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[3 de marzo] 11º Día de Juicio: Noticias y Fotos





mas noticias ,la niña ha declarado ,davelin ,dicen que estaba tranquila ,que era educada ,que hablo de las palizas a su madre por parte de su padre ,que tenian peleas en neverlan ,con lo que la acusacion quiere probar qu ela madre era una victima de maltratos ,dice que su hermano le dijo que mj le estaba tocando , que ella estab sola en neverland ,la dejaban sola ,que mj trato de no dejarlos ver el documental que encerro a gavin en su cuarto durante quince minutos el dia en que no quiso que vieran el documental ,que a su madre un guardaespaldas la saco de su cuarto para que no lo viera , que se dirije a mj ,no como michael jackson ,sino como señor jackson :

aki posteos noticias en ingles ,seguire informando:
From the court tv board:

[CourtTV - 03/03/2005 :: 10:40AM PST]

Casarez: Good afternoon.M jean casarez with the latest from the court tv news center. Critical testimony is under way in the Michael Jackson child molestation trial as the sister of the accuser takes the witness stand. Joining us now live from outside the santa maria, california, courthouse is court tv correspondent Savannah guthrie. Good afternoon, Savannah. This trial is really moving right along.

Savannah: It is. This is a key witness that we're hearing from, the accuser's older sister. She's 18 now. She was 16 at the time of these events. She's come to court today, and she's just really started her testimony. She's described her family. She's talked about her brother's cancer, that he was diagnosed within the summer of 2000. She's talking about how Michael Jackson first came to know the family. He first placed a phone call to her brother in the hospital, a get well cheer-up phone call and then invited them to visit neverland. She talked about her first visit to neverland. The whole family was there, the mom dad, judy doe as we're referring to her and two younger brothers and the limousine pick picked them up in their tiny apartment in east los angeles and took them to neverland and talked about she, her father and mother all stayed in the guest quarters. There are actual guest suites at neverland and it's her testimony that's where they stayed and just as I was leaving tom sneddon, the D.A., Was getting to the heart, well, where did your brother stay? It's tricky, a legal matter because of course she has no personal knowledge of where they stayed. She did not witness it. But she was able to say, well, my brothers did not stay in our rooms with us. They did not stay at the guest suite. Clearly the implication and we happen to know that the brothers will testify that that very first night, that very first visit at neverland they were staying in Michael Jackson's bedroom. Another thing I expect she'll talk about is kind of what you might term the second term citizenship that girls received there. This young woman was not invited to sleep in the bedroom with Michael Jackson. She also talked about a couple of minutes ago when they got there first the boys seemed to go off with Jackson and that she was just by herself and went down to the arcade and good in one of the little go-carts and was driving around neverland giving herself a tour. For those days they were there she was mostly by herself. Then another big piece of her testimony that she talked about was the fight that her mother and father had during the first visit to neverland. Happened a day or two after they got there. She said -- she didn't say what the fight was about but said her father threw a soda can at her mother. The father then walked out of the room in anger and the mother cried. And tom sneddon asked her was that the first time you had ever seen your father hit your mother and she said, no. And she said that her father had hit her mother many time, too many times to count, she said and that her father had also hit her and hit her brothers lots of times, she said. This obviously is going straight to the prosecution's theory that the accuser's mother is a battered woman. They are going to have an expert there hoping if the judge allows it who will talk about battered woman syndrome hoping that will explain some of the troubling behavior the defense certainly pointed out on the part of the mother, so obviously the D.A. Is laying that groundwork right now.

Casarez: Exactly. What about demeanor, Savannah? Anything noticeable in her demeanor on the stand?

Savannah: You know, it's so interesting. So far I think she's a very likable witness. She's a young woman. She's 18 now. She is a freshman in college and has a full time job. She has long dark hair. Kind of curly, had it pulled back wearing a dark suit and a white shirt. She speaks very softly. A couple times they had to bring the microphone up to her closely. I really noticed after the morning break, as the jurors were filing in, she was looking at them watching them walk in and many of her answers she would look at them and explain it to the jury so she seems to be making a section with them. I also noticed how she referred to Michael Jackson. She didn't say Michael or Michael Jackson. She was very polite. She kept saying mr. Jackson. Oh, mr. Jackson came in and greeted us. Mr. Jackson called my brother at the hospital. So far she's a very courteous polite witness coming across well in the courtroom.

Casarez: My next question is how do you think the cross will be handled because we already know the mother of the accuser's character is at issue. How do you think they'll deal with her on cross?

Savannah: Well, you know, I think that they'll attack her on the substance of some of her statements, for example, the battery that she supposedly received at the hands of her father and that she says her mother received as well. I think the defense will take this opportunity to get into that jcpenney lawsuit if they can, what she knew about it. What really happened there, whether or not her mother made up a false claim. I mean, any time the defense is going to have an opportunity to go after this mother, they're going to use it. You know, I should mention just based on her grand jury testimony, we haven't heard this yet in court this morning, the accuser's sister, she never witnessed any molestation but the grand jury she did say that her brother, the accuser, had told her that there were some times when Jackson would kind of you know, brush past his rear end over the top of his clothes and that the brother said that that made him uncomfortable. She also said at the grand jury that she had seen her brothers drink wine at neverland. So I won't be surprised at all if she does testify to that in her direct testimony today to see the cross-examination really go after that because obviously that's the center of this case.

Casarez: Oh, it is and it will be very interesting because if she says she saw it then you'd have to say that she was mistaken in what she saw. Now, we also expect the accuser's brother to take the stand this week?

Savannah: Yep, that's what we're hearing. Now, I mean if the cross-examination goes on and on of this witness maybe not. Put a little asterisk by it but, yes, it's my understanding the next witness would be the accuser's younger brother. He is even more central to this case, jean. There are four counts of molestation, lewd act with a child under 14 in the indictment. Two of them the accuser will testify about. But the other two were the ones witnessed by the accuser's younger brother. The accuser himself will say he does not remember them. He'll say that he was either asleep or the brother was either asleep or passed out and didn't remember it but the accuser's brother said he on two different occasions walked up the stairs to Jackson's bedroom. It is a two-level suite and threw the pedestals of the doorway E. Kus me of the stairwell saw Jackson's bed and saw this molestation taking place.

Casarez: Okay. I've got to ask you this, there are some new developments today, we understand, concerning jay leno and his connection to all of this. What do you know about that?

Savannah: You know, right, we've all heard about the celebrity witness list that the defense mentioned a couple of weeks ago and jay leno is on it and in tom mesereau's opening statement he explained why he is on it because leno supposedly had an interaction with the accuser's family a while back and said the accuser had actually called him and said I love you so much, jay leno. You're so terrific and leno apparently told the police he could hear the accuser's mother in the background prodding him on and urnging him on and leno said he had a bad feeling about it and it was his feeling they were looking for a "mark." The defense wants to put this testimony on. So now leno is on the witness list and filed a motion for the judge to clarify whether he now falls under the gag order. I don't have to tell you that leno has gotten a lot of mileage out of this case in his late night comedy routine and clearly wants to be able to continue to do that. He has continued to do that. At the same time he doesn't want to run afoul of any gag order so what his lawyers did is ask the judge to please clarify does the gag order apply to him. If it does does it mean he can't tell jokesny anymore? We'll certainly let you know what the judge says on that.

Casarez: Amazing. Savannah Guthrie reporting live from santa maria, california. Thank you. We'll have course throughout the day with Savannah and Diane Dimond.

Jackson Jury Hears Accuser's Sister
By Sally Connell and Michael Muskal, Special to the Times

SANTA MARIA, Calif. — The sister of the boy who says he was molested by Michael Jackson told jurors today how the family met the rock star and described the relationship that the prosecution maintains was marred by alcohol abuse and conspiracy.

The woman, now 18, described the growing menace she felt in dealing with Jackson aides.

The whole situation, the whole secrecy, the whole thing. I didn't understand why it was like this. I was just scared," she testified.

She also told of how her underage brother and Jackson drank from a can of Diet Coke that the prosecution maintains contained alcohol. Her brother "had a Diet Coke can. Mr. Jackson passed it to him. They were sipping it back and forth."

Jackson, 46, is charged with molesting the 13-year-old boy at Neverland in 2003. The singer also is accused of giving the boy alcohol to aid in the commission of a felony and preventing the boy and his family from leaving the ranch. If convicted on all charges, Jackson faces more than 20 years in prison.

Wearing a dark suit and a white shirt, the sister testified for more than 90 minutes before taking a break, then returned for more. She went on the stand after a sheriff's deputy led jurors on a video tour of Jackson's Neverland ranch, displaying some of the star's most private rooms.

Now in college, the woman was composed and controlled during her testimony and politely referred to Jackson as Mr. Jackson.

Under questioning by Dist. Atty. Thomas Sneddon, she started by identifying pictures of her relatives with celebrities, including Los Angeles Laker Kobe Bryant, actor Chris Tucker and comedian Louise Palanker. She described how the mother approached famous people to help her son, diagnosed with cancer in 2000.

The prosecution has said that comedy club owner Jamie Masada introduced the boy to Jackson. The sister testified that Jackson and her brother then conversed by telephone after they were introduced.

In August of 2000, the sister and her brothers visited Neverland. While part of the family slept in a guest cottage, the accuser and his brother slept in Jackson's main house, she said.

Defense attorney Thomas A. Mesereau Jr. objected, arguing there was no way for the sister to know where they slept, just that they didn't stay with the family. Judge Rodney S. Melville sustained the objection.

The boys visited Neverland other times, she said, but the sister said she didn't return until November 2002, when she and her brothers were brought to the ranch to take part in the production of a British documentary. In that video, Jackson said he innocently slept with children in his bed. The accuser was also seen holding hands with the pop star.

It was that documentary, aired on Feb. 3, 2003 in England and three days later in the United States, that shook up the Jackson camp, which feared that the star's image would be damaged.

Around Feb. 5, the sister testified, the family was taken by Tucker to the airport and flown to Florida, where a rebuttal news conference was planned, but never occurred. The family stayed in hotel where Jackson had a suite. There they met with the star and his entourage, including aides Ronald Konitzer, Dieter Weisener and Frank Tyson.

The prosecution maintains that this was the beginning of the conspiracy to control the family and to use them to rebut the bad publicity generated by the documentary.

The prosecution maintains that Jackson gave the child alcohol as well. The sister testified that her brother met with Jackson behind a shut door. When her brother came back into the main room, "He was just very hyper, running around, very talkative, more playful. It was very unusual."

She also described how during that trip Jackson took off his watch and his black jacket with sparkles and gave it to the boy, she said.

The sister was candid about her family's difficulties, at one point describing how her father beat her mother and brothers "too many" times.

The battering is important because the defense has questioned why the mother didn't call police to deal with the situation. The prosecution has said the battering led to the mother behaving in an erratic manner.

Earlier, Albert Lafferty, a Santa Barbara County deputy sheriff, described how he shot a video of Neverland on Nov. 18, 2003, before authorities executed a search warrant at the ranch. A civilian videographer, who was scheduled to testify, was not called.

A 12-minute portion of the video was shown in court, taking the viewer from outdoors into Jackson's most private places.

Coming into the main building is an ornate foyer, decorated with classical sculptures of cherubs and topless Greek maidens carrying vases. There was also a statue that seemed similar to Michelangelo's David.

There is a strong sense of clutter as the video moves past a mannequin of a butler to the stairs that climb to the two-story master bedroom suite used by Jackson. Above the head of the bed is a painting of the Last Supper. There appears to be a film or video projector above the larger than king-sized bed covered with a shiny blue-gray spread and pillows.

The camera moves on to the bathroom area, crammed with audio and visual equipment; a television is above the Jacuzzi. A photograph of long-time Jackson friend Elizabeth Taylor is across from a sink. Taylor is one of the celebrity names on the defense's witness list, though that is no guarantee she will be called.

Off the bedroom is a room crammed with dolls and another with toys, including large-sized Star Wars figures.

The video is important to the prosecution, which is hoping to set the scene for later testimony by the accuser and his relatives.

Defense attorney Robert Sanger focused his cross-examination on possible sightlines, asking Lafferty his height and how far the camera was from possible landmarks on the tape. He seemed to be preparing the jury for raising questions about whether the younger brother had a clear vision of the bedroom.

In his opening, Sneddon said the younger brother would testify about seeing Jackson molest the accuser.
They just reported that the sister said when the Bashit special aired here in the U.S. that MJ ordered EVERYONE NOT to watch it. And that a bodyguard went to a bedroom where Janet was a brought her out so she couldn't see it. And then that MJ took Gavin into his bedroom and shut the door for 15-30 min. throughout the day....

thats the latest
aqui os dejo mas info ,agencia reuters , acerca de como mj no los dejo ver el docuemental.

Jackson "tried to stop family seeing documentary"

Thu Mar 3, 2005 9:20 PM GMT

By Dan Whitcomb

SANTA MARIA, California (Reuters) - Michael Jackson flew a teenage cancer patient and his family from California to Miami in a bid to stop them seeing a television documentary in which he admitted sharing his bed with boys, the jury in the singer's child sex abuse trial has been told.

The now 18-year-old sister of the boy Jackson is accused of molesting said she, her two brothers and her mother were flown in a private jet to Miami and taken to the pop superstar's hotel suite on the night in February 2003 the documentary was due to air in the United States.

The documentary, by former ITV journalist Martin Bashir, had already been broadcast in Britain. It showed Jackson and his accuser holding hands and nuzzling while talking on camera about their friendship and has been key to the prosecution's case.

"He (Jackson) was kind of, like, upset about it. He didn't want us to see it," the sister told the jury. She added that at one point her mother left the suite but was brought back by Jackson's aides.

Her brother and Jackson spent several minutes alone behind closed doors that day, she said, adding her brother was behaving strangely. "He was just very hyper, very talkative, running around, very playful, more talkative, more jumpy," she said.

Jackson, 46, is charged with molesting the girl's then-13-year-old brother at his Neverland ranch in central California and plying the boy with alcohol.

He is also accused of conspiring to commit false imprisonment, child abduction and extortion after the documentary created what the prosecution has termed a public relations nightmare.

The self-styled "King of Pop" has pleaded innocent and faces more than 20 years in prison if convicted on all 10 counts.

The jury on Thursday also saw video of the singer's glitzy Neverland bedroom suite -- the place where Jackson is said to have groped the boy -- that was filmed by police during a November 2003 raid on the ranch.

The room was replete with pictures of stars like Marilyn Monroe and Shirley Temple, stacks of videos and a glittering bedspread. Two adjoining rooms were filled with character dolls and mannequins from shows such as "Star Wars," "Superman" and "Batman."

Jackson's lawyers have argued he was the victim of a scheme by his accuser's mother to extort money and that the boy and his brother ran wild during a stay at Neverland, getting drunk and looking at pornography.

A woman who worked briefly as a public relations consultant for Jackson after the Bashir documentary testified on Wednesday that Jackson's advisers planned to smear the mother of his accuser as a "crack @#$#%."

The consultant, Ann Kite, conceded she never met or spoke with Jackson and had no sense he was directing the activities of his aides.

© Reuters 2005. All Rights Reserved.
Hermana de acusador declara en juicio Michael Jackson


Associated Press

SANTA MARIA, California, EE.UU. - La hermana del acusador de Michael Jackson prestó declaración el jueves en el juicio por abuso de menores que se sigue al ex rey del pop.

La joven de 18 años, que asiste a su primer año universitario, fue llamada a declarar acerca de lo que ocurrió hace dos años cuando, según la fiscalía, uno de sus hermanos fue objeto de abusos sexuales por parte de Jackson mientras la familia permanecía cautiva en la hacienda Neverland del artista.
Previamente, la fiscalía convocó al fotógrafo del Departamento de Fotografía del Condado de Santa Bárbara que grabó en vídeo el allanamiento de la hacienda, el 18 de noviembre del 2003.

Jackson, de 46 años, observó el proceso sin inmutarse, con un dedo apretado contra una mejilla, en tanto que su madre Katherine y su hermano Jackie miraban desde el sector destinado al público y los miembros del jurado tomaban notas.

La fiscalía afirma que Jackson conspiró para retener a la familia a fin de obligarla a ayudar con una desmentida al documental, transmitido el 6 de febrero del 2003, en que Jackson dijo que permitía a los niños dormir en su lecho.

Los fiscales afirman que el acusador, que apareció en el documental, fue objeto de abusos sexuales después de la transmisión del documental.

El vídeo dio a los jurados su primer vistazo al dormitorio del cantante, donde habría abusado del niño de 13 años, que padecía de cáncer y había entablado amistad con Jackson.

Otras dos habitaciones estaban llenas de muñecas, maniquíes y reproducciones de personajes como Batman, Superman y dos robots de la serie La guerra de las galaxias.

Había además muñecas de todos los tamaños y una casa de muñecas, así como retratos de Marilyn Monroe y Shirley Temple y varios televisores y rimeros de cintas de vídeos.

Fuente: El Nuevo Herald
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Michael Jackson impidió ver documental a la familia de niño acusador [/font]​

( AFP )


[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]La hermana de la presunta víctima de abuso sexual de Michael Jackson describió este jueves a la Corte la manera en que su familia fue forzada a viajar a Miami, al difundirse en Estados Unidos la cinta Living with Michael Jackson, que el astro del pop les impidió ver.
Ante la advertencia de que “sus vidas corrían peligro”, la presunta víctima y sus familiares debieron a viajar a Miami, donde se reunieron con el cantante en un lujoso hotel, contó este jueves en la Corte de Santa María, California, la hermana mayor del niño que acusó a Jackson de abuso sexual.
En las audiencias de esta semana, los fiscales pretenden demostrar que tras la emisión del documental del británico Martin Bashir en febrero de 2003, Jackson y cinco asesores intentaron secuestrar a su presunta víctima y sus familiares.
Además de abuso sexual contra un menor, Jackson está acusado de conspiración para secuestro y suministro de alcohol a menores.
La madre de ellos, de origen mexicano, les dijo que debían hacer las maletas porque se iban “a Miami”, narró la joven de 18 años, una de las principales testigos de la acusación.
A la mañana siguiente, los niños fueron a la habitación de Jackson, donde pasaron el día recluidos sin poder ver la transmisión del documental, que se difundía ese día en Estados Unidos, debido a que el cantante se los impidió.
“Michael Jackson no quería que viéramos la cinta de Bashir. Estaba bastante indignado con ella”, contó la joven.
Al día siguiente, tras una sesión de masajes para sus dos hermanos —ahora de 15 y 13 años— y de manicura para ella, todos viajaron a la hacienda Neverland del cantante en Santa Barbara.
La joven describió ante los miembros del jurado la manera en que conoció a Jackson “unos cuatro años atrás”.

Fuente:La crònica de hoy


‘Teníamos miedo en Neverland’ dice la hermana de presunta víctima de Jackson

04 de marzo de 2005

SANTA MARÍA, California (AFP).- La hermana de la presunta víctima de Michael Jackson dijo ayer que ella y sus familiares tuvieron miedo al quedar recluidos en la hacienda Neverland del cantante en Santa Barbara, luego de que un asesor del artista les advirtiera que sus vidas corrían peligro.

La joven, de 18 años, dijo a los miembros del jurado en la Corte de Santa María que los asesores de Jackson advirtieron a ella y su familia que tras la emisión del documental “Living with Michael Jackson”, habían recibido amenazas de muerte dirigidas a ellos.

“Teníamos miedo. Fue muy agresivo. Mi madre quería que nos fuéramos de allí”, dijo la joven.

“Hubo un momento en que un asesor (de Jackson) nos dijo que había amenazas de muerte contra nosotros”, señaló.

Estos días los fiscales intentan demostrar que Jackson tramó un plan con cinco “conspiradores” para mantener a la familia en la hacienda del cantante y luego en un hotel de Miami tras la emisión del documental del periodista británico Martin Bashir.

Los fiscales intentan demostrar que tras la difusión de la cinta en el mundo el 6 de febrero de 2003, los asesores de Jackson entraron en pánico por las consecuencias de ésta en la imagen del artista y buscaron aislar a la familia, además de pretender filmarla en un video “reivindicatorio”.

“(Un asesor) nos dijo que dijéramos cosas buenas de Jackson y que no mencionáramos con demasiado detalles lo que sucedía en su hacienda”, dijo la testigo.

Señaló que los asesores del artista pidieron realizar el video en la hacienda, cinco días después de que regresaran de Miami, a donde habían viajado bajo amenazas.

La joven describió cómo finalmente pudo escapar del “presidio” junto a su madre y sus dos hermanos ayudados por un empleado de Jackson.

La hermana del niño que acusó a Jackson afirmó que su familia fue forzada a viajar a Miami al difundirse en Estados Unidos la polémica cinta, que el astro del pop les impidió ver.

Ya en Miami, los niños se reunieron con Jackson, en una habitación de un lujoso hotel, donde pasaron el día recluidos, sin poder ver la transmisión del documental, que se difundía ese día en Estados Unidos, debido a que el cantante se los impidió.

“Michael Jackson no quería que viéramos la cinta de Bashir. Estaba bastante indignado con ella”, contó la joven.

Los fiscales le preguntaron si vio a sus hermanos bebiendo bebidas alcohólicas junto a Jackson, a lo que ella respondió que una vez siguió a sus hermanos y a otro niño a la bodega donde el acusado servía vino a todos los niños.

“Vi a Jackson sirviendo vino en copas” y luego el cantante dio una copa a cada niño, ella y la presunta víctima incluidas, dijo.

“Sabía raro”, añadió.

Jackson está acusado de servir vino y alcohol al niño, quien tenía sólo un riñón, en más de una oportunidad, con el fin de cometer pedofilia.

La hermana es la cuarta testigo que comparece esta semana por la acusación en el juicio contra la leyenda de pop.

Poco antes, un funcionario exhibió un video filmado el mismo día en que la policía allanó en noviembre de 2003 la ostentosa hacienda, bautizada como el reino mágico de Peter Pan.

Copyright AFP 2005
SANTA MARÍA.- La hermana de la supuesta víctima de los abusos sexuales de los que Michael Jackson está acusado ha declarado que el cantante se llevó a la familia del menor de California a Miami sin previo aviso, para impedir que vieran un documental en el que admitió haber compartido su cama con niños.

La hermana -ahora de 18 años- del muchacho que acusa a Jackson de haberlo molestado sexualmente dijo que ella, su madre y sus dos hermanos volaron a bordo de un jet privado hacia Miami en la noche de febrero del 2003, cuando se exhibió el documental en la televisisn estadounidense.

El filme, realizado por el periodista britanico Martin Bashir, ya se había transmitido en Gran Bretaña. En el mismo, aparece Jackson de manos con su demandante mientras le habla a la cámara sobre su amistad con el adolescente. Esta cinta de video ha sido clave en el juicio contra la estrella.

Jackson "estaba un tanto molesto con esto. No quería que lo viéramos", dijo la hermana del demandante al jurado.

La muchacha agregó que hubo un momento en que su madre abandonó la habitación del hotel en Miami, pero ayudantes de Jackson se encargaron de convencerla para que regresara de inmediato.

Ese día, el demandante y Jackson pasaron varios minutos encerrados a solas, según la chica, quien agregó que su hermano se comportó de forma extraña.

"Estaba muy activo, muy conversador, corriendo de un lado a otro, muy juguetón, hablador e inquieto", dijo.

Entre los que han prestado declaración hasta el momento está el documentalista Martin Bashir y Ann Marie Kite, ex encargada de las relaciones públicas del cantante. Bashir respondió el martes a un par de preguntas de la acusación para autentificar el documental sobre Michael Jackson que dio pie a estas acusaciones, pero por lo demás se mantuvo en silencio.

Kite dijo el miércoles que el documental británico fue "un desastre" para el cantante y que en los seis días que trabajó para Jackson presenció el nerviosismo entre los que le rodeaban.

Imágenes de las habitaciones

En esta jornada, los miembros del jurado también pudieron conocer el dormitorio de Michael Jackson en unas imágenes tomadas el 18 de noviembre de 2003 durante el registro del rancho 'Neverland'.

Aunque según la fiscalía ese fue el supuesto escenario de los abusos sexuales indicados en la acusación, la imágenes no muestran rastros de objetos sexuales.

Las tomas expusieron ante los jurados una habitación llena de objetos, con una cama forrada con una colcha brillante en el centro de la pieza. En el marasmo de objetos y adornos que se acumulan en el cuarto destacan las fotografías de Marilyn Monroe y Shirley Temple.

Además, la fiscalía también mostró imágenes de dos habitaciones calificadas como "cuartos de los juguetes", repletas de muñecos de todos los tamaños de personajes populares como Batman, Superman o C3-PO y R2-D2, los robots más conocidos de la saga de 'La guerra de las galaxias'.

Si es declarado culpable de los diez cargos que se le imputan, -entre ellos pederastia y suministrar alcohol a un menor-, Jackson podría ser condenado a 20 años de cárcel.

Jackson Accuser's Sister Adds Pop

1 hour, 24 minutes ago Entertainment - E! Online Gossip/Celeb

By Joal Ryan

When is a Diet Coke can just a Diet Coke can?

E! Online Photo

The sister of the Michael Jackson (news)'s accuser testified Thursday that she saw the self-styled King of Pop share a soda can with her brother.

Prosecutors contend the soda was spiked with wine; the defense denies Jackson ever served alcohol to the boy, then 13.

The sister, an 18-year-old college freshman, was the first relative of the accuser to take the stand in the singer's child-molestation trial in Santa Maria, California.

The sister has not been billed as a witness to the sexual misconduct allegations against Jackson. Rather, prosecutors aimed to use her testimony to make their case for the charges of conspiracy and serving alcohol to a minor. The singer has pleaded innocent to all charges.

The woman's family first met Jackson in 2000 when her eldest brother, now the star's accuser, was being treated for cancer. The sister said Jackson's Neverland Ranch left her feeling out of sorts. It was her two brothers Jackson lavished attention on, she said, not her or her mother.

The soda can sharing incident occurred on a private flight from Miami to California in February 2003, the sister said under questioning by Santa Barbara County District Attorney Tom Sneddon. After, she said, Jackson gave her brother a pricey watch and a jacket--gifts the prosecution suggested for the child's silence.

The sister said her family had been rushed to Miami with the help of Rush Hour star Chris Tucker. The impromptu trip came just before her brother would be seen holding Jackson's hand in the Martin Bashir documentary, Living with Michael Jackson.

Prior to that show's Feb. 6, 2003 debut on ABC, the sister said her mother summoned her to the family's Los Angeles apartment. There, she told jurors, she was met by an assistant for Tucker and taken to Tucker's home, where the family convened.

From Tucker's home, she said, the family was off to the airport, then off to Miami, and then ensconced in a posh resort, the Fairmont Turnberry Isle Resort and Club, where the Bashir documentary was not screened.
The prosecution alleges the Bashir special left the Jackson camp scrambling, and led them to hold the accuser's family against their will in both Florida and at Neverland. The defense says the family had numerous opportunities to either leave or call for help, and did neither.

Earlier, jurors got a virtual tour of Neverland, courtesy digital video shot by Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Deputy Albert Lafferty on Nov. 18, 2003, the day of the first raid on Jackson's fantasyland home.

The footage showed Jackson's master bedroom, where the alleged molestation occurred, as well as what Lafferty called "the doll room," "the toy room" and "the arcade room."

The doll and toy rooms--the defense preferred to call the former "the craft room"--were filled with life-sized versions of Batman, Superman, and trio of Star Wars characters, C-3PO, R2-D2 and Boba Fett.

The defense did not shy away from the Neverland tour, using the prosecution exhibit to point out some highlights of its own: The train set, the classroom, the Walt Disney, Shirley Temple and Steven Spielberg memorabilia, the name tags and security key pads on the doors of Jackson's children's bedrooms, and the mannequin dressed like a butler and "holding a dish with cookies."

Defense attorney Robert M. Sanger also made a point of pointing out what was not on the tape: Namely, the pornographic magazines, DVDs and books the prosecution says Jackson used to entice his alleged victim.

Sanger quizzed Lafferty on when he cataloged the contents of a briefcase seized at Neverland, seemingly setting up an argument that police mishandled evidence. The defense has acknowledged Jackson stored "girlie magazines" in a briefcase.

Legal experts are saying that the prosecution are winning 60/40 so far but thats only because the defence haven't had their cross examination of Davelin yet.

They also say that the defence have a good strategy of turning prosecution witnesses into defense witnesses!

Davelin also just said that it was her brother Gavin's idea to sleep in MJ's bedroom, this is MAJOR GOOD NEWS FOR THE DEFENCE (MJ)
quiere decir que segun expertos legales ,la acusacion gana 60 a 40 a la defensa, pero claro ,esto es sin que messereau haya interrogado a daveline.
tambien han dicho que gavin fue el que le pidio a michael dormir en su cuarto , al parecer esto seria bueno ,ya que expondria que michael no tenia intencion de que gavin durmiera alli.