A ver, en ese post que ha puesto Vanil en la página 3 tienen artículo de LINDA DEUTSCH, que suele ser bastante objetiva... es una moción que han hecho AYER MIÉRCOLES, y lo ha hecho LA DEFENSA. Es la defensa quien pide el retraso, ni el juez, ni Sneddon. Y de hecho, Xtarlight y Mpenziwe han escrito al comienzo del post:
determinó el miércoles mantener en secreto una moción de la defensa en la que solicita la postergación del juicio
No es ni el juez ni Sneddon quien pretende atrasar el juicio para jorobar a Michael.
La defensa tendrá sus razones, que yo también creo son las que ha apuntado Vanil en su primer post.
Lo que más me gusta de lo que ha puesto Linda Deutsch es esta frase:
Santa Barbara County Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville gave no reason for sealing the request other than to say it was done with "good cause having been shown.
Aqui el artículo completo:
Judge in Jackson case seals defense motion to postpone trial
Associated Press
LOS ANGELES - The judge in the Michael Jackson child molestation case, who has been keeping most evidence and documents secret, sealed a motion Wednesday in which Jackson's lawyers are asking to postpone the trial.
Santa Barbara County Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville gave no reason for sealing the request other than to say it was done with "good cause having been shown."
It was impossible to tell from the motion notice how long a delay is sought.
In May, the judge set a trial date of Sept. 13 but acknowledged the parties might not be ready by then. He called the date "a bull's eye that we're shooting at" after noting complaints from Jackson's attorneys about the volume of evidence they still had to examine.
The defense and prosecution are under orders to file every document in the case under seal and then let the judge decide if it should be made public. In some instances the judge has released heavily edited documents including a motion to dismiss the charges. But he has kept secret many details of the grand jury indictment of Jackson and the transcripts of grand jury hearings.
But none of the sealed material has been as perfunctory as a request to continue a trial date.
Lawyers in the case are under a court-imposed gag order preventing them from commenting on when the trial might start.
Jackson, 45, is charged with committing a lewd act upon a child, administering an intoxicating agent and conspiring to commit child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion.
An attorney for a coalition of news organizations including The Associated Press has filed an appeal of about a dozen decisions by Melville sealing information from public view.