Re: Seleccion del Jurado. Articulos. 24-02-2005
Algunas en ingles, pero interesantes...
Who's who on the Michael Jackson jury
Staff report
Juror No. 101 - A 21-year-old Santa Maria man who is a Hancock College student and aspiring motor-sports journalist. This lifelong county resident is single, has no children and uses a wheelchair.
He has worked to oppose Jarek Molski, who has brought lawsuits against businesses in Santa Barbara County under the Americans With Disabilities Act.
Juror No. 66 - A 62-year-old Santa Maria man employed as a civil engineer. He has four grown children and has been married to a retired baker for about 13 years. He has a postgraduate education and has taken law courses.
Though never a juror, he was named in a lawsuit involving a real-estate transaction.
Juror No. 80 - A 63-year-old retired Santa Maria man who has two adult children and has been married for eight years to a self-employed accountant. He holds a postgraduate degree and said he enjoys Old West art.
Juror No. 108 - A 50-year-old Santa Ynez woman employed as a horse trainer and riding instructor. She has no children, and has been married to a mechanical engineer for 28 years.
This college graduate has taught horseback riding to children in Child Abuse Listening and Mediation, a nonprofit organization that assists child abuse victims. She also has tried out for the Olympic Games.
Juror No. 26 - A 51-year-old Lompoc woman who is a retired computer programmer and math teacher. She holds a graduate degree and lives with her engineer husband and teenage son and daughter.
Juror No. 100 - A 79-year-old Santa Maria woman who is retired and has lived in the county for a little more than a year. The widower has two adult children and some college education.
This lively juror said she bought perfume from a J.C. Penney clerk who had once worked at Jackson's Neverland Valley Ranch. She also said her grandson was convicted of a crime in a nearby county that required him to register as a sex offender.
Juror No. 157 - A 22-year-old Lompoc woman who works as a physical-therapy aide in a nursing home. She lives with her boyfriend and has two young daughters.
The lifelong county resident has some college education and knows someone who visited Neverland.
Juror No. 107 - A 42-year-old Vandenberg Village woman who works as an educational aide for special education students. She is married and has four children ranging in age from 4 to 20.
This Air Force veteran said her niece was molested by a family member and reported the incident to her. She informed authorities about the incident. Her brother was injured at work and received a civil settlement with the employer. She has an associate's degree.
Juror No. 151 - A 39-year-old Santa Maria woman whose first language was Indonesian. This senior office specialist for Santa Barbara County is married to a reporter but has no children. She has an associate's degree and has lived in the county for more than five years.
Juror No. 88 - A 45-year-old Solvang woman whose first language was Castilian Spanish. She works at a market, is married and has three children ranging in age from 14 to 26 who live in Texas. She enjoys cooking, and has a husband who was arrested for drunken driving.
Juror No. 153 - A 20-year-old Santa Maria man who works as an assistant cashier. He is single and has no children.
A relative works for Michael Jackson's doctor and has visited Neverland. This high school graduate was excused from jury duty last week to be a pall-bearer at a funeral for a family member. He said he prefers "The Simpsons" to watching the news.
Juror No. 77 - A 44-year-old Santa Maria woman who works as an eligibility worker. An area resident for most of her life, she is divorced from a former Santa Maria Police Department officer, and has an adult son.
Feb. 24, 2005
Commentary: Potential juror speaks her mind before being dismissed
As juror number 240 stood to leave the courtroom, Michael Jackson threw anxious looks at his attorney and his jury consultant.
Then the 46-year-old celebrity defendant put his head in his hands.
Santa Barbara County Deputy District Attorney Ron Zonen had thanked the 51-year-old black woman for her time and asked that she be excused from the pool of potential jurors in Jackson's child-molestation case.
Lead defense attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr. stood and objected but it was too late.
The black woman was gone.
Jackson hissed an inaudible one-word response.
The woman had given him hope.
And she had given the world a brief look at the life of a black person in a region where people like her and Jackson live as minorities.
"I am a black child that grew up in Santa Barbara, California," she had earlier told Zonen. "I was always the first."
By that, she likely meant she was the first black to do this or the first black to do that in the county where she has lived most of her life.
The woman told the court Wednesday that she worked as a nurse for the state Department of Corrections for 14 years. But she can't nurse anymore due to an injury.
So now she's studying drug and alcohol treatment so she can continue to help people.
"Trying to get answers to correct the wrongs of our society," she said.
As far as the prison is concerned, she said, "We haven't been able to rehabilitate anyone."
Goodness knows she's tried.
Her brother had been a drug addict and she did her best to help him. But "so many doors were shut in his face" that her help didn't really help at all.
"Now he's in jail for quite some time," she said.
Jail isn't even punishment.
"We take better care of them in jail than we do on the street," she said.
Still, the black woman trusts in the system.
"It's the only system we have," she said.
But that doesn't mean she doesn't see problems with the system.
Juror number 240 told Zonen that her husband had left the county sheriff's office after "25 years of perfect service." He was "terminated" she said, after an inmate accused him of sleeping on the job.
Although he got his job back, he no longer felt that he belonged.
And, although she didn't identify her husband as a black man, his race seemed clear.
"Santa Barbara County to me has always been a good ol' boys joint," she said, referring to the county prison where her husband worked.
The "prejudices" and "racial games" that were played there weren't played on the state level where she worked, she said.
There are so few blacks in high county positions, she said.
"Tokens," she called them.
"Look around," she said, referring to the courtroom.
Jackson sat enthralled at the defense table.
"Woo," he said to no one in particular.
The black woman talked about how prison officials had treated her husband.
"He was always the one overlooked for promotions," she said.
Jackson nodded his vigorous agreement.
When the woman berated network television consultant and former county Sheriff Jim Thomas for publicly criticizing Jackson, Jackson seemed absolutely beside himself with excitement.
The press must have been tipped about the Neverland search to get there as quickly as they did, she said.
"Exactly," Jackson said loud enough to be heard.
"I don't know if the man is guilty or innocent because I haven't seen yea or nay," she said.
But how can Jackson receive a fair trial, she asked.
"Just look around us," she said.
A "jury of his peers" would include more "people of color" and of "mixed diversity."
"How diverse does this jury look to you?" she asked.
"Have some representation up here," she said. "And it doesn't have to be me.
But she wasn't through.
Police officers who have pulled her over for speeding with their guns drawn only backed off after seeing her prison work uniform, she said.
Jackson's head went up and down in spirited agreement.
"I've had this happen to me my whole life, but so what?" she said.
"I think I've opened my mouth enough."
Jackson looked at his jury consultant.
"Wow," he said.
* Steve Corbett's column appears Tuesday,
Thursday and Sunday. He can be reached at
739-2215 or e-mailed at Read Corbett online at
Feb. 24, 2005