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[25 de febrero] 7º Día de Juicio: Noticias y Fotos


Miembro del equipo
MJH Team
Ya que en este tipo de post se genera mucha información, hemos abierto dos post para este tema. Uno en Noticias y el otro en Opinión y Debate.

En este que leéis ahora SÓLO se podrá escribir para aportar noticias de la vista o fotos. Cualquier otro tipo de reply que entorpezca el tema será eliminado.

Este otro, [25 de febrero] 7º Día de Juicio: Comentarios está creado para lo que su nombre indica, podéis poner noticias sobre la vista y comentarlas, comentar las fotos, o hablar del tema.

Contamos con vuestra colaboración.
Hoy se veran las siguientes mociones

1. Moción del demandante para limitar la introducción de evidencias de anteriores litigios de la familia Doe

2. Moción del demandante para reconsiderar la moción de la defensa para una petición para excluir 14 objetos irrelevantes como evidencia

3. Moción del demandante para excluir referencias a la negación de Jane Doe a renunciar a la confidencialidad de sus conversaciones con el abogado

4. Moción del demandante para excluir cualquier referencia de la defensa a (ciertas) conductas de Jane Doe

5. Moción del demandante para limitar cualquier referencia de la defensa al uso de Jane Doe de (ciertos) medicamentos.

6. Moción de la defensa para la recusación de la Oficina del Fiscal de SB County

7. Moción del demandante para limitar la exclusión de evidencias de presunta conducta sexual

8. Moción del demandante para la admisión de ciertos testimonios del demandando en los programas “Living with Michael Jackson” y “60 Minutes” con excepción de las Reglas sobre Rumores.

9. Oposición del demandante a la petición del acusado de requerir que las evidencias basadas en rumores de la respuesta del demandante a “Living with Michael Jackson” como parte de su caso.

10. Moción del demandante para limitar la exclusión de testimonios de testigos

11. Moción para sellar la moción del demandante relativa a la limitación de introducción de evidencias de anteriores litigios legales de la familia Doe y réplica.

12. Moción para sellar la moción del demandante relativa a la reconsideración de la moción del acusado para una orden de exclusión de 14 objetos de evidencias irrelevantes y réplica.

13. Moción para sellar la moción del demandante relativa a la exclusión de referencias a la renuncia de la confidencialidad de sus conversaciones con el abogado y réplica.

14. Moción para sellar la moción del demandante relativa a la exclusión de cualquier referencia de la defensa a (ciertas) conductas de Jane Doe y réplica.

15. Moción para sellar la moción del demandante relativa a la limitación cualquier referencia de la defensa al uso de Jane Doe de (ciertos) medicamentos y réplica.

16. Moción para sellar la moción del acusado sobre la recusación de la Oficina del Fiscal de SB County

17. Moción para sellar la moción del demandante relativa a la limitación de la exclusión de evidencias de presunta conducta sexual

18. Moción para sellar la moción del demandante relativa a la admisión de ciertos testimonios del demandando en los programas “Living with Michael Jackson” y “60 Minutes” con excepción de las Reglas sobre Rumores.

19. Moción para sellar la moción del demandante relativa a la petición del acusado de requerir que las evidencias basadas en rumores de la respuesta del demandante a “Living with Michael Jackson” como parte de su caso.

20. Moción para sellar la moción del demandante relativa a la limitación de la exclusión de testimonios de testigos

21. Moción para sellar la moción del demandante relativa a la admisión de las declaraciones de los co-conspiradores

[Espero haberlo traducido de la mejor forma posible, es bastante complicado :cuñao ]
De momento, esta captura...



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Última edición:
Well, according to Jennifer London, MSNBC, the judge DID allow the defense to bring in the mother's prior acts.

Según Jennifer London de MSNBC, el juez HA PERMITIDO que la defensa utilice las anteriores litigaciones de la madre.
Última edición:
Jackson Jury to Hear Evidence on Mother

By TIM MOLLOY, Associated Press Writer

SANTA MARIA, Calif. - [size=-1]Jurors in Michael Jackson's child molestation trial will be allowed to hear evidence that the accuser's mother had made allegations of improper touching against store security guards, a judge ruled Friday. [/size]

Attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr. made the allegations during motions on whether evidence could be admitted about the family's lawsuit against J.C. Penney.

The family claimed in a lawsuit that they were beaten by guards and held against their will and that the mother was groped, after Jackson's young accuser left the store with clothes that had not been paid for.

Superior Court Judge Rodney S. Melville said he will allow testimony about the case, especially as it pertains to the mother's credibility. But he said the defense would not be allowed to refer to the boy as a shoplifter.

Jackson, 46, is accused of molesting a 13-year-old former cancer patient at his Neverland ranch, plying him with alcohol, and conspiring to hold him and his family captive.

Mesereau said that after the mother received a $150,000 settlement from J.C. Penney and Tower Records, another defendant in the case, she immediately accused her husband of abusing her and filed for divorce.

The woman then accused her ex-husband of inappropriately touching her daughter, Mesereau said.

The attorney also said the woman testified in the J.C. Penney case that her husband had never hit her, but alleged in her divorce that he had beaten his family for years. That was perjury, Mesereau said.

Mesereau also said the mother had her son ask celebrities for money and spent some of the funds on cosmetic surgery.

Senior Deputy District Attorney Ron Zonen argued that the issue was how the mother acquired the money, not what she spent it on and that the issue was largely irrelevant.

"The question is whether a man who admits to sleeping with children was sleeping with this child, and what he did with this child. That's what this case is about," Zonen said.

Opening statements in the case are scheduled to begin Monday.

Jury selection for the trial was completed Thursday when four men and four women were sworn in as alternates who would step in if there is a problem with any of the 12 regular jurors chosen earlier in the week.

The jury is mostly white and Hispanic; the alternate panel includes one black man.

Jury selection had been expected to last several weeks, but was completed Thursday, the sixth court day. There were two week-long breaks in the process because of the death of an attorney's sister and Jackson's hospitalization with flu-like symptoms.

Also Friday, prosecutors said they would show the documentary called "Living with Michael Jackson," in which the singer is shown holding hands with his accuser and saying he allowed children to sleep in his bed, but not for any sexual purpose.

Both sides also agreed to meet Saturday for a joint interview with a former attorney who represented the alleged victim's mother. What the attorney might talk about was not disclosed.


- El juez dictaminó que el jurado escuchará evidencias sobre las acusaciones de la madre a unos guardas de seguridad. (Se han admitido las envidencias del caso de JC Penney.

- El juez no ha permitido a la defensa que se refieran al niño como "ladrón" (el niño salió de JC Penny con ropa que no pagó, dice la defensa)

- Mesereau dijo que la madre cometió perjurio, ya que cuando testificó para lo de JC Penney dijo que su marido nunca la había pegado y después en su divorcio alegó que pegó a la familia durante años.

- Mesereau dijo que la madre le decía a su hijo que pidiera dinero a distintos famosos y que parte de la recaudación se lo gastaba en cirugía estética.

- Zonen intentó cambiar de tema dicieno que el caso no se trataba de eso. "La cuestión es si un hombre que admite dormir con niños, estaba durmiendo con este niño y qué hizo con este niño. De eso se trata ese caso".

- La acusación dijo que mostrará el "Living With MJ"

- Ambas partes acordaron reunirse el sábado para una entrevista colectiva con un abogado que representó a la madre de la supuesta víctima. Lo que diría este abogado no se reveló.
Última edición:


Jackson Jury to Hear Evidence on Mother

7 minutes ago

By TIM MOLLOY, Associated Press Writer

SANTA MARIA, Calif. - Jurors in Michael Jackson (news)'s child molestation trial will be allowed to hear evidence that the accuser's mother had made allegations of improper touching against store security guards, a judge ruled Friday.

Attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr. made the allegations during motions on whether evidence could be admitted about the family's lawsuit against J.C. Penney.

The family claimed in a lawsuit that they were beaten by guards and held against their will and that the mother was groped, after Jackson's young accuser left the store with clothes that had not been paid for.

Superior Court Judge Rodney S. Melville said he will allow testimony about the case, especially as it pertains to the mother's credibility. But he said the defense would not be allowed to refer to the boy as a shoplifter.

Jackson, 46, is accused of molesting a 13-year-old former cancer patient at his Neverland ranch, plying him with alcohol, and conspiring to hold him and his family captive.

Mesereau said that after the mother received a $150,000 settlement from J.C. Penney and Tower Records, another defendant in the case, she immediately accused her husband of abusing her and filed for divorce.

The woman then accused her ex-husband of inappropriately touching her daughter, Mesereau said.

The attorney also said the woman testified in the J.C. Penney case that her husband had never hit her, but alleged in her divorce that he had beaten his family for years. That was perjury, Mesereau said.

Mesereau also said the mother had her son ask celebrities for money and spent some of the funds on cosmetic surgery.

Senior Deputy District Attorney Ron Zonen argued that the issue was how the mother acquired the money, not what she spent it on and that the issue was largely irrelevant.

"The question is whether a man who admits to sleeping with children was sleeping with this child, and what he did with this child. That's what this case is about," Zonen said.

Opening statements in the case are scheduled to begin Monday.

Jury selection for the trial was completed Thursday when four men and four women were sworn in as alternates who would step in if there is a problem with any of the 12 regular jurors chosen earlier in the week.

The jury is mostly white and Hispanic; the alternate panel includes one black man.

Jury selection had been expected to last several weeks, but was completed Thursday, the sixth court day. There were two week-long breaks in the process because of the death of an attorney's sister and Jackson's hospitalization with flu-like symptoms.

Also Friday, prosecutors said they would show the documentary called "Living with Michael Jackson," in which the singer is shown holding hands with his accuser and saying he allowed children to sleep in his bed, but not for any sexual purpose.

Both sides also agreed to meet Saturday for a joint interview with a former attorney who represented the alleged victim's mother. What the attorney might talk about was not disclosed.


Es decir, que SI entra el caso JC Penney de lleno, y demás historial de la madre. La vista especial es para otra cosa que está bajo secreto de sumario, se trata de una reunión con un abogado que representó a Janet Arvizo.

Jackson Jury to See Accuser's Past Litigation
By Sally Connell and Michael Muskal
Times Staff Writers

10:28 AM PST, February 25, 2005

SANTA MARIA, Calif. — The judge in the Michael Jackson molestation case handed the defense a small victory today, granting its request to allow details of past civil litigation involving the accuser's family to be admitted into evidence.

With a jury and eight alternates sworn in this week, today is limited to arguments about some long-standing motions. Opening statements in the criminal trial are scheduled to begin Monday.

The jury was not present for today's motions. Demonstrating his seriousness, Michael Jackson appeared in court, though in the past he has sometimes skipped such proceedings.

He arrived early today and unlike during jury selection, he engaged in animated discussions with his defense team during arguments.

Jackson, 46, is charged with molesting a 13-year-old boy at the star's Neverland ranch in 2003. He is also accused of feeding the boy alcohol and conspiring to keep the boy and his family from leaving the ranch.

With little physical evidence, the heart of the case will rely on the testimony of the boy, now 15, and his relatives. So among today's motions are defense efforts to include evidence that could cast doubt on their credibility.

Defense attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr. asked that prior litigation involving the family be admitted and that the lawyer for the mother of the accuser be forced to testify.

Superior Court Judge Rodney S. Melville granted at least part of that motion, ruling that some information from a case where the family received a settlement from a department store could be allowed.

The family maintained that the store falsely accused the boy, then about 7, of shoplifting. There was also a scuffle in the parking lot involving security guards during which the mother of the boy maintained she was sexually assaulted. The family eventually sued and a settlement of at least $100,000 was achieved.

The defense wanted to have the case included because it hopes to use it to demonstrate "a pattern of false accusations involving sexual assault."

The defense is also seeking to allow what it says is information about extramarital affairs by the mother of the accuser.

The prosecution will ask Melville to limit any reference by the defense to the medication that the mother may be using. There are also motions pending about the admissibility of 14 pieces of evidence.

One of the likely bits of evidence is the 2003 documentary by Martin Bashir that raised questions about Jackson's relationship with young boys at the Neverland ranch. In the interview, Jackson was seen holding hands with the boy who later said he was molested by the star. The boy also laid his head on one of the pop icon's shoulders.

The defense is seeking to have the outtakes from the documentary, "Living With Michael Jackson," admitted. It also wants defense video rebuttals to the documentary given to the jury of eight women and four men.

The defense is also seeking to have the district attorney's office recused. In the past, Jackson supporters have accused Dist. Atty. Thomas Sneddon of having a grudge against Jackson, stemming from a 1993 child molestation case that never led to criminal action.

Melville has rejected a previous motion to recuse Sneddon, but the current motion is broader, seeking to bar the entire staff.

Times correspondent Connell reported from Santa Maria; Times staff writer Muskal from Los Angeles.
Melville ha dicho que permitira que se hable sobre el caso J.C. Penney, especialmente porque pertenece a la credibilidad de la madre.

Mesereau ha dicho que ademas, la madre acuso a su ex-marido de tocamientos inadecuados a su hija, durante el juicio de J.C. Penney dijo que su marido nunca la habia pegado, pero en el proceso de su divorcio dijo que el habia pegado a la familia durante años. Eso es perjurio, dijo Mesereau.

Mesereau tambien dijo que la madre hizo que su hijo pidiera dinero a celebridades, dinero que a veces se gasto en cirugia cosmetica.

Última edición: