Re: Audiencia 5 de Noviembre
Seized files scrutinized in Michael Jackson pretrial hearing
AP Special Correspondent
SANTA MARIA, Calif. -- Lawyers on both sides in the Michael Jackson child-molestation case spent hours Friday poring over file folders seized by sheriff's deputies from the home of Jackson's personal assistant to sort out those covered by the attorney-client privilege of confidentiality.
The materials were not released in open court.
The attorneys came briefly to the courtroom and specified for Santa Barbara County Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville which documents they agreed should be given back to the defense and not viewed by the prosecution.
The Los Angeles home of Jackson assistant Evelyn Tavasci was searched Sept. 15. Jackson attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr. contended that attorney-client privilege was violated because deputies seized items related to the pop star's legal representation including file folders labeled "Mesereau."
The judge also appointed an uninvolved attorney as an independent special master to review files taken from three computers at the assistant's home and a fourth computer seized from the office of an investigator who worked for former Jackson attorney Mark Geragos.
The special master was to determine if those computers also contained privileged material that could not be viewed by the prosecution.
Jackson has pleaded not guilty to child molestation, conspiracy and administering an intoxicating agent, alcohol, to a boy. He is set to stand trial Jan. 31.
On Thursday, the judge rejected a defense bid to have District Attorney Thomas Sneddon removed from the case on grounds that he is pursuing a personal vendetta against the singer. The judge ruled that Sneddon was not overly zealous and had not threatened the integrity of the case.
Resumo lo más importante:
*Los abogados de MJ y la fiscalía se reunieron en privado para acordar que evidencias se les regresaban a la defensa y con cual se quedaban, regresaron por un momento a la corte para comentarle al juez que evidencia se les regresaba a ladefensa y no podía ser vista por la fiscalía (sobre el registro a la casa de Evvy Tabasci)
*El Juez citó a un abogado que no tiene relación con el caso para que revisara los archivos de tres computadoras que también se llevaron de casa de Evvi y así poder ver si esa infomación le pertenece únicamente a la defensa y no puede ser vista por la fiscalía