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[3 de junio] 73º Día de Juicio: Noticias y Fotos.








A este chico de las gafas lo arrestaron ayer por pegarle con la pancarta a uno de los contrarios!








Última edición:
Zonen: "Cabalgaban, iban al zoológico, comían cualquier cosa que querían -caramelos, helados. Lo único que había era diversión".

Pero qué argumento es ese para condenar a Michael??? :p
Lo poco nuevo que ha salido de hoy:

Jackson Lawyer Says Accusations Are a Con

By TIM MOLLOY, Associated Press Writer 3 minutes ago

SANTA MARIA, Calif. - The family accusing Michael Jackson of child molestation and other crimes is trying to pull "the biggest con of their careers," the pop star's lead attorney told jurors Friday in the second day of closing arguments.

"They just need you to help them," attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr. told the panel of eight women and four men.

Mesereau resumed his argument shortly after a gaunt-looking Jackson arrived at court with parents Joe and Katherine Jackson, sisters Janet and LaToya, and brothers Jermaine, Tito and Randy, among other family members. Jackson clutched his mother's arm as he walked in.

"Michael's innocent!" came shouts from some in a crowd of about 75 people standing outside. Fans, whose numbers dwindled to about 10 a day over the long weeks of trial, were back in larger numbers along with some prosecution supporters.

Mesereau was to conclude his closing argument Friday, after which the prosecution was to make its rebuttal. The case then goes to the jury.



Protestors against the war in Iraq assemble outside the Santa Barbara County



Protestors of the war in Iraq shout at police outside the Santa Barbara County Courthouse


A Santa Maria, California police officer wades through the crowd after giving a warning for loud music outside the Santa Barbara County Courthouse




A Japanese fan of US pop star Michael Jackson holds a sign reading
"Innocent" in Japanese


Última edición:
Mi traducción del artículo que ha puesto Álex
El abogado de Jackson dice que las acusaciones son una estafa

Por TIM MOLLOY, escritor de Associated Press

SANTA MARIA, Calif.- La familia que acusa a Michael Jackson de abusos a un menor y de otros crímenes está intentando conseguir "la estafa más grande de su carrera," dijo el viernes al jurado el abogado defensor principal de la estrella del pop en el segundo día de los alegatos finales.

"Sólo les necesitan a ustedes para ayudarles," dijo el abogado Thomas Mesereau Jr. al grupo de ocho mujeres y cuatro hombres.

Mesereau reanudó su alegato poco después de que un Jackson con mirada descarnada llegara a la corte con sus padres, Joe y Katherine, sus hermanas Janet y LaToya, y sus hermanos Jermaine, Tito y Randy, entre otros miembros de la familia. Jackson se agarró del brazo de su madre cuando entró.

Vinieron gritos de "¡Michael es inocente!" de algunos en una multitud de unas 75 personas fuera de la corte. Los fans, cuya cantidad se redujo a unos 10 al día durante las largas semanas de juicio, volvieron en cantidades mayores junto con algunos simpatizantes de la acusación.

Mesereau iba a concluir el viernes su alegato final, después de lo cual, la acusación iba a hacer su refutación. El caso va entonces al jurado.
Savanah Guthrie / Court TV (Reporta a las 9:30 , es decir, hace media hora):

Host: Talk about his demeanor and how he is approaching this presentation to the jury today.

Guthrie: Well, you know, jack, Tom Mesereau is really on this morning. I don't know if he slept 12 hours last night, but it sure seems like he is very energetic, very urgent in his tone. Going through the transcript, some of the testimony that has been given in this case, almost line by line, he would say lie by lie. She on the attack today. There's an urgency in his tone, he is almost breathless, fast paced, intense, he is focused, a lot more than yesterday which frankly a lot of people felt he was scattered, off his game because of some of the technical problems they had at the outset. Totally different Tom Mesereau this morning.

Host: We know that the defense has always been attacking the accuser's family here and much of what they had to say. What is Mesereau saying about them this morning?

Guthrie: Well, what he is doing is seizing on these inconsistent statements that he says the family has made. He is literally going witness by witness. He started witness accuser, then moved to the brother, moved to the sister. Now he is on the mother. Going through their testimony and pointing out what he calls are lies. For example, he said the accuser conveniently has changed the dates of the molestation because he knew he had to deal with this interview, this rebuttal video where he was extolling the virtues of… He said the dates have changed. He said the number of times he said he was molested changed. First he said five times, on the stand he said two times. He told the story about how the accuser said it was his grandmother who told him this story about if you don't masturbate you might rape a girl. On the witness stand for the first time through everyone's shock he attributed that statement to Michael Jackson, even the police officer, the lead investigator didn't see that coming. He said he's a liar, he's a perger and that's an excuse. He said he flip flops all over the place because he is a liar. He said how many lies does this guy have to tell for you to see what's going on.

Host: What is Tom Mesereau saying about this notion of trying to get money through a civil suit from Michael Jackson?

Guthrie: Needless to say Tom Mesereau doesn't buy that for a minute, neither does they he want the jury to. He has argued that the purpose of the criminal case is so that that family can come into civil court way criminal conviction and get pay. He just said to the jurors, if you convict Michael Jackson of anything, they are going to be multimillionaires. It is the biggest con of their careers. They will be celebrating. They are waiting. They just need you to help them. Yesterday, he made a similar argument, saying these people will never work another day in their lives and it's all up to you. You just need to convict. And they are getting paid.

Host: Savannah, you know a witness testifies, often the words come into evidence, but often we spend a lost time looking at jurors and certainly as reporters at their demeanor. Rarely though do attorneys bring that up in closing argument. Has that come up at all with regard to any of the main witnesses in this case during Mr. Mesereau's close?

Guthrie: Yes. In fact, Tom Mesereau has used that video that everybody has talked about of the accuser's first interview. He said I hope you do look at his demeanor. He said look at his demeanor as he lies. He also said look at him on the witness stand. Remember, he didn't get angry or upset when he relayed this alleged molestation. The only time he got angry was when he was talking about how Michael Jackson rejected his family, how he didn't want to be a part of this accuser's family anymore. That was the only time that the boy got mad. He once again said he's cunning and smart. Remember what chris tucker said. He also talked about the boy's disciplinary problems at school he said he is a precocious disciplinary problem, not little lamb they want you to think he is.

Host: Obviously taking on the accuser quite directly as he has to do since the accuser is the witness who makes the molestation charges, of course his brother also testified as to having seen some things. But without the accuser, the molestation case, the whole case falls apart. But the accuse area's mother, a significant part of the prosecution case. Perhaps the key to the defense case, Mr. Mesereau must be deal wig her today, Savannah?

Guthrie: Oh, yes. In fact, as I left he was getting into her testimony. No, the gloves won't on for her, I can assure you of that. He said, this is a veteran liar, somebody who has no qualms about lying. He said sure the prosecutors are telling you she never asked for money. He said that is not her mo. She looks you in the eye and tells you a tale of woe and everybody brings out their wallet and gives her money. He said a quote yesterday that got to the heart of their theory of this woman -- he said perjury has no meaning to her. Is lied in the JC Penney depositions. She lied on the application for welfare. Perjury is a habit and she committed perjury right in this courtroom.

Host: It is interesting when you look and listen to the forerossity of the attacks on accuser's mother, I guess have you to worry if you are the defense attorney here, are you putting all of your eggs in one basket, is there a danger here that you are taking on the mother, and the jury might say we don't care about her, you are right, but what about the accuser himself?

Guthrie: I think we are hearing about outstanding arguments in that courtroom. But I think they actually show if you look at both arguments how close a case this is. Mr. Zonen, first of all, delivering the closing instead of Mr. Sneddon. They are not going to take any chances. They are going to put their best foot forward. He gets up there and begins essentially by attacking Mr. Mesereau which is a rather dramatic choice to make. Then Mr. Mesereau points out, one that may be suggests how desperate or how close it is depending on how you want to look at it. Now you have Mesereau hammering away at the accuser's mother and accuser. Not in a soft and gentle way. Really firing power at that again, it suggests that this case is hardly a shoe-in for the... It is not a clear win for the prosecution. I think it is certainly excellent lawyering, but suggests something more here that it's anyone's call on how the jury will go on the facts in this case.

Host: Savannah, are we seeing personal attacks, if you will, being delivered by the lawyers against the otherawyers during the course of the summations?

Guthrie: Well, yes and no. I don't know that it is personal because it is about the case. But I mean, there is a tremendous amount of bad feeling and spite among the parties in this case. We talked last hour, there is no cleechality here, no pats on the back. These people don't like each other. It is very clear to me. Ron Zonen, went after Mesereau at the beginning of the opening statement. Let me tell you, Tom Mesereau is returning the favor. He's gone after the prosecutors. I have a long quote to read you. I think it really goes to the heart of the matter. What he said was this -- in his closing argument, the defense has gone back to the well, one of their favorite theories, that is that Tom Sneddon has a vendetta against Michael Jackson, something they weren't permitted to do through any trial testimony because the judge won't let them, but they sure are arguing it in closing arguments.

Host: Savannah, we just saw the parties stepping out of the courtroom for the break. The judge is very, very set on that schedule. They are taking that daily break at 10 minutes even though it is the middle of Mr. Mesereau's argument which i guess affects the pacing of it. We did see Michael Jackson. I don't want to read too much into it, but he had a little more spring to his step after sitting there and listening to Mesereau preach his case to the jury. One of the things we have talked about is all the evidence that never came in this case. Mr. Mesereau has done the same talking, has he not, about the evidence not found at Neverland ranch where the crimes are alleged to have occurred?
Guthrie: Yes, he has. He has hit hard on two things. Floor forensics. No DNA, no semen, no fingerprints where the alleged molestation is said to have occurred. No bodily fluids. He said there's no forensics to back up and corroborate that the boy said. The fingerprints on a couple of girlie magazines is not trustworthy. He says it doesn't prove anything. He is pointing out that there was never any kiddy porn found at Neverland. He made a big deal out of that yesterday. The prosecutors like to parade the pornography collection to embarrass and dehumanize Mr. Jackson. But he said there was never any child pornography. There's never been any allegation that Michael Jackson showed pornography to any child. Zonen said the pornography is not for him, it is to sexualize the boys he wants to molest.

Gracias a TSColdMan por la transcripción.

FOX - Stan Goldman

Mez ha relatado 12 mentiras e inconsistencias con las que han venido los acusadores
Última edición:
Jackson Lawyer Says Accusations Are a Con
By TIM MOLLOY, Associated Press Writer

3 minutes ago

SANTA MARIA, Calif. - The family accusing Michael Jackson of child molestation and other crimes is trying to pull "the biggest con of their careers," the pop star's lead attorney told jurors Friday in the second day of closing arguments in the trial.

"They just need you to help them," attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr. told the panel of eight women and four men.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it only takes one lie under oath to throw this case out of court," Mesereau said to the jurors. "You can't count all the lies under oath by (the family). How many does it take to let you know this case is a fraud?"

Mesereau resumed his argument shortly after his gaunt-looking client arrived at court with parents Joe and Katherine Jackson, sisters Janet and LaToya, and brothers Jermaine, Tito and Randy, among other family members. Jackson clutched his mother's arm as he walked in.

"Michael's innocent!" came shouts from a crowd of about 75 people.

Fans, whose numbers dwindled to about 10 a day over the long weeks of trial, were back in larger numbers along with some prosecution supporters and political demonstrators taking advantage of the news coverage.

A total of 260 people entered a lottery for seats in the public area of the courtroom and 45 were chosen, giving them access for Friday's session and whenever the verdict is returned.

The jury was expected to get the case sometime Friday, after the end of Mesereau's argument and a rebuttal by Senior Deputy District Attorney Ron Zonen.

On Thursday, Zonen said Jackson brought his accuser, then a 13-year-old cancer survivor, "into the world of the forbidden." He said Jackson lowered the boy's inhibitions by giving him alcohol and showing him pornography before molesting him in the bedroom of the entertainer's Neverland ranch.

When the defense resumed, Mesereau told the jury that prosecutors lacked a key piece of evidence against his client.

He said that in molestation cases police typically have the alleged victim make a "pretext" phone call to ask incriminating questions as police listen in.

But Mesereau said that Jackson's accuser, despite a willingness to call numerous celebrities in the past, refused during a police interview to make such a call.

Mesereau also directly attacked the boy's honesty, saying that a lawsuit in which his family received a $152,000 settlement from J.C. Penney began when the boy was caught shoplifting.

The boy and his mother were key players in the lawsuit, Mesereau said.

While prosecutors have tried to suggest that the boy's father was responsible for the family's cons, Mesereau said, the boy was like "a bull in the china shop," constantly asking for money.

The mother was more sophisticated, Mesereau said, ingratiating herself with her targets.

"She gets to know you, she hugs you, she loves you," Mesereau said. "Then she tells you a tale of woe and she gets money."

Mesereau accused the boy of repeatedly lying under oath.

He noted that the boy testified that both Jackson and his grandmother told him on different occasions that if men didn't masturbate they might rape women.

"What are the odds of his grandmother and Michael telling him word for word that exact same statement," Mesereau said.

He noted that in the J.C. Penney lawsuit the boy stated in a deposition that his parents never fought, but he and his brother, sister and mother would later say his father beat them for years.

"This kid's lying at the age of what, 9? Ten?" Mesereau said, referring to the boy's age at the time.

The boy was also dishonest when he testified in Jackson's trial that he couldn't remember if anyone had told him to lie in that lawsuit, Mesereau said.

Mesereau said the family has a history of making abuse allegations. He said the boy once accused his mother of abusing him, the boy's sister accused her father of molesting her, and the mother accused store security guards of beating and groping her.

"These kids are being raised to make allegations," Mesereau said
De lo que puso Moonscape, esto me parece interesante:

Mez dijo al jurado que la fiscalía carecía de cualquier clase de evidencia clave contra su cliente.

Dijo que en casos de abusos es común que la policía haga que el acusador realice una llamada con cualquier pretexto al acusado con la intención de hacerle preguntas incriminatorias mientras la policía escucha.

Pero Mez dijo que el acusador de Michael, a pesar de su gusto por hacer numerosas llamadas a famosos en el pasado, rechazó hacer esa llamada durante una entrevista con la policía.
Jennifer London de MSNBC.

Mez está acabando ya.

A este caso le ha llamado "the biggest con"

Mez está continuando con ataques agresivos a la madre y al gamboso.

Con respecto al material porngráfico mez ha dicho: "donde está la evidencia"?.

Dice que las otras supuestas víctimas que han testificado no han dicho que MJ les enseño porno nunca.Que los únicos que han dicho algo del porno han sido Los hermanos Arvizo, 2 auténticos mentirosos.

."he pointed out that the prosecution is lacking a credicle peice of evidense which is a phone call police officers make the acuser call the person he's acusing and they record it and usually the acused person says something that would show he reallly did abuse the child. there wasn't one in this case because the acuser refused to call MJ, and they knew MJ wouldn't say anything" (no entiendo).

. Mez está usando las transcripciones de la familia arvizo al gran jurado para demostrar la inconsistencia, refieriendose por ejemplo a q gavin no sabe cuantas veces Michael abusó de él.

. Rebbie tb está en la corte.
El jurado ha solicitado una extensión del tiempo de la sesión de hoy para deliberar porque SIENTEN que podrían llegar a un veredicto hoy. La solicitud ha sido CONCEDIDA!. Así que la extensión es por unas pocas horas, hasta las 5pm californianas. Michael tiene que quedarse en la zona hasta entonces.

La fuente es una llamada que ha hecho un fan del mjjf a otro que estaba en el paltalk, estando yo allí también: si os quereis unir la 'room' de paltalk se llama "Michael Jackson Neverland Kingdom".

EDIT: parece que el que ofreció esta extensión fue el juez, no fue solicitada por el jurado.

Las 17h californianas son las 17+9=26h = 2am españolas

Can you feel it, can you feel it!!!
Última edición:
Savannah Guthrie de Court TV acaba de salir a dar una crónica:

-Mesereau está MUY ANIMADO esta mañana, lleno de energía, hablando con ganas.

Host: Talk about his demeanor and how he is approaching this presentation to the jury today. Se ha liado a leer transcripciones y decir mentiras una tras otra sin parar, testigo tras testigo! Ha dicho que cuántas mentiras tiene Gavin que decir para que la gente se entere de que es un mentiroso.

-Mesereau no se traga ni de coña que los Arvizo no vayan a querer denunciar a MJ otra vez por lo civil para sacarle dinero. Ha dicho que precisamente han hecho el caso criminal para luego poder hacer el civil y recibir dinero: Ha dicho al jurado: "Si condenan a Michael Jackson de algo, ellos serán multimillonarios. Es el mayor golpe de sus vidas, lo irán a celebrar, lo están esperando. Solo necesitan que ustedes les ayuden". Dice Guthrie que ayer ya dijo algo parecido, que si condenan a Michael, los Arvizo no tendrán que dar un palo al agua en su vida y ellos serán los responsables: "Solo tienen que condenarle, y ellos cobrarán".

-Sobre el video de Gavin con la policía, Mez ha dicho: "Espero que se hayan fijado en su comportamiento y en sus mentiras", que se fijen en cómo se comportó en el estrado de los testigos. Que recuerden que nunca se puso de mal humor cuando hablaba de los supuestos abusos, pero se enfadó cuando dijo que Michael rechazó a su familia. Ha dicho que recuerden el testimonio de Chris Tucker, de que Gavin es muy listo y de que tiene problemas de comportamiento, y que no es un tierno corderito.

-Cuando Guthrie salía de la sala para hacer la crónica, Mez estaba poniendo verde a Janet Arvizo, diciendo que es una mentirosa veterana, alguien que no tiene ningún tapujo en mentir. Ha dicho Mez que sí, que el fiscal dirá que ella no quiere dinero, que es una mujer que te mira a los ojos, te cuenta una historieta para ablandarte el corazón para que te lleves la mano a la cartera y le dés dinero. Ayer dijo: "El perjurio no tiene sentido para esta mujer". (Perjurio significa mentir bajo juramento), que mintió en el caso JC Penney, que mintió al pedir ayuda del estado, y que mintió en esta sala.

-Guthrie reconoce que la fiscalía está poniendo todos sus esfuerzos, pero que Mez tiene razón al decir que si Zonen le ataca a él personalmente, es porque la fiscalía tiene que estar muy desesperada.

-El presentador de Court TV en el estudio dice que ha visto a Michael algo más animado en sus movimientos desde que está hablando Mesereau

-Mesereau ha insistido mucho en la cuestión forense: NO hay ADN, NO hay semen, NO hay huellas dactilares, NO hay fluidos corporales... que los forenses no tienen material alguno en que apoyar el testimonio de gavin, que un par de huellas en una revista de chicas desnudas no es algo fiable, que no demuestra nada. Ha insistido también en que nunca se ha encontrado material pedófilo. Guthrie dice que Mesereau lo ha hecho GENIAL en este sentido. Nunca ha habido evidencia de que Michael enseñara nada pornográfico a ningún niño.
Última edición:
Saludos desde la bibliotca de Santa Maria :)

Hace un rato en el break ha salido Jaime (que ha conseguido entrar en la corte) y dice que Mez ha sido MUY bueno, ha seguido discutiendo la timeline que comenzo ayer. Ha hecho una lista que decia algo asi:


Algo as'i pero mucho mas largo, con mas categorias. Mez la ha leido y ha dicho que si no se ha demostrado que sea CULPABLE, cualquier categoria que haya por debajo de esa, es para dar la inocencia de Michael.

Despues del break continuaba mez otros minutos y Zonen todavia tenia una hora.

El edificio donde se delibera esta detras de la corte, es un edificio separado. Los fans de fuera estamos bastante nerviosos, pero cuando han salido los de dentro, nos han tranquilizado mucho. Dicen que MJ estaba muy sonriente y su familia igual durante el turno de Mez.

La secretaria del juez ha dicho a los fans en un par de ocasiones que ella creia que hoy podriamos tener ya el veredicto.

P.D. Las pancartas que hicimos han triunfado :p aunque estaba todo lleno de esos pesados anti-guerra U_U
Ultimas palabras de Mez:

"By law you have to bring back a not guilty verdict, its the only right thing to do"

"Por ley teneís que devolver un veredicto de no culpable, es lo unico correcto a hacer"
El jurado ha peidido quedarse hasta las 5:30 (2:30am hora española)... eso significa que creen que pueden alcanzar un veredicto hoy
Articulo completito de la agencia AP

Jackson Lawyers Finish Closing Arguments
By TIM MOLLOY, Associated Press Writer
9 minutes ago

SANTA MARIA, Calif. - The family accusing Michael Jackson of child molestation and other crimes is trying to pull "the biggest con of their careers" and has created a "nightmare" for the pop star, Jackson's attorney said Friday in his final argument to the jury.

"They just need you to help them," attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr. told the panel of eight women and four men on the second day of closing arguments.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it only takes one lie under oath to throw this case out of court," Mesereau said to the jurors. "You can't count all the lies under oath by (the family). How many does it take to let you know this case is a fraud?"

The jury was also once again shown a videotape in which Jackson, who did not testify, explained why he spends so much time with children.

"I haven't been betrayed or deceived by children. Adults have let me down," he said.

After playing a half-hour of tapes, Mesereau rested his arguement, saying Jackson had been lax with his money and had let the wrong people around him but was not guilty of any crime.

"This has been a nightmare for Mr. Jackson," the attorney concluded.

Senior Deputy District Attorny Ron Zonen then began a rebuttal, after which the jury was expected to receive final instructions from the judge and have the case turned over to them.

The prosecution gave his initial argument on Thursday and was followed by the defense.

Mesereau resumed his argument shortly after his gaunt-looking client arrived at court after going to Santa Ynez Valley Cottage Hospital in Solvang late Thursday or early Friday.

"He checked into the emergency department at our Solvang hospital, which is closest to his home, but he didn't stay," said hospital spokeswoman Janet O'Neill said. "It was sometime in the evening, but I don't have exact details of the time."

"Obviously I can't talk about why he was there for privacy reasons," she said.

A Jackson spokeswoman earlier denied he went to the hospital. Jackson's case was twice previously interrupted by hospital visits, once for treatment of flu symptoms and another time for a back problem, which led to a threat of arrest from the judge if he didn't get to court.

Jackson, appearing drawn, arrived on time Friday with parents Joe and Katherine Jackson, sisters Janet and LaToya, and brothers Jermaine, Tito and Randy, among other family members. Jackson clutched his mother's arm as he walked in.

"Michael's innocent!" came shouts from a crowd of about 75 people.

Fans, whose numbers dwindled to about 10 a day over the long weeks of trial, were back in larger numbers along with some prosecution supporters and political demonstrators taking advantage of the news coverage.

A total of 260 people entered a lottery for seats in the public area of the courtroom and 45 were chosen, giving them access for Friday's session and whenever the verdict is returned.

In his argument, Mesereau told the jury that prosecutors lacked a key piece of evidence against his client.

He said that in molestation cases police typically have the alleged victim make a "pretext" phone call to ask incriminating questions as police listen in.

But Mesereau said that Jackson's accuser, despite a willingness to call numerous celebrities in the past, refused during a police interview to make such a call.

Mesereau also directly attacked the boy's honesty, saying that a lawsuit in which his family received a $152,000 settlement from J.C. Penney began when the boy was caught shoplifting.

The boy and his mother were key players in the lawsuit, Mesereau said.

While prosecutors have tried to suggest that the boy's father was responsible for the family's cons, Mesereau said, the boy was like "a bull in the china shop," constantly asking for money.

The mother was more sophisticated, Mesereau said, ingratiating herself with her targets.

"She gets to know you, she hugs you, she loves you," Mesereau said. "Then she tells you a tale of woe and she gets money."

Mesereau accused the boy of repeatedly lying under oath.

He noted that the boy testified that both Jackson and his grandmother told him on different occasions that if men didn't masturbate they might rape women.

"What are the odds of his grandmother and Michael telling him word for word that exact same statement," Mesereau said.

He noted that in the J.C. Penney lawsuit the boy stated in a deposition that his parents never fought, but he and his brother, sister and mother would later say his father beat them for years.

"This kid's lying at the age of what, 9? Ten?" Mesereau said, referring to the boy's age at the time.

The boy was also dishonest when he testified in Jackson's trial that he couldn't remember if anyone had told him to lie in that lawsuit, Mesereau said.

Mesereau said the family has a history of making abuse allegations. He said the boy once accused his mother of abusing him, the boy's sister accused her father of molesting her, and the mother accused store security guards of beating and groping her.

"These kids are being raised to make allegations," Mesereau said.

The 46-year-old entertainer is charged with molesting the boy in 2003, plying him with wine and conspiring to hold his family captive to get them to rebut the documentary "Living With Michael Jackson." In the documentary, Jackson holds hands with the boy and says he allows children into his bed for innocent, non-sexual sleepovers.

Mesereau played excerpts from the documentary by journalist Martin Bashir and from a tape shot by Jackson's videographer during the making of the documentary.

The excerpts included Jackson saying that letting children into his bed is not sexual and that he would never hurt a child.

"Your relationship with your children is spectacular and in fact it almost makes me weep," Bashir said to Jackson at one point.
