Xtarlight y Mpenziwe dijo:
El mensaje lo ha puesto la própia Karen Faye, maquilladora de MJ.
¿Alguién recuerda el concierto de Munich de 1999?
¿Recordáis cuando el puente sobre el que Michael actuaba cayó desde cuatro pisos de altura en caída libre delante del público.
Bien, Michael sufre dolor de espalda desde entonces.
Vamos que si me acuerdo, :miedo: me asusté pensando que se habia hecho daño, pero Michael, aunque se lo hizo, siguió la actuación hasta el final. Al dia siguiente no se encontraba bien.
No sabia que los problemas de espalda los tuviera desde entonces
Pero Karen tiene razón, se han pasado demasiado, le han dado más importancia al hecho de que fuera en pijama que lo que pasó dentro de la corte, las declaraciones contradictorias de Gavin y todo lo que pudiese pasar que fuera relevante para el caso.
Y ya, bueno los comentarios de, como siempre, Antena 3 y Matias Prats, que, como declaraba Gavin y según él "no queria escucharle, montó otro circo mediático" refiriéndose a la aparición de Michael en pijama

Repugnante e Indignante :vom:
Y lo de Madonna y Chris :urule:
Aparte del mensaje de Karen, hay una noticia publicada en el MJJForum:
(Os pongo la parte que quiero resaltar)
A few years ago, Mr. Jackson had put together a concert called "Michael & Friends" in Munich, Germany. During Michael’s “Earth Song” segment, he was on a bridge that was rising up in the air. The bridge had three parts. Mr. Jackson was on the middle part of the bridge. Unfortunately, there was a problem, and the middle bridge collapsed four stories into the stage with Michael on it. Though he was shocked and apparently in pain from that collapse, he got himself out of the bridge that had fallen through the stage that was already opened. As the old Hollywood saying goes “The show must go on”, Michael Jackson, the entertainer that he is, continued on with the song number. Afterwards, those that were backstage described that Michael came backstage and collapsed, obviously in tremendous pain. However, he wasn’t finished with his part of the show and felt obligated to finish the show, he went out and did one more number. After that number, he couldn’t bare the pain any longer and was rushed to the hospital for severe back pain amongst other ailments caused by the bridge accident.
Forward, this week before his back gave out on him. Many fans and the media started to pick up on that Michael started wearing sandals with his attire to court. Many couldn’t understand whether or not Michael was just making a fashion statement with the sandals or was there something else going on that would require him to wear sandals to court. Some media pundits claimed that once inside the courtroom, Michael would start some yoga exercises by stretching his legs and back. Apparently all of this led up to Thursday, where Michael’s back could no longer withstand all the stress that this case has endured on him. The injury a few years ago, just compounded to his body being unable to handle the pressure.
Also, when the judge in the case imposed a bench warrant for you to get to the courthouse ASAP or face jail time, what would you do? Would you go back home and get dressed to a far more suitable attire, or would you high tail it as fast as you can to the courthouse? Decisions, decisions, decisions. Well, according to media pundits, Michael made the wrong choice of showing up at court shortly after the hour deadline that the judge set in his pajamas and his hair disheveled. Couldn’t he have gotten dressed in the car? What on Earth was he thinking? Surely, with the bad back and all, he could have forced those pants on and put a shirt on in the confines of that vehicle. Oh well…I guess he’ll know better next time that he must properly groom himself when he steps out in public again.
Habla sobre lo ocurrido en el concierto de Munich, pero además hace un comentario sobre las sandalias que hemos podido ver que Michael lleva últimamente en las vistas, y que hay prensa que dice que, una vez dentro de la sala, Michael empiezaria a hacer ejercicios de yoga :jajaja: . Y después finaliza diciendo que el problema de espalda del jueves es por todo el stress que el caso le está produciendo.
También comenta que, en la situación en la que estaba Michael con el tiempo tan justo, como pretendia la prensa que tuviera tiempo de arreglarse despues de tenerle 3 horas de espera en el hospital??!!!
Por lo demás, está muy bien el articulo, si señor. :bravo: