MJ Shocker Book: His 'Radar' for 'Woo-able'
Michael Jackson's second-worst nightmare has happened: His former trusted PR man, Bob Jones, is about to publish a memoir of his years with the singer.
Jones was dismissed unceremoniously one year ago by Michael's brother Randy after nearly 30 years with the singer. His book, "Michael Jackson: The Man Behind the Mask," will devastate Jackson.
Here we go:
"Michael had a sinister gift for identifying these boys; it was as if he had some sort of radar. I was continually amazed by how he could determine which of the many children he came into contact with might be 'woo-able,' whose parents could be bought off and counted on to keep quiet about what was going on. I came to understand that Michael manipulated people and events with a great deal of finesse."
Jones details Jackson's trips abroad in the late '80s and early '90s, before the famous Chandler family settlement, with boys who were essentially his dates.
"One kid [name changed], with whom Michael managed to carry on a clandestine relationship for years … Michael and [the boy] spent nearly all of their time together." Jones recalls that while traveling, the boy stayed in Michael's room while his parents were treated to chauffeur-driven cars that would take them on shopping sprees and sightseeing tours all day long.
Another boy — many are described — is Brett Barnes, who testified on Jackson's behalf at his trial. It was Barnes' sister, Karlee, who said during cross-examination that her brother slept in Jackson's bed a total of 365 nights over a two-year period. Jones, calling Barnes "Damon," writes that during a 1992 world tour he often tucked him under luggage so the press wouldn't see the boy.
"All of us, including the State Department official and Jet magazine Publisher Bob Johnson, saw the boy enter Michael's private bedroom numerous times and remain for a long time. Characteristically, Michael did whatever he wanted to — hang the risk."
Jones wrote the book with journalist Stacy Brown, another longtime Jackson family friend who testified for the prosecution. And while Jones' book may be discounted by Jackson's current PR people as the work of a disgruntled employee, I got this reaction today from an insider who took a look at Jones' copy: "He's telling the truth," my source said, shaking their head.
There's more — lots more — with many stories of Michael and boys — enough to send someone to jail for a long time if true. But there's another aspect to the book that I don't want to skip here. That's Michael's attitude toward his siblings.
Jones writes, perhaps even more shockingly, that Michael has purposefully campaigned to kill the careers of his brothers and sisters. Jones writes that Michael would pay off A&R and radio people not to play their records, while at the same time dig up dirt on the siblings presumably to blackmail them with.
"Michael often inquired about what Rebbie [his eldest sister] and Jermaine were trying to do musically … Janet was the exception. Michael didn't have a clue as to what little sis was doing. He thought she was interested in an acting career. He was both stunned and dismayed when she slipped through the cracks and became a musical force on her own."
More on Tuesday from Bob Jones' shocking and revelatory memoir about working for Michael Jackson.
Roger Friedman.
El libro de Bob Jones dice que Michael tiene un radar para encontrar niños vulnerables y familias que se callarán todo por dinero y compras. Que Michael manipulaba a la gente muy sutilmente.
Jones cambió el nombre a los niños en el libro para no dar nombres reales.
Habla sobre Brett Barnes que durmió 365 noches con Michael en un período de dos años. Que incluso lo ocultaban entre el equipaje para que la prensa no lo viera. Que Brett se metía en la habitación con Michael y estaba dentro durante muchísimo tiempo, tiempo en el que Michael podía hacer lo que quisiera.
Un fuente de Friedman dice que Jones "dice la verdad".
Que Michael boicoteó las carreras artísticas de sus hermanos (Jermane y Rebbie); que pagaba para que la radio no pusiera canciones suyas. Que Janet se le 'escapó' porque Michael no tenía ni idea de que se iba a dedicar de lleno a la música, él pensaba que Janet quería ser actriz.