Please Read The Following Announcement!
Please hurry! This poll has a very short time line.
The deadline has been extended to April 8 (noon EST).
March 30, 2003
MJ UNITY needs the assistance of each and every fan throughout the
world. We need your participation in a very important poll. In order
to evaluate what is happening in world - wide Michael Jackson album
sales, we need participation from fans from all over the world. It is
extremely important that this survey be completed quickly and that it
reflects a large cross section of fans from around the world.
After the world - wide airing of Martin Bashir's "Living With Michael
Jackson" special, the outcry of indignation from fans around the world
was deafening. But, ironically, news reports began to surface that
Michael Jackson albums were actually enjoying a resurgence of
Current press reports Sony Music, under new leadership, is undergoing
a drastic restructuring with hundreds of employees being fired. Also,
it has been noted that Sony Music has recently reduced many of it's
artists CD's to sales prices. Even the site now
features a link to the Sony Music store where ALL of Michael's CD's
have been reduced to a sale price.
MJ Unity is conducting a study of this trend world - wide, and this is
where we need your help. We thought that you might benefit from
knowing one of major reasons why we are conducting this important
poll. We have had reports that Sony music is deliberately not
restocking Michael's CD's in the record stores, causing a decline in
his sales!! For this reason MJ Unity needs the fans from around the
world to investigate this situation and report your findings. This is
why the poll is so important and why we need your help to gather
Michael Jackson fans are notorious for automatically checking out the
record sections of stores to note how many of each MJ album they have,
how they are presented and so forth. So who better to help us conduct
this study than fans?
Please recall back to what you observed prior to the Bashir interview.
We need you to revisit the stores you can remember and answer the
following questions. This information will be compiled into an
informal study of sales trends throughout the world.
1. What stores did you visit prior to the Bashir interview?
2. What can you recall about the Michael Jackson albums you saw
1. What albums?
2. About how many?
3. How were they arranged?
3. What stores did you revisit?
1. Any over-all differences in presentation of Michael Jackson
2. Are there any differences in album selection?
3. What albums are now available?
4. How many of each album is available?
5. If you feel comfortable in doing so, please ask store personnel if
they have noticed any changes in sales of Michael Jackson albums.
4. Please include city, state and country you are from.
When you have completed this simple survey, please feel free to copy
and paste the above and send it to us in an email to .
Results will be presented in a report published for all fans to
Please Read The Following Announcement!
Please hurry! This poll has a very short time line.
The deadline has been extended to April 8 (noon EST).
March 30, 2003
MJ UNITY needs the assistance of each and every fan throughout the
world. We need your participation in a very important poll. In order
to evaluate what is happening in world - wide Michael Jackson album
sales, we need participation from fans from all over the world. It is
extremely important that this survey be completed quickly and that it
reflects a large cross section of fans from around the world.
After the world - wide airing of Martin Bashir's "Living With Michael
Jackson" special, the outcry of indignation from fans around the world
was deafening. But, ironically, news reports began to surface that
Michael Jackson albums were actually enjoying a resurgence of
Current press reports Sony Music, under new leadership, is undergoing
a drastic restructuring with hundreds of employees being fired. Also,
it has been noted that Sony Music has recently reduced many of it's
artists CD's to sales prices. Even the site now
features a link to the Sony Music store where ALL of Michael's CD's
have been reduced to a sale price.
MJ Unity is conducting a study of this trend world - wide, and this is
where we need your help. We thought that you might benefit from
knowing one of major reasons why we are conducting this important
poll. We have had reports that Sony music is deliberately not
restocking Michael's CD's in the record stores, causing a decline in
his sales!! For this reason MJ Unity needs the fans from around the
world to investigate this situation and report your findings. This is
why the poll is so important and why we need your help to gather
Michael Jackson fans are notorious for automatically checking out the
record sections of stores to note how many of each MJ album they have,
how they are presented and so forth. So who better to help us conduct
this study than fans?
Please recall back to what you observed prior to the Bashir interview.
We need you to revisit the stores you can remember and answer the
following questions. This information will be compiled into an
informal study of sales trends throughout the world.
1. What stores did you visit prior to the Bashir interview?
2. What can you recall about the Michael Jackson albums you saw
1. What albums?
2. About how many?
3. How were they arranged?
3. What stores did you revisit?
1. Any over-all differences in presentation of Michael Jackson
2. Are there any differences in album selection?
3. What albums are now available?
4. How many of each album is available?
5. If you feel comfortable in doing so, please ask store personnel if
they have noticed any changes in sales of Michael Jackson albums.
4. Please include city, state and country you are from.
When you have completed this simple survey, please feel free to copy
and paste the above and send it to us in an email to .
Results will be presented in a report published for all fans to