...pongo lo de rumor,por que lo he sacado de mjstar, y luego pasa lo que pasa... MJSTAR have been notorious with the statement "Announcement", however we have heard that Michael Jackson will be making a very interesting statement at the forthcoming U.S. event in New York. Whether or not this will happen we will all have to wait and see, Michael Jackson is infamous for his ever changing mind and in the end it will be up to him whether or not he will speak SE DICE QUE MJ PODRIA HACER UNAS DECLARACIONES IMPORTANTES EN SU VISITA A NY MAÑANA... (¿sera un capitulo mas del culebron mariah-mottola?... espero q no
)...................................................................................... Michael Jackson's recent visit to the United Kingdom was a tremendous success including the historical visit to Exeter. A television company is preparing to produce a documentary that will recount the events of Michael's Exeter and London visit. There is no current date for the airing of the show, as soon as we have more details we will let you guys know! PUES PARECE SER QUE UNA COMPAÑIA DE TELEVISION INGLESA, TIENE INTENCION DE EMITIR , EN FORMA DE DOCUMENTAL LA VISITA DE MJ A LONDRES Y TODO LO QUE ALLI SUCEDIO... QUE NO FUE POCO.