On May 5, 1993, former American President, Mr. Jimmy Carter, and Michael Jackson, then chairmen of the "Heal Our Children/Heal The World" initiative, visit Atlanta, Georgia to promote their "Atlanta Project Immunization Drive", sponsored by "Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.", "Ronald McDonald Children's Charities" etc., and commissioned to increase the number of children benefiting from local immunization services to over 17,000, by means of a family health care system.

Jackson shared a stage with former President Jimmy Carter in 1993 when he was in town to help the Atlanta Project celebrate its massive immunization project for children.
Hay una breve mención de Michael en un libro de Jimmy Carter:
"Our primary incentive was a performance by Michael Jackson, who volunteered to give a concert with free tickets going to each family who proved with health department certificates that all its children had been immunized."
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