Se trata de un artículo publicado en la web de un presentador de la cadena local de Sta María:
WHY NO DEFENSE on Rebuttal?
People, fans, Press is wondering, why Attorney Mesereau or Sanger did not put in a Defense to the Rebuttal. It is a fair question.
Simple. The video taped interview of Gavin added nothing to his testimony except inconsistant testimony. He is already on record caught in his lies. And Gavin A. claims the Grand Jury court reporter made a "mistake". No young man, they don't make mistakes. They may "strike" from the record, or illegally change the record, when a corrupt judge orders them to do so. But they don't make mistakes, and if they did it would NOT be in this direction.
Furthermore, The Prosecutors have not made a case in Chief. So there is little solid evidence to support all these crap encrusted charges built on liars, son of liar-welfare- cheater-con-artist.
Simply put, you do NOT have to defend against what is NOT established. In its main DEFENSE, Mssr. Sanger, Mesereau, and Ms. Yu showed that these boys had accused falsely others before Michael Jackson, and PROFITED from doing so.
There is not a single witness against Michael Jackson who does not have an axe to grind against Michael Jackson. Remember, these former employees LOST a lawsuit against Michael Jackson, and THEY OWE M.J. over $1 million. Would you trust folks who have that much debt to wipe out, if Michael goes to jail to tell the truth. Hell no. And Michael has already settle for minor payments + $1.00 from some of them, in his mercy. Some he has not forgiven the debt they owe.
So, when a case in Chief is NOT made, because the defense has blown it away, there is simply no reason to REBUT. And finally, you can not rebut a video tape. It stands on its own, and you can see the police coaching and encouraging the boy to say what they want to hear.
Rebuttal is limited to the scope of the last points.
To call the boy and his welfare-cheat mother, would only give them a chance to lay some new lies without a change to research those lies.
Defense took the position, that their DEFENSE-in-Chief was so strong, they need not say anything more. In effect, they are claiming "We Won" there is nothing more to refute. Lies run sprints, Truth runs marathons.
BEYOND a REASONABLE DOUBT is the standard that the entire Jury must reach, to convict this Artist, Michael J. Jackson. And with only liars, welfare-cheats, and son of welfare-cheats pointing to conviction. And the "alleged victims" from 1993, Robson, Barnes, and Culkin ... all screaming "NOTHING HAPPENED", will the media [scum] stop spreading these lies. REASONABLE Doubt stands like a wall of insurmountable Mt. Everests [X 10 to the 15th power], and frankly, after sitting in court most of the 62 days of this marathon trial, I am convinced that indeed, nothing happened. I am convinced by Culkin, Barnes and Robson, who have nothing to gain, NOW, by lying, while the dysfunctional family which is accusing him have EVERYTHING to gain, if Michael is convicted... THAT the known family of Liars are indeed ... well ... LYING. And therefore a "reasonable" man, black, white, or poker-dot would conclude... NOT GUILTY on all counts.
But that is just me. Who am I, Mike Taibi, of NBC and others want to know[?]. I am just a nobody, a nobody that went to law school for 3 years, observed the criminal acts and secret manipulations of the local corrupt [in my view] politicians, and started speaking out "On Second Thought" in year of our Lord Jesus Christ, 2000.
Watch all the media report SHOCK, after demonizing Michael Jackson for 1.5 years, when the JURY comes pack and says, "NOT GUILTY". Yes, FOX, CNN, ABC, and the big C-media have National influence with their constant dronings of "accused" of this and that. But I know some of the Jury watchs my local "On SEcond Thought" TV show regularly. And so maybe, .... well we will see.
Scuttle butt among the Press
As I approached former S.B. Sheriff, Jim Thomas, now working for NBC, he mummbled something about "evidence" that they "could not bring in". Well excuse me, but it is NOT evidence if it is NOT "brought in". Rules of evidence are in place specifically to keep [lynchings] trials fair. With all due respect, to a former police officer, that means little to cop-mentalities. I only said, that if I was on the jury, I'd vote NOT GUILTY. Someone else, accused me of believing in Michael's innocence from day one. That is not true. In January and early February, I thought there was some guilt, until I saw what the witness were. Criminals. Children being taught to "act" and "scam" like their mother. And remember, THIS Tom Sneddon and THIS court has put men in prison for "molesting" their step daughters, only to have the daughters years later admit they lied because they did not like their new "step-dad". Retrial and they were out of prison. The three of them spent a aggregate of 25 years in prison on the lies of children.
Jury will not be in on Tuesday, but by Thursday they should have heard most if not all the CLOSING arguments from both sides, got their jury instructions heavily weighted by Judge Rodney S. Melville, and be ready to DELIBERATE the fate of a pop-rock idol.
And that is an issue. There is no one Michael's equal ON THE JURY. Not one rock star or rock-star wanna-be, not one black man. We are suppose to be judged by "a jury of our peers". There is NO peer of Michael on the Jury.
Yet, I believe the verdict will be NOT GUILTY, by June 7th at the latest. But I repeat myself. I said that in mid March 2005. Watch for an exceptionally STRONG closing Argument by Thomas "Hurricane" Mesereau, Jr., which will blow away all the straw [weak] so-called "evidence" of the Prosecutors.
William J. Wagner.