Ultimate Rally staff,
I cannot but contact you and express my deep concern about the advertisement that Ultimate Ralley has placed in the internet search engine Google. When searching "michael jackson", the ad shows:
Breaking News:
Michael Jackson died in Hollywood
in a car accident today. Source: UR
As you may comprehend, this is not funny at all. As a graphic designer and freelance advertiser myself, I find both your game and your website look wonderful, and I'm pretty sure you have the capability and resources to provide your product with a pretty good promotion without 'surprises' like this.
Let alone the fact that you are using a registered trademark such as the name "Michael Jackson" to promote your product, you are feeling free to use the persona of Michael Jackson not as a person, or a citizen just as you are, but as a plain simple tool for your own hype and making money. I'm pretty sure many Michael Jackson fans, who are also computer games fans, will definitely not purchase your game after this.
Therefore, I respectfully ask you to please stop using this kind of dirty advertising. I'm sure you can do it much better without hurting anybody. The quality of your product should be the only thing grabbing the people's attention.
Thank you very much,
White Hawk, webmaster