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[14 de febrero]: Tercera Jornada de Elección de Jurado: Noticias y Fotos

Info de parte del contacto de Gail, aka MJJDancer del MJJF, lo pongo en inglés pero lo voy traduciendo

Jurado # 1: Dice que no le agrada los medios de comunicación... MJ movió la cabeza como estando de acuerdo con ella, ella expresó que le simpatiza mucho Michael.

Jurado # 215: Dice que no puede ser imparcial con MJ por las malas entrevistas que ha visto y ocho años de vivir en el mismo vecindario.

Jurado # 6: Nunca ha estado en Neverland pero algunos de sus amigos só, dice que no confia en la prensa porque ni siquiera reportan el estado del tiempo de manera correcta. Los medios editan todo, dice que si no se tratara de MJ este caso no llamaría tanto la atención y se siente mal por Michael (jurado # 6, mujer)

Jurado # 96, mujer: sabe que la policia miente, y se siente maltratada por la policia por un asunto de una multa de transito, es traductora y dice que en su experiencia los niños nunca le han mentido pero que los padres pueden hacerlo, estuvo casada con un músic, la mayor cantidad de la prensa que ha visto con respecto a MJ ha sido negativa.

Jurado # 89, mujer: respondió de manera lenta y no dujo mucho. Mesereau le preguntó si veía las noticias actualmente y dijo que no podría mantener una mente abierte, como seguir con sus miembros de la iglesia :confused:

Jurado # 66, hombre: Dijo poder ser imparcial, ha visto pedazos de la cobertura, sarcsticamente dijo que no veía a Geraldo, dij que dependía del niño en cuanto a la pregunta de si los niños mienten. Cuando se le preguntó quien era Deepak Chopra, respondió "si le conozco, es un rapero" :)jajaja: :jajaja: ) todos en la corte incluido MJ se partieron de risa

Jurado # 8', hombre: dijo que no se interesaba por las celebridades, que vivia en un mundo diferente, que no veía televisión de entretenimiento pero su esposa sí,dijo que le intesaba el arte oeste.
Última edición:

Ya Sale! guapo!
Más sobre los jurados:

La mayor parte de las mujeres del jurado parecía que no tenían tiempo de ver la TV por estar ocupadas, pero la mayoría de ellas sentían que MJ no estaba recibiendo un trato justo por los medios.

Jurado # 150, mujer: Su amiga tuvo que ir a corte una vez... ella nunca ha ido, tiene niños y no sigue el caso por TV, cuando se le preguntó si los niños mienten, dijo que dependia del niño, dijo que necesitaría evidencia para hacer una decisión justa, trabaja con adolescentes, y tiene que reportar cuando un niño ha sido abusado.

La conducta de Michael en la corte:
Muy relajado, de momentos de recargaba en el asiento de la silla, pero siempre muy atento a los jurados.

jurado 110, hombre: Solo lee la revista People y ve Larry King de vez en cuando, cuando se le preguntó si los niños mienten dijo "depende del niño" dice que es una persona que sabe juzgar.

Jurado 180, hombre: no mira TV de entretenimiento, dijo poder ser imparcial, la Fiscalía preguntó si escuchaba la música de MJ y dijo "tenía el disco Thriller cuando estuve en el bachillerato.

Comentario colectivo de la prensa "Zonen, uno de los fiscales es un lobo en roba de cordero" Sneddon estuvo en la corte hoy.

Jurado 188, hombre: le gusta cantar y cuando se le preguntó que tipo de música respondió "lo que sienta en el momento" Melville ´dijo en ese momento "mejor lo dejamos por hoy"

La conducta de los hombres en el jurado no era tan animada como el de las mujeres, eras más cautelosos con sus respuestas.

Michael Jackson defense reveals star-studded witness list

By Linda Deutsch

1:35 p.m. February 14, 2005

SANTA MARIA – A defense witness list that sounded like coming attractions for a major Hollywood spectacle was read to prospective jurors in the Michael Jackson molestation case Monday, but the judge advised the panelists that some of the big names may be no-shows. The list of possible witnesses included Elizabeth Taylor, producer Quincy Jones, Diana Ross, Stevie Wonder, Backstreet Boy Nick Carter and his younger brother Aaron, and Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant.

Names of defense and prosecution witnesses were revealed to the prospects so that attorneys could find out if any of the more than 240 members of the pool had associations that may be important in selecting 12 jurors and eight alternates for the trial. Only one prospect, who had a health problem, was immediately dismissed.

Defense attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr. also named Jackson's children Paris and Prince Michael, who have been raised in such seclusion that the public has never seen their faces, but many on the list are well known.

The ensemble included "Tonight Show" host Jay Leno, actors Chris Tucker and Corey Feldman, CBS correspondent Ed Bradley, CNN's Larry King, Fox , broadcaster Rita Cosby, New Age guru Deepak Chopra, psychic Uri Geller, Las Vegas tycoon Steve Wynn and relatives of the late Marlon Brando.

Also listed was journalist Martin Bashir, whose 2003 TV documentary "Living With Michael Jackson" showed Jackson and his accuser holding hands and Jackson defending his practice of sharing his bed with children.

Superior Court Judge Rodney S. Melville limited the time attorneys were allowed to question the prospects.

One woman said she was falsely accused by a relative of molesting a boy, and later was falsely accused by a parent of assaulting a child while she was a teacher.

"I don't know the truth about Mr. Jackson but I'd like the truth to come forward," she said. "I'm sympathetic."

Another woman said she had to go to police when she found out that a brother-in-law molested her nieces.

Both women said their experiences would not influence their decisions and they could be unbiased.

Several prospective jurors said they believe children often lie under pressure by their parents or others. One man said he believed that siblings could plant ideas in a child's head.

Quizzed on their views of the news media, most said they thought the press goes overboard in covering some issues but said they watch news on TV and read newspapers.

Jackson, who is accused of molesting a 13-year-old former cancer patient, smiled across the courtroom at the prospects. Maintaining his star persona, he came to court in a black suit with a red satin shirt, gold and red brocade vest, with a sunburst pin on his pocket and a jewel-encrusted accessory on his vest.

Both the prosecution and the defense included in their prospective lists former Jackson attorney Mark Geragos, and the defense list included Jackson's chief prosecutor, District Attorney Tom Sneddon.

The prosecution list included a group that the defense did not: the entire family of a boy involved in 1993 allegations of molestation by Jackson. The judge has not yet ruled whether that incident can be mentioned in the trial. No criminal charges were filed, but there was a civil settlement reportedly amounting to $15 million.

The prosecution also said it would call Debbie Rowe, the mother of Paris and Prince Michael.
Aqui estan todas las mias del dia de hoy. Me impresiono y alegro mucho ver a Michael tan alegre! se ve muy fuerte y seguro de si mismo!



La policia andaba feliz dando multas a los autos como locos!! :jajaja:

un oso gigante para Michael, firmado por muchos fans! incluyendome a mi :p







Última edición:

:hipno:eek:le ole ole ole :bravo: :bravo: Mil gracias! Esa foto de Michael en la furgoneta es :urule: :urule: :jar:

Aqui os dejo la misma imagen de Gera pero por detras :p ! Y otra mas VICTORY!

Edit) unas cuantas mas :p

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    14 february 2005 (65) Michael Jackson - Jury selection.jpg
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    14 february 2005 (61) Michael Jackson - Jury selection.jpg
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    14 february 2005 (62) Michael Jackson - Jury selection.jpg
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    14 february 2005 (63) Michael Jackson - Jury selection.jpg
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Feb 15 2005

Star's celeb pals on witness list WHO'S WHO FOR THE DEFENCE

By Anthony Harwood

MICHAEL Jackson is hoping for a touch of magic from his pals at his sex abuse trial.

Conjurer David Blaine and spoon-bender Uri Geller are among the A-list friends Wacko Jacko will call to defend him against charges that he molested child cancer victim Gavin Arvizo.

He has screen legend Liz Taylor and Motown superstars Stevie Wonder and Diana Ross lined up to back him.

The 46-year-old fallen Prince of Pop's list, read to a California court by his lawyer, also includes Backstreet Boys star Nick Carter and his brother Aaron, 16, also a singer. Barry Gibb of the Bee Gees, music producer Quincy Jones, former child star of Oliver! Mark Lester, a number of chat show hosts and basketball star Kobe Bryant, who is facing a civil suit for rape, could appear in court too.

A California legal insider said yesterday: 'His strategy is obviously to wow the jury with high-profile celebrities hoping they will sway the jury'.

'People are more likely to give weight to celebrity testimony.'

Bizarrely, Martin Bashir, the former BBC journalist whose 2003 documentary on Jackson sparked the probe into the star's links with Gavin, was included too.

Bashir has already been cited by the prosecution as a witness to the bizarre lifestyle at Jackson's Neverland ranch. But the most startling additions to the list are two of Jackson's children, eight-year-old Prince Michael and Paris, seven.

The eccentric star has only let them appear in public veiled before.

Lawyer Thomas Mesereau has also given notice he might call Gavin and other members of his family, who are due to appear for the prosecution.

Jackson's ex-wife Debbie Rowe, mother of Prince Michael and Paris, has also been called for the prosecution.

She and Jackson, to whom she gave full custody of the kids, are said to have fallen out over alimony payments.

The names were read out to 100 prospective jurors at the hearing in Santa Maria, California, as the task began of whittling the number down to 20 - 12on the jury and eight alternates. Judge Rodney Melville asked the prospective jurors: 'The question I want to ask you now is whether you have heard of any of the names given as witnesses, or know them or are acquainted with them.'

'I recognise as you do that some of the witnesses are celebrities but I am not asking you if you know their names but whether you are acquainted with them.'

The first juror to be eliminated after questioning by the judge and lawyers for each side was an 81-year-old man with a serious health condition.

Earlier, Jackson - wearing a black shirt and red suit - stood up and waved to the potential jurors.

He faces 10 charges alleging he plied Gavin with alcohol, groped him and plotted with his aides to force the boy and his family into taping a video exonerating Jackson of wrongdoing.

He denies all charges.
Última edición:
Aquí una foto de posiblemente uno de los seres más despreciables que ha dado el planeta. Por si acabais de comer y se os revuelven las tripas, o no sois tan fuertes como para aguantar ver una imagen tan repugnante, pongo el link para que quien quiera verla la vea y no se la encuentre de sopetón:


Aprovecho el post con la foto para preguntar acerca del post anterior: ¿el Daily Record es un periódico o una revista? ¿Lo traen a los quioscos del centro de Madrid? ¿El artículo merece la pena, o es basura (es que mi ingles... :p)