Background: Steve Porcaro was a studio musician and a member of the group Toto. One day his little daughter came home from school upset about a fight she'd had with some of her playmates. "Why do they do that?" she asked. "It's just human nature," her father replied. He realized that phrase might make a good title for a song....So he went into Toto's recording studio and made up a melody, which he put onto a tape cassette, singing nonsense syllables and occasionally throwing in the phrase, "It's just human nature." Then he left the cassette lying around and forgot about it.
The Surprise: About this time, Quincy Jones was looking for songs to use on Michael Jackson's new album, "Thriller." He asked David Paitch, also a member of Toto and one of the most respected songwriters in the music business to submit material for Jackson. Paitch went into Toto's studio, picked up a used cassette, and recorded three songs. Then he sent the cassette to Quincy Jones. Jones didn't feel any of Paitch's tunes were right for "Thriller"...but just before he turned off the tape recorder, he realized there was an extra song on the cassette. Steve Porcaro's scratch vocal of "Human Nature." It turned out that without realizing it, Paitch picked up the tape with Porcaro's song on it. Jones decided "Human Nature" was perfect for Jackson. Porcaro, who had no idea anyone had the tape, was astonished.
The Hit: All the song needed now was lyrics. Jones contacted songwriter John Bettis, who wrote the words in two days. Not only was "Human Nature" included on "Thriller," the biggest selling album in history, it was also released as a single. It reached #7 on Billboard's charts, and sold over a million copies.
Quiero añadir, ademas, q me resulta increible q TOTO sea un grupo tan desconocido para los fans de Michael, mas aun cuando son los artifices del sonido, arreglistas, co-escritores y musicos en muchas de sus canciones... en fin, unos llevan la fama, otros cardan la lana...