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I saw this some time ago. this is very impressive

thanx for posting it. i wish every hater could see that :(
THIS IS AMAIZING ..thank you very much for post it .. because theres too much people that does not know this .. so thank yoy very much again .. :)
Billie Jean .. thanks to you too . i really like that web page .. because its sayin ALL the true about mjj!!! .. thanks eveyone!
Thank you so much. I always thought my boss got this illness. He was one day talking to a customer about that, and he said "I don't know what's happening...just started one day, and I don't know why", and I was really surprised because I always thought he could have got the same illness, but I'm so shy to ask him about it that I'm working with him 7 years ago and I never ask about it. His hands look like the same of the picture and his face is more or less the same. What a pity.
yes I know! I've found the article just in spanish and I've used a translater 'cause I don't know spanish! I'll correct very soon the errors!