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[7 de marzo] 13º Día de Juicio: Noticias y Fotos





Según Associated Press:

-Mez ha preguntado a Davelyn sobre su testimonio en el caso JC Penney. Ha reconocido que estuvo presente durante la declaración jurada de Gavin (la semana pasada dijo que no sabia nada del caso). Cuando Mez le ha dicho que si el otro día estaba equivocada o qué, ha dicho "Cuando ha dicho "declaración" entonces ya me he acordado"...

-Davelyn tambien dijo la semana pasada que no estaba segura de si su hermano había tenido problemas de comportamiento en el colegio. Hoy Mez ha recordado que según la declaración de Gavin en el caso JC Penney, le habían expulsado de clase (¿Cómo es posible que expulsen del cole a tu hermano menor y tú no acordarte????) Ella ha dicho "No me acuerdo de que lo dijera". Dice que sabía que Gavin habia tenido problemas en el colegio por no estarse callado y por ser muy contestón.
Update: The brother ALREADY LIED on the stand, he said he spent the night at the guesthouse when he 1st went to Neverland, but in the GJ, he said he was in mj's BEDROOM and was shown PORN.

sacado del king of pop discussion:
el hermano mintio en la corte , el ha dicho que paso la noche en la habitacion del los invitados :qmal: el primer dia en neverland, pero en GJ, el dijo que estuvo la primera noche en la habitacion de mj y vio pornografia.
Discrepancies in the accuser and his brother's molestation accounts will fuel Jackson defense


MARCH 7--With their sister already struggling on the witness stand, the Los Angeles brothers at the heart of the molestation case against Michael Jackson are now waiting in the wings, with their anticipated testimony appearing more crucial than ever.

However, the pair's accounts of Jackson's illegal behavior have been fluid and filled with the kind of troubling inconsistencies and contradictions that could easily undermine their uncorroborated version of the singer's alleged sex assaults in his Neverland Ranch bedroom. Based on The Smoking Gun's review of sealed search warrant affidavits and investigative reports and the 1903-page grand jury transcript, below you'll find several key areas in which the teenage duo's tales appear ripe for a vigorous cross examination by Jackson lawyer Thomas Mesereau.


Like his siblings, the accuser's brother, now 14, first spoke of Jackson's alleged abuse during a May 29, 2003 interview with Stanley Katz, an L.A. child psychologist to whom the children were referred by the family's lawyer, Larry Feldman.

In an interview with detectives, Katz recalled that the boy told him of two instances in which he saw Jackson place his hand on his brother's crotch, above the boy's clothes. However, on July 7, during his first interview with sheriff's investigators, the child's story shifted considerably.

This time, he claimed to have seen Jackson place his left hand under the front of his brother's pajama pants during the first alleged incident. Jackson, he told cops, was "jacking off" with his right hand. During the second molestation, the boy reported, Jackson's erect penis was exposed and the performer was masturbating.

The boy again tweaked his account in an August 13 police interview, saying that Jackson had placed his hand inside the front of his brother's boxer shorts--the only mention that his brother wore that kind of underwear. The accuser has said he wore Hanes briefs during the molestations, and when investigators raided Jackson's estate in November 2003, among the items they searched for were that brand of briefs, not boxers.

During the younger boy's initial grand jury appearance, he testified that his brother was wearing "underwear and a shirt" during the first assault and "pants shorts" during the second alleges molestation. Gone were any mentions of pajama pants, boxers, and, of course, inappropriate touching over his brother's clothes.

In a follow-up grand jury appearance on April 15, the boy also committed himself to other facts that will surely be called into question by Mesereau. For example, the boy said that the two molestations occurred between 1:00 AM and 2:00 AM--when Jackson's home was presumably quiet. The child testified that as he headed for the singer's bedroom, which is on the second floor of Neverland's main house, he set off two alarms, which were triggered by hidden sensors. The boy claimed that tripping the sensors triggered two loud "ding-ding" sounds. Asked if Jackson could have heard the tones, the boy first said no, since a door leading to the stairs to the singer's bedroom was closed. He later modified that claim, noting that you can, in fact, hear the warning alarm from Jackson's bedroom if the downstairs door was closed. But, the boy claimed, the alarm sound was "really low." Which, it seems, would defeat the purpose of a security system that detectives have claimed, for more than a decade, was used by Jackson to alert him when someone was approaching the stairs to his bedroom. The inference being, of course, that those "ding-ding" warnings would give Jackson time to stop molesting a boy before someone--maids, aides, police--reached his room.

The boy, who claimed to have seen his brother's molestation from a vantage point on the stairs, testified that he watched each episode for "about a minute" before heading downstairs and out of the main house. In his opening statement, District Attorney Tom Sneddon told jurors that the buy was "frozen by what he saw" from his stairwell perch. The boy, however, never offered investigators (or the grand jury) such a dramatic explanation for his lingering look.

Based solely on the younger brother's account, Jackson has been charged with a pair of felony molestation counts in connection with these two alleged incidents.


During his interview with Katz, the younger brother claimed that he was once traveling in a golf cart with Jackson when the entertainer allegedly reached over and placed his hand on the child's penis--again over the clothes. At the time of this alleged March 2003 incident--which the boy said occurred in the days before he watched Jackson molest his brother--the child was driving the golf cart, with Jackson to his right.

In his first interview with detectives, on July 7, the boy claimed that while he drove, Jackson reached over with his left hand and touched the boy's "penis and testicles" over his clothing.

However, by the time the boy reached the Santa Barbara grand jury on March 29, 2004, his story had changed. During a drive through Neverland, Jackson, he testified, "put his hand--he wasn't close to my private area, but he put his hand on my leg until we reached the train station, then he moved his hand." During his second grand jury appearance, on April 15, the boy said Jackson placed his hand on his right thigh. When prosecutor Ronald Zonen asked, "How close to your crotch?" the child replied, "About a couple of inches. But he wasn't touching it."

Jackson has not been charged in connection with the alleged golf cart incident.


During his first interview with detectives, on July 7, 2003, the alleged victim, now 15, claimed that Jackson once took his hand and made him touch the performer's "private part" over his clothes. The child would later testify that he believed the incident occurred while he was being molested by Jackson.

In an August 13 police interview, the accuser was again asked if he was "made to do anything to" Jackson. He answered, "I don't know. I don't think he did." The child told detectives that he believed Jackson "asked him something about touching" him, but that he told the performer he "didn't want to." When detectives reminded him of his July 7 claim that Jackson made him touch him on the outside of his pants, the teenager "said he could not remember that," according to a sealed search warrant affidavit.

However, by the time of his first grand jury appearance, the boy had rallied, becoming more certain of this alleged molestation attempt.

Asked if he ever touched Jackson, the boys said, "No. He--he wanted me to, but I didn't. I said no. And I pulled my hand away." He added, "He put his hand on my hand, and he was trying to gesture my hand to go to where he wanted me to touch it. I pulled my hand away."

For this alleged incident, Jackson was charged with a felony count of attempting to commit a lewd act upon a child. In his closing statement to grand jurors, Zonen claimed that while the incident wasn't "even attempted, it's actually completed child molestation," prosecutors were "going to give Mr. Jackson the benefit of the doubt on that one" and only charge him with an attempted lewd act
Star Dijo que Michael les dio a el y a Gavin la clave de su pieza para que entren cuando quieran, y que les paso un computador personal para que puedan navegar en Internet, tambien dijo que el propio Michael los acompañaba cuando miraban paginas webs pornograficas y que esa noche se quedaron en su pieza y que ellos durmieron en la cama de Mj y MJ durmio en el Piso...:|

esto es lo que ha dicho la reportera boba de cnn...
Accuser's brother: Jackson showed us porn


Associated Press

SANTA MARIA, Calif. - The younger brother of Michael Jackson's accuser told the jury in the singer's child molestation trial Monday that Jackson showed him and his brother Internet sex sites during a visit to his Neverland ranch in which they slept on his bed and the pop star slept on the floor.

The account by the 14-year-old boy added to confusion about the prosecution's timeline of the case, however.

The boys' sister testified earlier that her brothers slept in Jackson's room during their first night to Neverland. The new witness said he and his brother slept with their father on their first night there and slept in Jackson's room later.

Jackson, 46, is accused of molesting the then-13-year-old boy - a cancer survivor - at Neverland, giving him alcohol and conspiring to hold the family captive in 2003.

It was unclear when the visit involving the alleged Internet viewing and shared bedroom occurred.

The brother said that first they looked at the Internet and then watched episodes of "The Simpsons."

"Michael told us not to tell no one what we did - not to tell our parents what we did," he testified.

The brother said that Jackson's assistant Frank Tyson and Jackson's children Prince Michael and Paris were also present.

The boy said that at one point while looking at an image of a woman's breasts Jackson joked, "Got milk?"

He said at another point Jackson whispered in the ear of his sleeping son. Using a vulgar term for female anatomy, Jackson allegedly said, "You're missing some...."

The brother fidgeted with his hands as he testified and acknowledged during questioning by District Attorney Tom Sneddon that he was nervous.

The boy also testified that Jackson gave him the security code to enter his bedroom without setting off an alarm and that he later acquired another code for all the locks at Neverland from a security guard.

Defense attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr. contends the boys used the codes to run amok at Neverland and enter rooms without permission.

Earlier in the day, the jury heard an audiotape in which the accuser's siblings and mother effusively praised the "King of Pop" as a father figure who took them in after years of abuse by the mother's ex-husband.

The tape was used by Mesereau in an attempt to impeach the credibility of the accuser's 18-year-old sister by trying to show inconsistencies between her testimony and other statements.

"At that point I still liked Mr. Jackson and I was just latching onto something," she said of her comments on the tape. "I had 16 years of abuse and I didn't know what a father was."

The tape was recorded on Feb. 16, 2003, by private investigator Bradley Miller, who was working for former Jackson attorney Mark Geragos.

The tape was made during a time that prosecutors say the family was held against its will and forced to make favorable statements about Jackson to rebut a damaging TV documentary that aired on Feb. 6, 2003. The documentary showed Jackson and the boy together, and the pop star saying he let children sleep in his bedroom.

On the tape, Miller asked the mother to describe the relationship of the family with Jackson.

"Because of what I endured for 17 years I would be very sensitive," she said, referring to questions about whether anything inappropriate happened. She said it did not.

"People are trying to taint this as something it isn't," she said.

The mother and her children spoke on the tape of the father using drugs, sometimes having the children help him with his drugs and said they were poverty-stricken because he spent all their money on drugs.

She spoke of feeling that her children were "safe" when they were at Neverland.

The sister of the accuser wept and wiped her eyes with a tissue as the 45-minute tape played. She heard herself talking about extreme abuse by her father.

"He broke my tailbone. ... He threw us against the wall and yanked our hair," she said.

She cried the hardest when she heard her mother claim that the father killed their pet ferret because "anything me and the children loved (the father) took away and hurt."

When they met Jackson, the mother said, "I knew Michael was going to protect us."

The issue of the alleged abuse by the father has been raised in an attempt to show inconsistency.

During the course of a lawsuit by the family against the J.C. Penney department store chain, the mother denied any abuse by her husband, then claimed abuse during their divorce.

Jackson got boy drunk at hotel, brother suggests

SANTA MARIA, United States (AFP) - Pop icon Michael Jackson got his child molestation accuser drunk on the day a damaging documentary was broadcast about their relationship, the boy's brother suggested.

The 14-year-old brother of the alleged teenage victim testified that Jackson gave his sibling what appeared to be alcohol in a cold drink can in his suite at a luxury hotel in the eastern US city of Miami on February 6, 2003.

Prosecutors allege that Jackson, 46, took advantage of the then 13-year-old cancer patient -- who only had one kidney -- after breaking down his inhibitions with wine and other alcohol that was sometimes served in soft-drink cans.

"He was stumbling around and he had a soda can in his hand," the alleged victim's brother said of his sibling as he took the witness stand in Jackson's trial.

"He wasn't acting right, he was acting funny. I saw the brim (sic) of his 7-Up can -- 7-Up is clear and I saw red on the can," he said.

The boy said the incident took place on the day of the broadcast of the explosive television film that launched the police investigation that led to Jackson's arrest.

The boys visited Jackson's room at a resort in Miami, where Jackson had flown his future accuser, the boy's brother and sister and their mother ahead of the airing of journalist Martin Bashir's film.

The boys' sister told the court last week that the family had spent most of the day in Jackson's suite and that the star was "upset" over the documentary and did not want the family to see it.

The younger brother was expected to testify that he witnessed Jackson fondling his brother on at least two occasions at the star's Neverland Ranch in the days and weeks following the broadcast of Bashir's film which sparked the child abuse firestorm.

Jackson has denied 10 charges, including child molestation, plying the boy with alcohol to seduce him and conspiracy to kidnap the accuser and his family and hold them prisoner until the made a video clearing the star of suspicion.

If convicted at his trial in the California town of Santa Maria, the faded "King of Pop" could be jailed for up to 20 years.

Según Guthrie de Court TV:

El hermano contradijo la historia de la hermana. La hermana afirmó en el estrado que en el avión de vuelta de Florida, Michael y el acusador compartieron una lata de coca cola llena de vino. Y luego el hermano sube hoy al estrado y dice que Jackson tenía una lata de coca cola y su hermano una de 7 Up.

Dice que el hermano parece saber qué es lo que se va a preguntar antes de que Sneddon haga las preguntas. Por ejemplo, Sneddon hace una pregunta genérica y el hermano continúa contestando preguntas que después Sneddon le hace después de haber hecho la pregunta genérica.


Según SHAMONE del MJJForum:

Aparentemente Mez pilló hoy dos mentiras a Davellin.

La semana pasada Davellin dijo que no sabía que el investigador privado que grababa estuviera trabajando para Mark Geragos. Sin embargo, en la cinta, Brad Miller lo dice en dos ocasiones.

Y la otra es la que ya se ha comentado de que no sabía nada de lo de JC Penney.
Hermano menor de acusador de Jackson presenta testimonio


Associated Press

SANTA MARIA, California, EE.UU. - El hermano menor del acusador de Michael Jackson por presunto abuso sexual dijo el lunes al jurado que el músico les mostró páginas de sexo en internet a ambos durante una visita a su hacienda Neverland.
Sin embargo, el testimonio del adolescente de 14 años incrementó la confusión sobre el orden de los acontecimientos en el caso presentado por la fiscalía.

Horas antes, la hermana de los muchachos afirmó que los dos varones durmieron en la recámara de Jackson en su primera noche en Neverland, pero el nuevo testigo dijo que él y su hermano pernoctaron con su padre durante la primera noche, y posteriormente en la habitación del cantante.

Jackson, de 46 años, está acusado de abusar del muchacho en el 2003, en ese entonces de 13 años y sobreviviente de cáncer, dándole alcohol y conspirando para retener cautiva a la familia.

No está claro cuándo ocurrió la visita en que presuntamente compartieron la recámara con el músico y vieron las páginas de internet. El hermano dijo que primero navegaron y luego episodios de la serie "Los Simpson".

"Michael nos dijo que no le dijéramos a nadie lo que habíamos hecho, ni a nuestros padres", declaró. Además, indicó que también estaban presentes el asistente de Jackson, Frank Tyson, y los hijos del cantante, Prince Michael y Paris. En esa ocasión los niños durmieron en la cama del cantante y él en el piso.

En un momento dado, dijo el muchacho, Jackson preguntó "¿Tienen leche?" en son de broma, mientras veía una imagen de los senos de una mujer, y también se acercó al oído de su hijo cuando dormía, presuntamente susurrándole "Te hace falta algo de...", empleando un término vulgar para la anatomía femenina.

Horas antes, el jurado escuchó una cinta de audio, en la que los hermanos y la madre del acusador elogiaron efusivamente al músico como una figura paternal que los recibió después de años de abuso por el ex marido de la madre.

La cinta fue empleada por el abogado defensor de Jackson, Thomas Mesereau Jr., en un intento por poner en entredicho la credibilidad de la hermana del acusador, al intentar demostrar inconsistencias entre su testimonio y otras declaraciones.

La hermana, encorvada en su asiento, lloró cuando se escuchó la cinta.

"En ese momento aún me caía bien el señor Jackson y simplemente estaba aferrándome a algo", dijo con relación a sus comentarios grabados. "Fui sometida a 16 años de abuso y no sabía qué clase de padre era".

La cinta fue grabada el 16 de febrero del 2003 por el investigador privado Bradley Miller, que trabajaba para el ex abogado de Jackson, Mark Geragos.

Miller la obtuvo durante una época en que la fiscalía dice que la familia fue retenida contra su voluntad y forzada a declarar a favor de Jackson, con el fin de refutar un documental de televisión que dañaba la imagen del cantante, difundido el 6 de febrero del 2003.

Fuente: El Nuevo Herald
Savannah reports:

This young boy, 14 years old, the accuser's younger brother, is not only testifying about alleged drinking and looking at pornography with michael jackson but as expected, he is now testified about the moment in which he and his brother and michael jackson's bedroom and michael jackson appears before them stark naked. The district attorney is doing this questioning. And he said, did you see his private parts? Yes. Did you see anything unusual? No. Well, you say he was naked. What was he wearing? He's really trying to pull something out of this kid. And he said, well, he was just naked. Did you see anything unusual? No. And then the boy blurted out, oh yeah, he had a -- and then used a slang term for an erection. And mr. Sneddon said, oh, that's what you call it? And the boy said, no, that's what dr. Katz called it.
Aqui se dice q no solo ha testificado sobre que les daban alcohol sino tambien cuando mj ,supuestamente ,aparecio ante ellos desnudo. sneddon le ha reguntado si vio las partes privadas de mj y el ha dicho q si , y ha dicho que vio a mj erecto ,pero lo ha dicho de una forma bulgar ,mas o menos ,que lo vio "tieso" a lo que esto sneddon le ha dicho que si es asi como el llama a una erccion ,a lo que el niño ha dicho que es asi como lo llamaba el doctor KATZ.


Accuser's Brother: Jackson Showed Us Porn

By LINDA DEUTSCH, AP Special Correspondent

SANTA MARIA, Calif. - The brother of Michael Jackson (news)'s accuser testified at the singer's child molestation trial Monday that Jackson showed them Internet sex sites, gave them wine, slept in bed with them and appeared before them naked and sexually aroused at the pop star's Neverland ranch.

"Me and my brother were watching a movie and Michael walked up naked," the 14-year-old witness testified. "Me and my brother were grossed out. He sat on the bed and said it was natural," then left the room.

District Attorney Tom Sneddon asked if anything was notable about Jackson's appearance, and the boy, using a slang term, said Jackson was aroused.

Jackson, 46, is accused of molesting a 13-year-old boy cancer survivor at Neverland, giving him alcohol and conspiring to hold the family captive.

The brother testified extensively about alcohol allegations, saying Jackson referred to wine as "Jesus juice."

He recounted an incident that he said occurred while the family was on a private jet with Jackson as they returned to Santa Barbara from a trip to Miami. He said that during the flight, Jackson offered him wine from a soda can.

"He leaned over and he handed it to me. I thought it was Diet Coke so I didn't want to be rude. It smelled like rubbing alcohol. I asked him what it was and he said it was wine," the boy testified.

He said he then saw Jackson lick his brother on the head for about six seconds.

During the flight, Jackson made a crank phone call to a woman in which he made remarks about genitalia, the boy testified. He said that on the flight he also saw his brother with a watch and jacket, items that the prosecution alleges were bribes to keep the 13-year-old silent about the wine.

Upon their return to Neverland, he and his brother slept in Jackson's bed with another boy and Jackson, he said. They drank alcohol repeatedly with Jackson during the rest of their stay at Neverland, he said.

Jackson was always present when they drank wine, and most of the drinking occurred in Jackson's office, bedroom or wine cellar, he said.

The defense contends the boys memorized security codes to enter the wine cellar and other areas without permission. But the boy said the cellar could not be opened without a key and he did not know where it was.

The witness also described making crank calls from the ranch, dialing random numbers. "If the phone number didn't exist, he would have us take a drink of wine," the witness testified.

The witness said that on one visit to Neverland, Jackson showed him and his brother sexually explicit Internet sites.

"Michael told us not to tell no one what we did — not to tell our parents what we did," he testified.

He said that Jackson's assistant Frank Tyson and Jackson's children Prince Michael and Paris were also present.

The boy said that at one point while looking at an image of a woman's breasts, Jackson joked, "Got milk?" He said at another point Jackson whispered in the ear of his sleeping son. Using a vulgar term for female anatomy, Jackson allegedly said, "You're missing some ..."

The brother fidgeted with his hands as he testified and acknowledged he was nervous.

Earlier in the day, the jury heard an audiotape in which the accuser's siblings and mother effusively praised the "King of Pop" as a father figure who took them in after years of abuse by the mother's ex-husband. The tape was used by the defense in an attempt to impeach the credibility of the accuser's 18-year-old sister.

The sister, hunched over in her seat, cried on the witness stand as the tape was played.

"At that point I still liked Mr. Jackson and I was just latching onto something," she said of her comments on the tape. "I had 16 years of abuse and I didn't know what a father was."


Associated Press Writer Tim Molloy contributed to this report.

aki se ha hablado de todo en general ,el chico ha dicho que aunque supieran los codigos de las habitaciones ha dicho que habia una llabe y que ellos no conocian donde se encontraba.Tmbien dice que mj estaba siempre presente cuando bebian alcohol.
Siento tener que poner esta información sin una fuente, pero es que ya quisieran otros foros tener el orden que hay en este!! :p Si luego me entero, edito el post y lo añado!

Mañana será un día corto porque el Juez tiene una cita. El viernes no habrá "juicio", el jurado no estará allí, tan sólo los abogados estarán y discutirán una serie de mociones.

El listado de mociones me pareció leerlo en algún sitio esta mañana, si alguien lo tiene por ahí que lo ponga. A Xtar se le dió muy bien traducir las mociones de la otra vez :jajaja: :*)
from MJJF:

From MSNBC-Mike Taibbi:

All of this after Bashir, after DCFS, after rebuttal video, after Miller tape:

--Star said MJ gave him wine.
--says THEY slept in the same bed as Michael.

--says MJ taught him how to monitor phonecalls made by anybody on the ranch. He said they listened to a guard's conversation. (Taibbi said Michael reacted--started shaking his head 'NO'.

--says he and Gavin was on MJ's bed watching "The Devil's Backbone". Star said they watched it 3 times. Taibbi says it must be a porn movie because Star said at one point Michael kept saying the word "p....y". (my word, Tiabbi said it's a euphemism for the female genitalia).

--says at one point MJ walked up the stairs to the second level where the bed is in his suite and was totally naked--and in an aroused position.

--TS asked to introduce app. 15 photographs into evidence. (media wondering if they will get to see). TS identified each photo and Star vouched for its authencity.
Chaos 20004: The Michael Jackson Case

Star ha dicho que les dio vino
que durmieron en la misma cama que mj.
que les enseño a oir las conversaciones por telefono de cualquier persona en el rancho ,como las de unos guardianes.
ha dicho que el y su hermano gavin vieron una pelicula llamada , devil´s backbone ,que por cierto el que comenta esta noticia dice que debe ser una pelicula porno ,cuando no lo es ,es una pelicula de terror.EL ESPINAZO DEL DIABLO

tambien ha dicho que mj aparecio desnudo cuando subia por las escaleras.
lo ultimo que dice la noticia es que sneddon le ha ensñado 15 fotografias para qu eel chabal las reconozca como evidencias.
Última edición:
Para los que preguntan qué dijo Star en la corte hoy, ahí van algunas de las lindeces (que ya sabíamos):


Testigo afirma que Michael Jackson se masturbó junto a su hermano

Giles Hewitt

SANTA MARIA, EEUU/AFP — El hermano menor del joven que lanzó las acusaciones de abuso sexual contra Michael Jackson relató hoy lunes en la Corte que vio a la leyenda pop acariciando a la presunta víctima y masturbándose en su habitación de "Neverland".

"Vi a la mano izquierda de Michael (Jackson) metida dentro de la ropa interior de mi hermano, mientras su mano derecha estaba dentro de la ropa interior" del cantante, dijo el joven hoy lunes en un explosivo pero a menudo confuso testimonio en la Corte de Santa María (California, oeste).

"El (Jackson) se estaba masturbando, se estaba frotando. Tenía su mano en metida debajo de sus calzoncillos y la movía de arriba para abajo", contó el hermano menor de la presunta víctima.

En otra oportunidad el cantante ingresó a una habitación completamente desnudo con una erección, mientras que él y la presunta víctima miraban la televisión.

"Yo estaba mirando una película con mi hermano en la televisión. Michael llegó completamente desnudo y con una erección", narró el joven, de ahora 14 años.

"Nosotros quedamos petrificados, pero nos intentó calmar diciendo que era algo perfectamente natural", añadió.

En varias ocasiones Jackson abrió una maleta y les mostró a los dos hermanos revistas pornográficas.

El adolescente -que no pudo contener sus nervios- narró que en otro momento en que él y su hermano se encontraban en la habitación de Jackson, un asesor del cantante les mostró una página de Internet pornográfica, mientras Prince Michael y Paris, dos de los tres hijos del artista dormían al lado de la computadora.

El joven narró que en un momento, el cantante dijo a su hijo que dormía: "no sabes lo que te pierdes".

"Michael dijo que no dijéramos nada a nuestros padres de lo que habíamos visto", dijo.

El joven se refirió a otro de los cargos que pesan contra Jackson: suministro de alcohol a menores.

El hermano menor de la presunta víctima indicó que Jackson ofreció alcohol a su hermano en una lata de refrescos en la habitación de un lujoso hotel, en un avión privado y varias veces en Neverland.

El joven contó que Jackson ofreció alcohol a su hermano en la habitación de un hotel en Miami el 6 de febrero de 2003, el día en que el polémico documental "Living with Michael Jackson" del periodista británico Martin Bashir fue transmitido en Estados Unidos.

En el documental -que suscitó la polémica mundial- Jackson declaró que dormir con niños era un acto dulce, mientras le tomaba la mano al adolescente, que poco después lanzaba las acusaciones en su contra.

Los fiscales alegan que Jackson, de 46 años, se aprovechó del niño -en ese entonces de 13 años-, quien tenía un solo riñon debido al cáncer que padecía y le ofreció alcohol con el fin de cometer sus crímenes de abuso sexual.

En el viaje de regreso de Miami hacia la hacienda "Neverland", Jackson volvió a ofrecer alcohol a la presunta víctima, dijo su hermano.

El adolescente dijo que en un momento vio que Jackson lamió la cabeza de su hermano durante seis segundos.

Al ser interrogado si él y su hermano bebieron alcohol en Neverland, el adolescente respondió: "Sí. Muchas veces, siempre con Michael".

Jackson, de 46 años, está acusado de haber abusado de un menor cuando éste tenía 13 años, haberle ofrecido alcohol y de haber intentado secuestrarlo junto a su familia en su hacienda.

Poco antes, la defensa hizo escuchar en la Corte una cinta con una entrevista grabada entre un detective privado, Bradley Miller, y los familiares de la presunta víctima.

En la entrevista, el niño que lanzó las explosivas acusaciones y sus familiares describen al astro de pop como una figura paterna que los ayudó a superar el trauma de un padre biológico que les golpeaba incesantemente.

Con este tipo de evidencia, los abogados de Jackson pretenden atacar la credibilidad de la presunta víctima y sus familiares.

Michael Jackson niega todos los cargos en su contra y afirma que fueron motivados por una familia ávida de dinero. De ser condenado, puede ser enviado durante tres a 20 años a la cárcel.
Pongo de otro artículo sólo las cosas "nuevas".


Un testigo dice en el juicio a Jackson que el artista les mostró a él y a su hermano páginas pornograficas en internet


El joven testigo de esta jornada se mostró nervioso en sus declaraciones.

Jackson también ha dado muestras de nerviosismo cuando súbitamente se ha puesto en pie y ha comenzado a balancearse, momento en el que el juez Rodney Melville ha permitido un pequeño descanso para que los asistentes fueran al baño.

El testimonio del hermano del demandante continuará al menos hasta mañana, cuando la defensa intente contrastar su versión de los hechos.

Antes de que el hermano de la supuesta víctima subiera al estrado, el abogado de Jackson, Thomas Mesereau, concluyó con el interrogatorio de la hermana del demandante.

La joven ha vuelto a llorar al escuchar una cinta grabada en la que la familia de la presunta víctima loaba la labor de Jackson como amigo y figura paterna, alguien de quien llegaron a decir que les hacía sentir "seguros" en el rancho Neverland.

La joven, que en la actualidad tiene 18 años, se echó a llorar el pasado viernes cuando narraba los cambios que dijo que había notado en su hermano tras su amistad con Jackson.



Preparáos para aguantar las gilipolleces de los medios mañana...Hasta que sea el turno de Mez!