Luckman ataca otra vez...
El mismo tipo que dijo que MJ queria construir un aeropuerto para naves alienigenas y que queria congelarse para regresar en el futuro y asi ser inmortal ahora dice que Mike quiere cambiar su look para verse mas "macho" y menos "raro". :lolazo:
September 5, 2005 -- IS Michael Jackson undergoing a radical makeover to look more "macho" as part of a major comeback attempt? Michael C. Luckman, author of "Alien Rock: The Rock 'n' Roll Connection," claims Jacko, who just turned 47, is being overhauled in Bahrain and is in talks for long-term deal to perform regularly at a Las Vegas casino/hotel. Besides lifting weights with a trainer, Jacko plans to wear shorter wigs, less make-up, and generally try to look like less of a freak. Jackson's parents, Joseph and Katherine, are reportedly spearheading the revamping. "Michael Jackson is headed to the stratosphere," Luckman predicts to PAGE SIX. "Nothing can stop him now."
El mismo tipo que dijo que MJ queria construir un aeropuerto para naves alienigenas y que queria congelarse para regresar en el futuro y asi ser inmortal ahora dice que Mike quiere cambiar su look para verse mas "macho" y menos "raro". :lolazo:
September 5, 2005 -- IS Michael Jackson undergoing a radical makeover to look more "macho" as part of a major comeback attempt? Michael C. Luckman, author of "Alien Rock: The Rock 'n' Roll Connection," claims Jacko, who just turned 47, is being overhauled in Bahrain and is in talks for long-term deal to perform regularly at a Las Vegas casino/hotel. Besides lifting weights with a trainer, Jacko plans to wear shorter wigs, less make-up, and generally try to look like less of a freak. Jackson's parents, Joseph and Katherine, are reportedly spearheading the revamping. "Michael Jackson is headed to the stratosphere," Luckman predicts to PAGE SIX. "Nothing can stop him now."