I have search 4500 pages of mjhideout.
You know the topic ?
The import multimedia session, have get down to 60% of Michael old files.
The year 2004 and before, the Multimedia Session of mjhideout, are evry special and with old fans like me. Of the time many fans like me, they have get out of the forum [and i know this very well], the situations to Multimedia Session here and to many forums of Michael, its very slow very down. That happen because, the forums, they have make us to be out of these. I'm not only me angry. They are sooo many old fans.. i know this.
That why the fans, they don't find anymore really rare stuffs and the badest, is not to forums for the time.
Wait and you all the young much more fans, you will see, what you have done with your hands. You make to become, the end of forums. Sure, its idiot to hear someone that but, will happen.. its and to my new dream that i have see some days now.
Who's will make bad to forums ?.. Much more, the young girls.
I have proof and for this but now, is not the time for any topic of the follows here up.
A little better like fans, they are the young boys. But, the girls, they are like devils.
I will not stop to tell the truths. Its ok, i'm wait ones day and for my own remove.
This is one nothing for me, for my powers.
MJ KOP - CTE 777
Have a nice day ladys and gentleman: :acallar:
You know the topic ?
The import multimedia session, have get down to 60% of Michael old files.
The year 2004 and before, the Multimedia Session of mjhideout, are evry special and with old fans like me. Of the time many fans like me, they have get out of the forum [and i know this very well], the situations to Multimedia Session here and to many forums of Michael, its very slow very down. That happen because, the forums, they have make us to be out of these. I'm not only me angry. They are sooo many old fans.. i know this.
That why the fans, they don't find anymore really rare stuffs and the badest, is not to forums for the time.
Wait and you all the young much more fans, you will see, what you have done with your hands. You make to become, the end of forums. Sure, its idiot to hear someone that but, will happen.. its and to my new dream that i have see some days now.
Who's will make bad to forums ?.. Much more, the young girls.
I have proof and for this but now, is not the time for any topic of the follows here up.
A little better like fans, they are the young boys. But, the girls, they are like devils.
I will not stop to tell the truths. Its ok, i'm wait ones day and for my own remove.
This is one nothing for me, for my powers.
MJ KOP - CTE 777
Have a nice day ladys and gentleman: :acallar: