public apology to Michael Jackson, his family, friends and his fans by the producers of this show and Martin Bashir. No response on your part merely compounds your guilt of trying to portray Michael Jackson as negatively as

1. Vinay Yakkundi, Ohio, USA
2. Franck Grimonprez, France
3. Anne Isabelle Beaudoin, Paris, France
4. Pascale Hatot, France
5. Silvia Pérez Amador, Mexico
6. Tanja Kovac, Slovenia
7. Mark Swane, Wales
8. Agnes Spett, Hungary
9. Axinia Reussner, Germany
10. Silvia Reussner, Germany
11. Alexander Reussner, Germany
12. Daniela K., Germany
Ya escribí al payaso de Uri. Le dejé bien claro que si de verdad sentía respeto por Michael, debería alejarse de él y de su familia.

Uri, just get away from him :cool:
Bien hecho!!!!!!!!!

Seria una buena idea q todos pidieramos en nuestras cartas q Bashir se disculpara publicamente!!! Yo incluso se lo escribia a Uri Geller...

Esta es la carta q le escribimos a la Organizacion para controlar los programas emitidos en television:

To whom it may concern,

We are appaled by the lack of integrity and unfair treatment that Mr. Bashir has shown towards Mr. Jackson on the recently broadcast tv programme "Living with Michael Jackson".

It was quite obvious that Mr. Bashir was trying to mislead the public into believing Mr. Jackson was a bad father and even a child molester.
Now, these are very serious allegations just to be thrown into people's minds for pure sensationalism and in order to attract more viewers. We think everyone with an IQ over 10 and a decent heart could clearly see that Mr. Jackson's motives are harmless.

If Mr. Bashir really had his doubts about Mr. Jackson behaviour, then why didn't he approach his interviewee directly concerning these issues?

Generally speaking, Mr. Bashir did not conduct an objective documentary, instead he projected his own narrow-minded, preconceived thougths upon us through the use of voice-over.

We think Mr. Bashir owes Michael Jackson, his family and his numerous supporters all over the world a BIG apology. A written and broadcast apology that should be seen by at least the same amount of viewers who watched the original documentary.

As far as we are concerned, Mr. Bashir is anything BUT a serious journalist!

Yours sincerely,

Three angry viewers.
Ya tengo algunas preguntas para Bashir. Tenemos q inundar el programa con nuestras preguntas........ sino simplemente le haran preguntas acerca de Michael!! Bashir tiene que responder a las falsas acusaciones......

Si no se os ocurre ninguna mas podeis enviar algo parecido a estas, si alguien tiene alguna mas q las ponga y asi no tendran mucho donde escoger!!!!!

- Why did you only focus on Mr. Jackson surgery and relationships with kids in the interview, instead of asking about his art, future projects and humanitarian work, like you initially said you would??

- Have you thought about the consecuences your unnecessary comments could have on Mr. Jackson's life?? How the world might look at him BECAUSE of your preconceived ideas made public??

- Why did you mislead the public into believing you didn't meet Mr. Jackson's children until the 2nd or 3rd day when -as far as we've been informed- you met them the very same day you first met Michael in Las Vegas?? They were with him all the time!

- Why did you mislead the public into believing that you spent a full 8 months in the company of Mr. Jackson when, in fact, you only met him several times WITHIN (even less than) those 8 months??

- Why did you make Mr. Jackson's trip to Berlin look like a total disappointment and humiliation for him?? The people of Germany absolutely LOVED him to be there. All TV and press reports were nothing but POSITIVE! The fact that you felt the need to show Mr. Jackson taking to the stage too early at the Bambi Awards shows your mere desire for sensationalism. This happens all the time in live television and was certainly not his fault. Mr. Jackson's trip to Berlin was a full success!!!

- Quite a few people close to Michael Jackson -friends, family members and former employees- have spoken out saying what a decent man and good father he is. Yet, TV presenters, gossip writers and other so-called "experts" seem to take no notice of what they said and continue their unfair slander. Why??? After all Mr. Jackson's long-time friends must know better than anyone of us!
Supongo mañana ellos cojeran las preguntas que mas les combengan....... aun asi!!! hay que intentarlo!!!!!!!!!
Recordar que es mañana a las 8:30!!! OK?
A POR EL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!