mas noticias.. V.O.
Michael Jackson lawyers ask for six-week trial delay
Associated Press
SANTA MARIA, Calif. - Michael Jackson's lawyers are asking the court to continue his Jan. 31 trial date for six weeks to give them time to sort through 14,000 pages of evidence filed by prosecutors in the past two months, according to court documents released Tuesday.
The request for a continuance was released by the Santa Barbara Superior Court with key sections blacked out and is scheduled for argument in hearings to begin Monday.
The defense also says a list of 164 witnesses provided by prosecutors includes some badly misspelled names and names of some people who do not exist.
Some of the witnesses on the list were involved in a wrongful termination lawsuit brought against the pop star by five former Neverland Ranch employees, according to the defense filing. Jackson was awarded $60,000 in damages after a jury rejected the suit in March 1997.
Defense attorneys also said they still have not been provided with a number of statements and police reports.
"It is unfair and unnecessary to push this matter to trial before the defense has had the same type of time and access to relevant material as the prosecution," Jackson attorney Robert Sanger said in the continuance request.
The documents released Tuesday also indicate that a person has been accused of contempt of court for discussing the case outside court.
The person's name is blacked out, but prosecutors reference a New York Post story published Dec. 4, the day authorities searched the pop star's Neverland Ranch. A source close to the case told The Associated Press at the time that sheriff's personnel also obtained a DNA sample from Jackson.
The person has been called to appear at a Dec. 23 hearing.
Lawyers in the case are prohibited from speaking about it under the judge's strict gag order.
The 46-year-old entertainer has pleaded not guilty to charges of child molestation, conspiracy and administering an intoxicating agent, alcohol, to his alleged victim.
En este articulo se menciona q la defensa lo quiere atrasar 6 semanas y las razones.
Tambien menciona q la fiscalia ha presentado una lista con 100 testigos, con muchos errores ortograficos (nombres mal escrito), sin direccion ni numero de tlf y q dos de ellos NO existen. La defensa ha tenia q investigar a todas estas personas y ha perdido mucho tiempo.... expecialmente con aquellos q no existian.
Tambien mencionan al final del articulo q Brian Oxman (aunq no lo ponga, ya sabemos quien es) tendra q ir al juzgado el proximo 22 pq la fiscalia lo acusa de haber roto la order de silencio, al hablar con el periodico NY post la seman pasada!
Michael Jackson lawyers ask for six-week trial delay
Associated Press
SANTA MARIA, Calif. - Michael Jackson's lawyers are asking the court to continue his Jan. 31 trial date for six weeks to give them time to sort through 14,000 pages of evidence filed by prosecutors in the past two months, according to court documents released Tuesday.
The request for a continuance was released by the Santa Barbara Superior Court with key sections blacked out and is scheduled for argument in hearings to begin Monday.
The defense also says a list of 164 witnesses provided by prosecutors includes some badly misspelled names and names of some people who do not exist.
Some of the witnesses on the list were involved in a wrongful termination lawsuit brought against the pop star by five former Neverland Ranch employees, according to the defense filing. Jackson was awarded $60,000 in damages after a jury rejected the suit in March 1997.
Defense attorneys also said they still have not been provided with a number of statements and police reports.
"It is unfair and unnecessary to push this matter to trial before the defense has had the same type of time and access to relevant material as the prosecution," Jackson attorney Robert Sanger said in the continuance request.
The documents released Tuesday also indicate that a person has been accused of contempt of court for discussing the case outside court.
The person's name is blacked out, but prosecutors reference a New York Post story published Dec. 4, the day authorities searched the pop star's Neverland Ranch. A source close to the case told The Associated Press at the time that sheriff's personnel also obtained a DNA sample from Jackson.
The person has been called to appear at a Dec. 23 hearing.
Lawyers in the case are prohibited from speaking about it under the judge's strict gag order.
The 46-year-old entertainer has pleaded not guilty to charges of child molestation, conspiracy and administering an intoxicating agent, alcohol, to his alleged victim.
En este articulo se menciona q la defensa lo quiere atrasar 6 semanas y las razones.
Tambien menciona q la fiscalia ha presentado una lista con 100 testigos, con muchos errores ortograficos (nombres mal escrito), sin direccion ni numero de tlf y q dos de ellos NO existen. La defensa ha tenia q investigar a todas estas personas y ha perdido mucho tiempo.... expecialmente con aquellos q no existian.
Tambien mencionan al final del articulo q Brian Oxman (aunq no lo ponga, ya sabemos quien es) tendra q ir al juzgado el proximo 22 pq la fiscalia lo acusa de haber roto la order de silencio, al hablar con el periodico NY post la seman pasada!
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