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transcripcion de la entrevista de Steve Harvey y Randall Pinkston de la CBS

Comedian Steve Harvey is a close friend to Michael Jackson. He spoke to CBS News´ Randall Pinkston about the charges against the pop star, and he has some interesting observations about Jackson’s behavior.

Commentator: While Michael Jackson has been keep a low profile since his arrest on child molestation charges last week, many of his Hollywood friends have been speaking out in his defense. CBS News correspondent, Randall Pinkston, sat down with on of the supporters, comedian Steve Harvey, who recently served as the Master of Ceremonies at Jackson’s latest birthday bash. Harvey believes that Jackson will fight the molestation charges this time around, rather than settle out of court like he did a decade ago with a reported 20 million dollar payout.

Harvey: I’m a friend of Michael’s you know. We talk outside of our business, you know. And so I support him as a friend, you know. I personally don’t think that Michael is guilty of any . . . I don’t think it is in him to harm a child. I really, really don’t. But you have to understand, he comes from a different place. This guy has been famous since he was 8. When he tells you something in honesty, you know, it may sound weird to you, but it’s coming from an honest place. When he tells you that he sleeps with little kids, he tucks them into bed, he reads them a story, well, other men that’s 45 who would say I sleep with some little boys, that don’t come out real good. And for Mike’s sake, it didn’t come out real good. .

Pinkston: You think he shouldn’t have said it, huh . .

Harvey: Well, I wouldn’t have. But he is that honest of a guy. But if he were a true pedophile, would he have given out that information – No, because he knew that would be damaging and coming back to be incriminating.

Pinkston: Have you ever seen him around children, interacting with children?

Harvey: Yeah, I’ve seen him with is kids. I’ve been on video shoots with him and stuff . . His trailer’s not. You know my trailer looks different from Michael’s trailer. First, I’m 46 and Michael’s 45. I got no 12 year-old buddies. I got none. You can’t . . .I don’t have 8 year-old friends. And they don’t come by the house. We don’t stay in the same bed, none of that. My trailer’s got hard wood floors, leather sofas, you know . ..

Pinkston: And pin-ups, right . . . (laughs)

Harvey: (laughs) Naked women. Stuff like that around my trailer. Cigars, you know. I have vices laying around my trailer, you know. Cigars, dominoes, things like that. Michael’s trailer got, you know, pictures of Mickey Mouse on a train. His trailer is red with leather seats in it and you can sit in the big giant cookie chair. Stuff like that. I don’t have that. Michael’s kids come in the trailer and they play and he loves them. And you can tell when a child is being abused by someone. But their love for Michael is a huge exchange and

Pinkston: Do you think Michael will be willing to talk to you about this matter?

Harvey: Yeah. I already got a call from his management. I mean Michael is very innocent, but on this one right here, he’s going to fight.

Pinkston: The question that people raise is: Well, why would he spend $20 million if he was innocent?

Harvey: To make something go away. You looking at a guy, man, whose life ain’t built to take pressure. This cat never . . . Michael never grew up on the street. He’s not me. I’m not paying you nothing. I’m not giving you no money. You can get . . I’m not giving you $2,500 to make nothing go away. We go to court, man, and we can be in there til they shut the court down. But on this one, Michael’s not paying $20 million. He is going to fight. And in this country, it is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty.

Pinkston: Would you suggest that maybe Michael should think about shutting down Neverland or at least restricting access.

Harvey: Once again, You’re talking to me. Ain’t nobody’s kids coming out to my house. Not after the first time. Nobody coming out here. Neverland is closed. You can call it Never Again, as far as I’m concerned. I’ll just change the name to Never Again ‘cause there ain’t nobody’s kids coming out here to my house. I’ll shut it down. Matter of fact, I’ll put a sign on the front gate saying I don’t even like kids. That’s me. But Michael, again, is this loving guy. He brings kids in. He would be more secretive had he done something. They have nothing on this man - - -AGAIN.

Source: CBSNEWS.com/MJJF

Special Thanks to BNSilly2 for the Transcript
Este tio me calló( o cayó no se como se escribe) de pu.. madre en la fiesta del 45 aniversario y en la entrevista que le hicieron antes de todo esto ya decia maravillas de Michael, asi que no me sorprende, al contrario, pienso que es energia positiva y cuanta mas positividad le mandemos a Michael en estos momentos mejor.
Genial los komentarios de este hombre; relatan la idea exakta de komo he pensado ke es Mike a través de todos estos años ke le siguo: un niño grande al ke le gusta rodearse de cachivaches y gadgets-chikilladas para los sensatos adultos:léase kon mucho Rintintín: el perro de la tele :p .

Una persona ke sabe epatar por tanto kon los chavales(pero, ay! esto se paga) de manera inmejorable y kon su emotiva inocencia kon la ke deklara sin tapujos ke duerme kon niñ@s-¿por ké lo iba a okultar si efektivamente no tiene nada ke okultar?; un pedófilo lo haría de tapadillo y kon total diskrekción -pero kerido Mike en este mundo lleno de adultos necios e ignorantes, tu entrañable honestidad no tiene kabida. Sí, la puta realidad-komo dicen-siempre te pega una hostia para rekodarte ke no puedes eskapar a sus kadenas de ninguna de las maneras a pesar de ke valientes komo tú lo han intentado y ya vés los resultados, ¡ke triste!:(