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Transcripción: entrevista a BRAFMAN, abogado de MJ.(Añadida Traduccion)

Transcripción: entrevista a BRAFMAN, abogado de MJ

El nuevo abogado de Michael (junto con Geragos) fue entrevistado el pasado día 21 en la CNN. Esta es la transcripción:


Interview With Michael Jackson's Attorney

Aired January 21, 2004 - 20:00 ET


PAULA ZAHN, CNN ANCHOR: Good evening. Thanks so much for joining us tonight. I'm Paul Zahn.
The world, the news, the names, the faces, and where we go from here on this Wednesday, January 21, 2004.


ZAHN (voice-over): Tonight, my talk with White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card on the State of the Union, Iraq, and WMDs, and the reelection threat posed by the Democrats.

Plus, in an exclusive interview, I'll be talking with Michael Jackson's new defense attorney, Benjamin Brafman.


So, what was Michael Jackson's new attorney thinking when the singer jumped on the top of his SUV and blew kisses to the crowd following his arraignment. That's just one of the questions we have for Benjamin Brafman who is here for an exclusive interview.

He is under a gag order, so he may have to answer some questions quite gingerly, but he is free to talk about dealing with celebrities in court. And that's where we begin tonight. Welcome, good to see you.


ZAHN: Let's talk a little bit about strategies that you would use in defending Martha Stewart, Kobe Bryant, Michael Jackson. There clearly is a different vernacular when you have a celebrity client.

BRAFMAN: They really is. Celebrity clients are unlike any other clients, because they are generally very powerful individuals who are used to doing things their own way. And they are usually are in control or have a dozen people around them who are exercising control.

When you inject them into the criminal justice system, as a criminal defense lawyer, you need to seize control suddenly it's a new experience for them and sometimes depending on the personality that you're dealing with, a difficult job to have them understand the process.

ZAHN: Well, you also alienate a lot of people in the process too, as you try to seize control. Are you having that problem right now in the Michael Jackson case?

BRAFMAN: Not at all. To be perfectly honest with you, everyone around Michael Jackson has been terrific, including Michael. I think they recognize that I'm good at what I do. I'm going to try to do a very good job along with Mark Geragos. We have had not one minute of difficulty or divisiveness.

ZAHN: When you defended Sean "Puffy: Combs, you made a decision to put him on the stand. From when you know these other case we just brought out, Martha Stewart, Kobe Bryant, Scott Peterson, would you do that to them?

BRAFMAN: I think each case has to be viewed individually and is fact specific. What the charges are, who the client is, whether they can handle it and what they are going to say. If a client like "Puffy," who was not guilty, can get up on the witness stand and explain what happened and is a very impressive, articulate man as he is, it was a very easy call. "Puffy" wanted to testify from the moment I met him. I think he won the trial.

ZAHN: Martha Stewart, would you put her on the stand?

BRAFMAN: Depends.

ZAHN: What would concern you about putting her out there? BRAFMAN: Well, the first thing that concerns me, she is charged with lying. So, obviously she spoke to the government once, they didn't believe her. A lot depends on what evidence they have that she wasn't telling the truth then and can they show that she's not going to be telling the truth again.

Martha Stewart, however, is such a powerful, important lady and such a success story that I think the pressure is going to be to put her on the stand because I think jurors are going to expect her to explain herself.

ZAHN: Now, I don't know if you know as little as Jeffrey Toobin does about female's handbags, but as an attorney representing her, would you happily have her walk into the courtroom with a multithousand, some said 6 to $12,000 bag in the courtroom. Would that be an arrogant gesture as far as you would be concerned?

BRAFMAN: I'll tell you the truth, given who Martha Stewart is and how much money people think she has, and how successful she is, I don't think you can dress down Martha Stewart. You can't take her to Kmart and tell her to pick out a cheap outfit so that she won't embarrass any of the jurors. This is Martha Stewart.

ZAHN: She can afford it.

BRAFMAN: To be honest with you, until the press labeled it as a $6,000 handbag, it could have been an $800 handbag.

ZAHN: Most guys wouldn't know the difference.

BRAFMAN: That's true.

ZAHN: Women who covet them would. Let's move on.

BRAFMAN: Women who covet them aren't going to be on that jury.

ZAHN: No, that is true.

Let's move on to the circus atmosphere we saw unfold on Friday. Is that something you regretted that your client Michael Jackson, after the arraignment, got up on that SUV and basically performed to his fans?

BRAFMAN: I don't think that's what happened. And I think that's what everyone thinks happened. I was there.

ZAHN: What happened?

BRAFMAN: I think what Michael Jackson saw is what we saw. The fans were pushing forward so severely, that it was becoming a dangerous situation. And what these people wanted, some traveled from Japan, from Germany, from Poland, they slept on the streets since 4:00 in the morning, they wanted to see Michael Jackson and the fences were beginning to fall down.

I mean, all of the correspondents were moving away, because we thought this was going to be like a South American soccer match where suddenly people were being trampled.

Michael Jackson, getting up on the car did two things, one, he showed some love and respect for people who flew thousands of miles away. Two, the moment he got up on the car, the people backed away and the crisis was resolved. He got in the car and pulled away. It's not going to have an impact on the outcome of the trial.

I will also tell you this was not a sign of disrespect by Michael Jackson. He's just not made that way. He's a very, very courteous, sweet, person who just doesn't think in a venal or corrupt way.

ZAHN: But that's what people thought. They thought it was sheer arrogance on his part. That he was tweaking the judge. A judge who was mad he showed up late, by the way, in court that day.

BRAFMAN: Well, I will also tell you that Michael being late that day had nothing to do with Michael Jackson who was ready to come to court since 5:00 in the morning. Moving Michael Jackson is like moving the president of the United States. It's crazy. It's absolutely nuts. He's got nothing to do with it.

There are a hundred people involved and they blew it. It will never happen again. There is nothing that Michael Jackson wanted to do to show disrespect. This is a terrific judge, he's a fair man. He ruled in Michael's favor in a number of important issues. Michael Jackson just is not a disrespectful person.

ZAHN: Let's come back to the final question of the scene you described and how spontaneously you say it unfolded. We actually have a shot of Mark Geragos, the co-lead counsel, in the crowd, standing very close to him by that SUV.

It has been reported that he actually asked Jackson to get down off the SUV. Was the defense team in control? And is that true.

BRAFMAN: We were both asking him to get down, because we were concerned that this area was becoming unsafe. This wasn't me being concerned, this was going to affect the trial or how it's going to be perceived.

I'm telling you, I was in the middle of that. It was a frightening moment. There were thousands of people pushing forward. The temporary fencing that had been erected by the local police was giving way. I think you can ask Jeffrey Toobin and Dan Abrams and anyone else who was in the circle there. There was only a couple of seconds before all hell was going to break loose and people were going to be completely out of control.

I wanted him down, yes, but what was going through my mind was, let's get Michael out of here, because this is becoming dangerous. To be perfectly honest with you, I wanted to get out of there, too.

ZAHN: A lot of speculation about the role that the Nation of Islam is playing in this case. Can you characterize for us the extent of its involvement, not only in this case, but in Michael Jackson's life?

BRAFMAN: I don't know what role, if any, they have in Michael Jackson's life, if they have one, I have not been exposed to it. They are involved with security. And to be honest with you, I'm not a fan of the Nation of Islam, my kids and grandchildren live in Israel. I'm a proud Jew. And I know what their policy has been.

But I will tell you, in all due respect, if they were not there that morning, and if they were not there to supplement the security of the local police, we could have had a real tragedy on our hands. Because I was watching young kids about to be trampled and it was only the Nation of Islam security people that were able to hold people back until Michael left the scene.

I don't know what is going on in terms of his personal life. It's really known of my business. I will tell you, they treated me with extraordinary courtesy and respect. They have not tried to interfere at all in terms of any legal decision. Mark Geragos and I are completely in control of that. So, to the extent that they are working with Michael in his personal life, that's really none of my business.

ZAHN: So you say, there's absolutely no evidence of their being involved in any maneuvering, legal maneuvering at all, at least vis-a- vis your involvement.

BRAFMAN: Legal maneuvering, none whatsoever. His personal life, do they have a presence, are they dealing with them? Sure. But that's really -- and that's not why I was retained, I was brought out there, as I said, to someone very recently, I was brought out there to defend Michael Jackson, not to convert Michael Jackson.

So, to the extent that they are providing security and they are doing a good just, that's fine. If they become a disruptive influence in any way, I would make my opinion known about that and I think my opinion counts.

ZAHN: Your reputation is very well known as an attorney who has gotten a lot of his clients out of very sticky situation. Are you allowed to tell us tonight, in the general sense, what you see as your biggest challenge in defending Michael Jackson now as your case moves forward?

BRAFMAN: I'm not allowed to comment on the facts. I think the biggest challenge I have in this case, or any other case that becomes a media circus is not to lose my focus. My focus is not the case, not the atmosphere, not the media spin on what is going on.

I had an observation during the "Puff Daddy" case one day, when I said to someone in passing, look, if we have a bad press day tomorrow but at the end of the day we win, no one is going to remember the bad press day. If have you a good press day, but because of that good press day you compromised your strategy or you lost focus, then if you lose the case no one is going to remember the good press day.

So, my job is not to get a good press day. My job is to keep my focus. Mark and I are working very well together on this. And we think at the end of the day if we do our job it will have a good outcome. But I'm not prepared or permitted -- although prepared not permitted to comment on the facts.

ZAHN: Just a final thought of all the manipulation that is involved with this information. First of all, CNN is among a number of news organizations try to get the affidavit of the search of the house unsealed so we have a better understanding of what it was, these prosecutors were looking for.

Characterize for us how accurate some of the stories surrounding that affidavit been?

BRAFMAN: Well...

ZAHN: Have readers and television viewers have an accurate picture of what this case is about?

BRAFMAN: I don't think so. It never is completely accurate picture to the outside world. Whenever you're in a case, whether it's Puff Daddy or Martha Stewart or Jayson Williams or Kobe Bryant or Scott Peterson or Michael Jackson. When you're in the courtroom, sometimes you are stunned when you understand what the real facts are, when you've been reading about what the facts are supposed to be for a long time. And I think that's one of the reasons the judge in his wisdom, I think he was right on the money, and he's a very good judge.

I think the judge ruled that the affidavit stays sealed. I think this case should be decided in the courtroom and not on what someone said three months ago in order to obtain a search warrant where the standards are a lot different. So, I think if we try this case in the courtroom and you have a very strict judge who is not going to permit cameras in the courtroom, lowers the temperature, lessens the circus atmosphere, I think if we get a fair trial that's all Michael Jackson wants is a day in court.

ZAHN: Do you think you have a fair minded judge?

I mean, there were some things done in the courtroom on Friday that some people perceived as hurting you. They didn't allow you to participate in the arraignment. By the same token he was pretty tough on the prosecution that day too wasn't he.

BRAFMAN: This is a terrific judge. My papers were filed for permission to proceed. The judge did not have all of them immediately in front of them. When he got them he allowed me to participate. He listened to both sides. He was fair, I think he was correct, and he has a terrific judicial temperament. And he is a no-nonsense judge that has a great reputation. And that's what I like on the courtroom.

ZAHN: In a scale to 10 of all celebrities representative in terms of difficulty this upcoming case, Michael Jackson, where would you put it?

BRAFMAN: I think Michael Jackson is in a league of his own as a celebrity. He is a world super star. And when you are a world super star that carries with it a little bit more responsibility and perhaps difficulty, but not as a result of the case. As a result of the exposure.

ZAHN: So would that be a 12 -- on a one to 10 scale.

BRAFMAN: I like Michael Jackson and I'm going to do my best to help him.

ZAHN: Thank you for your time tonight.
Yo lei y no me fije si debajo habia una traduccion :p si sabia iba traduciendo mientras leia, ahora tengo doble trabajo:buaaah: :p

Bueno, con gusto empiezo a traducir y voy poniendo de a pedacitos para que bajan leyendo porque es una entrevista que vale la pena ser leia..la verdad es que BRAFMAN no se equivoco en UNA PALABRA de lo que dijo :urule: :urule: :urule: :urule:
Michael ha elejido bien :)
Ya lo traduzco...
**NOTA: hay varias partes que habla del caso de Martha Stuart que no traduzco proqeu no tiene mucho que ver con lo de Micahel y creo es mas improtante lo referenta a nuestro :rey: pero si alguien luego quiere traducirlo...Hay una partecita que no entiendo no las palabras sino de que habla :p es sobre una casa o algo asi pero no se de que se trata el tema asi que si alguien lo quere traducir...Sorry si hay muchos errores de tipeo, lo hice bastante rapido porque tengo que irme ;)


Entrevista con el abogado de Michael Jackson

Transmitida el 21 de enero de, 2004 - 20:00 ET

Asi que, que penso el nuevo abogado de Michael Jackson cuando el cantante salto al techo de su SUV y tiro besos al publico?. Esa es una de las preguntas que tendremos para Benjamin Brafman que esta aqui para una entrevista exclusiva.

El tendra que responder algunas de las preguntas en forma generalizada porque no puede hablar del caso en detalle, pero es libre de hablar acerca de lidiar con celebridades en la corte. Y con eso comenzaremos esta noche. Bienvenido, es bueno verte.



ZAHN: Bueno, tu tambien has alienado a muchas personas en el proceso, y trataste de tomar control. Estas teniendo problemas ahora mismo en el caso de Michael Jackson?

BRAFMAN: Para nada. Para ser prefectamente honesto contigo, todos alrededor de Michael Jackson han sido increibles, incluido Michael. Creo que reconocen que soy bueno en lo que hago. Voy a tratar de hacer un muy buen trabajo junto con Mark Geragos. No hemos tenido ni un minuto de deficultades o discrepancias.

ZAHN:Movamonos a la atmosfera circense del ultimo viernes. Es algo que lamentas? , que tu cliente Michael Jackson, luego de su salida, subiera en el techo de la SUV y basicamente actuara para sus fans?

BRAFMAN: No creo que eso fue lo que sucedio. Y creo que eso es lo que todos creen que paso. Yo estaba alli.

ZAHN: Que sucedio?

BRAFMAN: Creo que Michael Jackson vio lo que nosotros vimos. Los fans estaban empujandomuy fuerte, eso se estaba convirtiendo en una situacion peligrosa. Y lo que esta gente queria, algunos vinieron de Japon, de Alemania, de Polinia, ellos durmieron en la calle desde las 4:00 de la mañana, ellos queria ver a Michael Jackson y las ballas estaban doblandose para caerse.

Es decir, todos los que estaban alli se estaban alejando porque pensamos que iba a ser como un partido de futbol de sud america donde de repente la gente es aplastada.

El que Michael Jackson se subiera al auto logro 2 cosas, una es que mostro amor y respeto a la gente que volo miles de millas para verlo. Segundo, en el momento en que se subio al auto, la gente se alejo de las ballas y la crisis fue resuelta. Se subio al auto y se alejo. Esto no tendra un impacto en el resultado del juicio.

Tambien te dire que no fue una señal de falta de respeto de parte de Michael Jackson. El no es ese tip de personas. El es muy muy cortes, dulce, una persona que no piensa en una manera corrupta.

ZAHN: Pero eso es lo que la gente penso. Ellos pensaron que fue un poco arrogante de su parte. Que el estaba mofando al juez. Un juez que por cierto se enojo porque llego tarde a la corte.

BRAFMAN: Bueno, tambien te dire que el hecho de que Michael llegara tarde ese dia no tiene nada que ver con Michael Jackson quien estaba listo para ir a la corte desde las 5 de la mañana. Movilizar a Michael Jackson es como movilizar al presidente de los Estados Unidos. Es una locura. Absolutametne una locura. El no tiene nada que ver son llegar tarde.

Hubo cientos de personas involucradas y lo estropearon. No sucedera de nuevo nunca. No hay nada que Michael Jackson quisiera hacer que mostrara falta de respeto. Esta es un juez increible, un hombre justo. EL fallo a favor de Michael en varios temas importantes. Michael Jackson no es una persona irrespetuosa.

ZAHN: Volvamos al final de la escena que describiste y a cuan espontaneamente dices que se desarrollo. Nosotros de hecho tenemos una imagen de Mark Geragos en el publico, parado muy cerca de el en la SUV.

Se reporto que el le pidio a Michael Jackson que se bajara de la SUV. Estaba el equipo de la defensa en control?Y es verdad eso?

BRAFMAN: Ambos estabamos pidiendole que se bajara, porque estabamos preocupados que el area estaba tornandose insegura. Eso no fue porque yo estaba preocupado como afectaria el juicio o como seria percivido.

Te lo digo, yo estaba en el medio de todo eso. Fue un momento aterrador. Habian miles de personas empujando. El ballado temporario que fue levantado por la policia local se estaba venciendo. Creo que puedes preguntar a Jeffrey Toobin y Dan Abrams y a cualquiera que estaba en el circulo. Faltaron pocos segundos para que se destara un infierno y la gente hubiese estado completametne fuera de control.

Queria que se bajara, si, pero lo que corria por mi mente era, saquemos a Michael de aqui, porque estose esta tormando peligroso. Para ser perfectamente honesto contigo, yo tambien queria irme de alli.

ZAHN: Existe mucha especulacion acerca del role que la Nacion del Islam tiene en este caso. Puedes informarnos acerca de cuanto estan involucrados, no solo en este caso, sino en la vida de Michael Jackson?

BRAFMAN: Yo no se que rol tienen, si es que tienen alguno, en la vida de Michael Jackson, no he sido expuesto a eso. Ellos estan involucrados en la seguridad. Y para ser honesto contigo, no soy un fan de la nacion del Islam, mis hijos y nietos viven en Israel. Soy un judio orgulloso. Y se cual ha sido su politica.

Pero te dire que con todo respeto, que si ellos no hubiesen estado alli esa mañana , y si no hubiesen estado alli para complementar la seguridad de la policia local podriamos haber tenido una verdadera tragedia en nuestras manos. Porque yo estaba viendo a chicos jovenes empujando y fue solo la seguridad de la Nacion del Islam la que fue capaz de contener a las personas hasta que Michael se retiro del lugar.

No se lo que sucede en terminos de su vida personal. No es de mi incumbencia Te dire que ellos me trataron con extraordinaria cortesia y respeto. No han tratado de interferir en ninguna decision legal. Mark Geragos y yo estamos en completo control de eso. Asi que, si ellos estan trabajando con Michael en su vida personal no es de mi incumbencia.

ZAHN: Asi que dices que no hay ninguna evidencia de que ellos estan involucrados en alguna maniobra, maniobra legal para nada?

BRAFMAN: Maniobra legal, en ninguna, para nada. En su vida personal, tienen cierta prescencia, estan tratando con ellos? Seguro. Pero yo fui traido para defender a Michael Jackson, no para convertir a Michael Jackson.

Asi que , hasta el punto de que ellos estan proveyendo de la seguridad y estan haciendo un buen trabajo, eso esta bien si se convierten en una influencia destructiva en alguna forma yo hare saber mi opinion hacerca de ello y creo que mi opinion cuenta.

ZAHN: Tu reputacion es muy bien conocida como un abogado que ha sacado a sus clientes de situaciones realmente comprometidas. Tienes permitido decirnos esta noche, en el sentido general, cual es tu reto mas grande al defender a Michael Jackson ahora mientras el caso sigue adelante?

BRAFMAN: No tengo permitido comentar los hechos concretos. Creo que el reto mas grande que tengo en este caso o cualquier otro casi que se convierte en un circo de prensa es el de no perder mi foco . Mi foco no es el caso, no es la atmosfera, no es la opinion de la prensa de lo que esta sucediendo.

Me di cuenta de algo un dia en el caso de "Puff Daddy"cuando le dije a alguien, mira, si tenemos un mal dia con la prensa mañana pero al final del dia ganamos, nadie recordara que tuviste un mal dia con la prensa. Si tienes un buen dia con la prensa pero a causa de eso comprometes tu estrategia o pierdes el foco y luego a consecuencia de eso pierdes el caso, nadie recordara que tuviste un buen dia con la prensa.

Asi que, mi trabajo en no tener un buen dia con la prensa. Mi trabajo es mantener mi enfoque. Mark y yo estamos trabajando muy bien juntos en esto. Y creemos que al final del dia , si hacemos nuestro trabajo, tendremos un buen resultado. Pero no estoy preparado o no tengo permitido -- aunque si preparado pero no permitido, para comentar sobre los hechos puntuales.

ZAHN: Crees que tienen a un juez justo?

Digo,, Hubo cosas que sucedieron en la corte el viernes que algunos percibieron los lastimaria. No te permitieron participar de la exposicion. Al mismo tiempo el fue muy duro con la fiscalia tambien ese dia, no es asi?.

BRAFMAN: Este es un juez fantastico. Mis papeles de permiso para ejercier alli estaban completados. El juez no los tenia a todos en frente de el. Cuando los tubo, me premitio participar. El escucho a ambos lados. Fue justo, creo que fue correcto, tiene un temperamento judicial fantastico. Y es un juez de bajo perfil que tiene una gran reputacion. Y eso es lo que me gusta en un salon de la corte.

ZAHN: En una escala de 10 en dificultad de todas las celebridades a ser representadas, este caso, del de , Michael Jackson, donde lo pondrias?

BRAFMAN: Creo que Michael Jackson como celebridad esta en una liga aparte. El es una super estrella mundial. Y cuando tienes a una super estrella mundial eso biene con un poco mas de responsabilidad y tal vez dificultad, pero, pero no como resultado del caso. Como resultado de la exposicion.

ZAHN: Asi que seria un 12 -- en una escala del uno al 10.

BRAFMAN: Me agrada Michael Jackson y voy a dar lo mejor de mi para ayudarlo.

ZAHN: Gracias por tu tiempo esta noche.
Última edición:
Re: Transcripción: entrevista a BRAFMAN, abogado de MJ

Escrito originalmente por GLOVED_ONE

ZAHN: A lot of speculation about the role that the Nation of Islam is playing in this case. Can you characterize for us the extent of its involvement, not only in this case, but in Michael Jackson's life?

BRAFMAN: I don't know what role, if any, they have in Michael Jackson's life, if they have one, I have not been exposed to it. They are involved with security. And to be honest with you, I'm not a fan of the Nation of Islam, my kids and grandchildren live in Israel. I'm a proud Jew. And I know what their policy has been.

But I will tell you, in all due respect, if they were not there that morning, and if they were not there to supplement the security of the local police, we could have had a real tragedy on our hands. Because I was watching young kids about to be trampled and it was only the Nation of Islam security people that were able to hold people back until Michael left the scene.

I don't know what is going on in terms of his personal life. It's really known of my business. I will tell you, they treated me with extraordinary courtesy and respect. They have not tried to interfere at all in terms of any legal decision. Mark Geragos and I are completely in control of that. So, to the extent that they are working with Michael in his personal life, that's really none of my business.


A buen entendedor, pocas palabras... Creo que la postura de Brafman sobre la NOI es clara, pero creo q tb es importante, el penultimo parrafo q he posteado. Ahí radica para mi la importancia de la NOI y por lo que no me importa q estén.

Por otro lado, me encanta Brafman. Confio cada vez mas en MJ Team.
Alba ,Vane alguno de los que estubieran alli....tan patética fué la situación como cuenta este hombre?,que si empujando hacia delante y demás?,es más es que afirma que si la Noi no hubiera estado allí hubiera sido una tragedia.....tan malo fue el momento??:(
No creo que el abogado de Michael quisiera decir qe los fans de Michael hubiesen propiciado un mal momento para el (Michael esta acostumbrado a esa pasion) pero para el fue aterrador porque justamente no esperaba algo asi ;)
Bizi lo he leido,pero pensé que fué al final de todo cuando MJ se iba,no como cuenta Brafman. Las imágenes que vimos solo hacen referencia al final .

De todas formas preguntaba más que nada porque creo que todos hemos vivido manifestaciones y en algún momento hemos tenido que salir corriendo de algún lugar porque los antidisturbios se ponen en plan bestia y aunque por lo que los fans contaron que la actuación de la policía fué paupérrima y exagerada nunca hubiera pensado que se asemejara tanto a una manifa radical....:(
Última edición:
yo pienso que lo que el abogado de michael dijo no es cierto lo de los fans, pero vamos sabemos que es su deber defender a michael y excusarlo de algo que alla echo mal por el bien de el mismo, lo del baelecito de la suv no estaba planeado, pero se hizo y si no estaba planeado, los abogados tienen que darle la vuelta a la tortilla y decir que era una emergencia y todas esas cosas, pero esta bien, ese es su trabajo y ojala michael no vuelva a llagar tarde por el bien de el, porque asi los abogados no saben que decir ante el juez por la tardanza y quedan mal parados los abogados y michael jackson......
Mil gracias por la traducciòn Kishaya, sin duda se ve un hombre muy capaz e inteligente, Michael saldrà con la cabeza en alto de esto, como lo ha demostrado ;) .
Escrito originalmente por Denévola
Entonces Geragos ya no es el abogado?

Por que a dejado el caso, se dijo que llevava otro no?

denévola no leiste la entrevista???:confused:

benjamin brafman esta trabajando en el caso de michael JUNTO con mark geragos ;)

y sinceramente creo que hacen un equipo espectacular.....esta entrevista me da mas esperanzas de que todo saldra bien...espero que todo siga el mismo curso y que estos dos "super abogados" sigan trabajando en tal armonia....:)
Si que la he leio Kary ;)

Ah entonces trabajan juntos, ok es que alguna vez se dijo que Geragos dejaba el caso aquí en el foro creo.

De todas formas gracias por aclararmelo :muac: