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Rumrpo"sacadodel mjcafe" nuevo singel 'What does the future hold' estreando ho

Rumrpo"sacadodel mjcafe" nuevo singel 'What does the future hold' estreando ho


have you heard MJs new single

have you heard MJs new single 'What does the future hold' ?
it is fantabulously excillient , it was only released this morning.
im off to buy ten copies.
it is fantabulously excillient , it was only released this morning.
im off to buy ten copies.
He estado buscando y aqui esta el LINK directo al mensaje q ha posteado un usuario en el foro MJCafe, en principio no tiene ninguna credibilidad, no cita fuentes ni da ningun detalle especifico.

Acabo de ver el post de aransay (3:30 de la madrugada) y un poco mas y me da un ataque con este post.
