Articulo completito de la agencia AP
Jackson Lawyers Finish Closing Arguments
By TIM MOLLOY, Associated Press Writer
9 minutes ago
SANTA MARIA, Calif. - The family accusing Michael Jackson of child molestation and other crimes is trying to pull "the biggest con of their careers" and has created a "nightmare" for the pop star, Jackson's attorney said Friday in his final argument to the jury.
"They just need you to help them," attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr. told the panel of eight women and four men on the second day of closing arguments.
"Ladies and gentlemen, it only takes one lie under oath to throw this case out of court," Mesereau said to the jurors. "You can't count all the lies under oath by (the family). How many does it take to let you know this case is a fraud?"
The jury was also once again shown a videotape in which Jackson, who did not testify, explained why he spends so much time with children.
"I haven't been betrayed or deceived by children. Adults have let me down," he said.
After playing a half-hour of tapes, Mesereau rested his arguement, saying Jackson had been lax with his money and had let the wrong people around him but was not guilty of any crime.
"This has been a nightmare for Mr. Jackson," the attorney concluded.
Senior Deputy District Attorny Ron Zonen then began a rebuttal, after which the jury was expected to receive final instructions from the judge and have the case turned over to them.
The prosecution gave his initial argument on Thursday and was followed by the defense.
Mesereau resumed his argument shortly after his gaunt-looking client arrived at court after going to Santa Ynez Valley Cottage Hospital in Solvang late Thursday or early Friday.
"He checked into the emergency department at our Solvang hospital, which is closest to his home, but he didn't stay," said hospital spokeswoman Janet O'Neill said. "It was sometime in the evening, but I don't have exact details of the time."
"Obviously I can't talk about why he was there for privacy reasons," she said.
A Jackson spokeswoman earlier denied he went to the hospital. Jackson's case was twice previously interrupted by hospital visits, once for treatment of flu symptoms and another time for a back problem, which led to a threat of arrest from the judge if he didn't get to court.
Jackson, appearing drawn, arrived on time Friday with parents Joe and Katherine Jackson, sisters Janet and LaToya, and brothers Jermaine, Tito and Randy, among other family members. Jackson clutched his mother's arm as he walked in.
"Michael's innocent!" came shouts from a crowd of about 75 people.
Fans, whose numbers dwindled to about 10 a day over the long weeks of trial, were back in larger numbers along with some prosecution supporters and political demonstrators taking advantage of the news coverage.
A total of 260 people entered a lottery for seats in the public area of the courtroom and 45 were chosen, giving them access for Friday's session and whenever the verdict is returned.
In his argument, Mesereau told the jury that prosecutors lacked a key piece of evidence against his client.
He said that in molestation cases police typically have the alleged victim make a "pretext" phone call to ask incriminating questions as police listen in.
But Mesereau said that Jackson's accuser, despite a willingness to call numerous celebrities in the past, refused during a police interview to make such a call.
Mesereau also directly attacked the boy's honesty, saying that a lawsuit in which his family received a $152,000 settlement from J.C. Penney began when the boy was caught shoplifting.
The boy and his mother were key players in the lawsuit, Mesereau said.
While prosecutors have tried to suggest that the boy's father was responsible for the family's cons, Mesereau said, the boy was like "a bull in the china shop," constantly asking for money.
The mother was more sophisticated, Mesereau said, ingratiating herself with her targets.
"She gets to know you, she hugs you, she loves you," Mesereau said. "Then she tells you a tale of woe and she gets money."
Mesereau accused the boy of repeatedly lying under oath.
He noted that the boy testified that both Jackson and his grandmother told him on different occasions that if men didn't masturbate they might rape women.
"What are the odds of his grandmother and Michael telling him word for word that exact same statement," Mesereau said.
He noted that in the J.C. Penney lawsuit the boy stated in a deposition that his parents never fought, but he and his brother, sister and mother would later say his father beat them for years.
"This kid's lying at the age of what, 9? Ten?" Mesereau said, referring to the boy's age at the time.
The boy was also dishonest when he testified in Jackson's trial that he couldn't remember if anyone had told him to lie in that lawsuit, Mesereau said.
Mesereau said the family has a history of making abuse allegations. He said the boy once accused his mother of abusing him, the boy's sister accused her father of molesting her, and the mother accused store security guards of beating and groping her.
"These kids are being raised to make allegations," Mesereau said.
The 46-year-old entertainer is charged with molesting the boy in 2003, plying him with wine and conspiring to hold his family captive to get them to rebut the documentary "Living With Michael Jackson." In the documentary, Jackson holds hands with the boy and says he allows children into his bed for innocent, non-sexual sleepovers.
Mesereau played excerpts from the documentary by journalist Martin Bashir and from a tape shot by Jackson's videographer during the making of the documentary.
The excerpts included Jackson saying that letting children into his bed is not sexual and that he would never hurt a child.
"Your relationship with your children is spectacular and in fact it almost makes me weep," Bashir said to Jackson at one point.;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPU