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Ronald Konitzer ,ataca a messereau

Segun esta noticia Konitzer ha hablado y a atacado a Messereau despues de oir lo que se hablo ayer de el:


Former Jackson Associate Speaks Out

Pop Star's Ex-Business Partner Goes on the Offensive After Being Attacked by Prosecution and Defense


March 3, 2005 -- Ronald Konitzer, one of five alleged unindicted co-conspirators in the Michael Jackson trial, says he is furious about allegations made against him this week by the singer's defense attorney.

Konitzer, a former business partner and friend to Michael Jackson, said the statements by Jackson attorney Tom Mesereau leave him no choice but to speak out publicly.

"I've never spoken out. I've never given a [television] interview ever and I would have never done it unless Mr. Mesereau would have, you know, come up with this type of tactic," Konitzer he told ABC News in an exclusive interview Wednesday. "Now he's basically putting me in a position where in order to defend myself — preventing him from spreading lies about me — I have to attack indirectly or directly Michael Jackson."

Watch the full interview on "Primetime Live" Thursday at 10 p.m. ET.

In the trial's opening statements, Mesereau alleged that Konitzer tricked and manipulated the star and kept him in the dark about some of his activities.

This came after the prosecutors side also made allegations against Konitzer, accusing him of plotting to abduct and falsely imprison Jackson's accuser.

Konitzer, a German-born entrepreneur, was Jackson's business partner and carried full power of attorney over the singer's business affairs.

Jackson, 46, is accused of molesting a now-15-year-old boy who spent time at his Neverland ranch. The boy is believed to be the cancer survivor who appeared with the singer in the 2003 British documentary "Living With Michael Jackson." Jackson has pleaded not guilty to 10 charges that include felony conspiracy with 28 overt acts involving child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion.

During testimony Wednesday, prosecution witness Ann Marie Kite testified that she believed Konitzer embezzled nearly $1 million from Jackson.

"I think she is watching way too many conspiracy movies," Konitzer told ABC News, adding, "It's ridiculous. All these things can be proven."

Kite also testified that she believes Konitzer may have been trying to wrest ownership of Jackson's valuable music catalog, which includes The Beatles' songs.

Konitzer also denied that charge. "We were trying to protect him, not to lose the Beatles catalog," he told ABC News.

Konitzer said that despite the attacks by Jackson's lawyer, he said he bears no grudge against the singer himself.

"I found him to be very, you know, generous and pleasant and straightforward," he said of Jackson. "And I can't say much bad about Michael Jackson at all. I won't just because he attacked me, you know. I believe that somebody convinced him that this is a smart move for whatever reason and then this is how it happened."

Konitzer on Thursday told ABC News that it would not be hard to destroy each and every one of the allegations against him. On a separate matter, he says he has never seen Michael Jackson do anything wrong with children.

traduciendo parece que dice que jamas ha querido hablar en la prensa ,que le han atacado y que el no estaba alli para robarle el catalogo a michale jackson de sony ,sino para protegerle y lo mas fuerte es que dice que atacara a mj :

Now he's basically putting me in a position where in order to defend myself — preventing him from spreading lies about me — I have to attack indirectly or directly Michael Jackson."

y que han visto muchas peliculas de conspiraciones.
No lo he leído, me asusta que :Mez: vaya a meter la pata en este asunto, y confío plenamente en q sacará todo adelante!!!
Go Mez!
No creo que se atreva a hacer nada, porque si es verdad que estaba en el ajo de los catalogos Sony y se descubre se va a la mierda el y la compañia detras...ademas este tipo salia en las quinielas de testigos de no se que parte y prefirio no meterse, asi que tambien da que pensar. :D
I found him to be very, you know, generous and pleasant and straightforward," he said of Jackson. "And I can't say much bad about Michael Jackson at all. I won't just because he attacked me, you know. I believe that somebody convinced him that this is a smart move for whatever reason and then this is how it happened

dice aqui ,que el michael era muy generoso , y que no puede decir malas cosas de michael jackson , y tambien dice que alguien ha convencido a mj para que esto pasara.
"Ahora me está dejando [Mesereau] en una posición en la que para defenderme, para evitar que diga mentiras de mí, debo atacar a Michael Jackson, directa o indirectamente"
Mira pringao: Si a MJ no tienes razones para atacarle, pues no le ataques Y PUNTO.

Directa o indirectamente, ya, claro... como la familia de la mujer que murió en el hospital. Directamente o indirectamente, el caso es dar por saco a MJ como sea.
Uiuiuiuuiiuiuuii... la liebre ha saltado??

Pensé que lo de la conspiración era sólo un rumor ,pero ya veo que esta noticia ha corrido como la polvorilla...
Sinceramente todo esto me asusta.
La verdad que en ésta historia hay muchos que están locos,
si éste tipo dice que Michael es una buena persona y no puede
decir nada malo de él, que ni se le ocurra abrir la boca ahora en
contra de MJ.

Claro total MJ es de fierro, todos contra MJ.

Pero el escudo es MEZ:mad:
"intentábamos protegerlo, para no perder el catálogo de Beatles,"

Vaya, vaya... que casualidad, lo mismo que dice la fiscalia
¿Se molesta por que le acusen de engañar a MJ y robarle dinero, y no porque le acusen de conspirar y secuestrar para abusar de un menor?

Konitzer, se te ve le plumero...