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Michael habla con Steve Harvey / Comunicado sobre Eminem

Michael ha estado hoy hablando con Steve Harvey en la radio

Ha durado unos 15 minutos y esto es lo que han hablado según Godschild del MJJFORUM:

Ok, it was a 15 min interview. Mike basically said that he has never spoken or met M&M and doesn't understand why he did this to him. He said he was very angry and appalled by the video. He feels it should be pulled from radio and TV worldwide and thanked all those who love and support him. He sounded pissed and strong. He really let Steve do alot of talking and Steve went off and throughout Mike was agreeing with what Steve said. Steve made the point that M&M works and makes his money from a black artform and that doesn't give him the right to disrepect a black icon like Mike. Then he brought the fact that M&M called a black woman a N#### Bi### and that he had to apologize for that and that this time an apology wasn't good enough. That his ghetto pass should be revoked. Mike didn't know that Steve was going off on air so when Steve was finished he asked Mike what did he think and Mike was like, "We're still on the air?" Everyone laughed b/c Mike thought what Steve was saying was too strong to be aired on the radio. Told the end they just laughed about how Mike really don't talk that much and just laughs at Steve being a fool.

It was nice and Mike made his point and Steve made a bigger point about Blacks sitting back and letting things like this just go. He called on all rappers to say something and says that Bob Johnson will make a statement about pulling the video later today.

Es probable que a lo largo de la tarde-noche aparezca algún link al audio en este enlace:
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Re: Michael ha estado hoy hablando con Steve Harvey en la radio

podeis traducir? o poner la entrevista completa en spanish qando la tngais plis, es q n me entero d na, lo sinto x ser un garruliyo :llorando: :jajaja:
Re: Michael ha estado hoy hablando con Steve Harvey en la radio

Os recuerdo que en su página web podeis escuhar la conversación telefónica que mantuvieron en el 2001.
En esta página: http://www.thebeatla.com/Content/Main.aspx?pageId=81
Interviews & Live Performances Michael está en el numero: 14
La conversación dura 20;22min.
Éste es un show matutino así que Michael acavaba de levantárse. :jajaja:
Podeis escuchar la entrevista diréctamente desde el reproductor de las página, pinchándo en ella...Si la qereis guardar en MP3, descargárlo desde aquí:
Más conversaciónes telefónicas, con Rick Dees:
Sólo la más reciente está activo (Haloween)
Última edición:
Mensaje de Michael y de BET sobre el video de Eminem



On Tuesday, October 12, 2004, at 8:00AM, P.S.T., Michael Jackson appeared on “The Steve Harvey Morning Show,” 100.3/ The Beat, a Radio One station,
regarding Eminem’s video. In an exclusive interview with Steve Harvey,
Michael Jackson made the following statement:

“I would like to thank you, Steve, Radio One, the African-American community, my fans from around the world, and some of the members of the media, for the support that you have given to me. I would also like to thank Mr. Robert Johnson, Chairman and Founder of BET for pulling the Eminem video from BET’s airplay. I appreciate very much the love and support that you all have shown me.

“I am very angry at Eminem’s depiction of me in his video. I feel that it is outrageous and disrespectful. It is one thing to spoof, but it is another to be demeaning and insensitive.

“I’ve admired Eminem as a artist, and was shocked by this. The video was inappropriate and disrespectful to me, my children, my family, and the community at large. It is my hope that the other networks will take BET’s lead and pull it.”



Statement Released on Tuesday, October 12, 2004, by Mr. Robert Johnson, Chairman/Founder of BET:

“BET has pulled the video about Michael Jackson by Eminem. BET pulled the video because we feel it is inappropriate to use our network to air a video disparaging Michael’s character, or that of any other celebrity.

“Michael Jackson is a long-time supporter of BET, and a former ‘BET Walk of Fame’ honoree.”

Source: Raymone K. Bain/MJJForum
Re: Michael ha estado hoy hablando con Steve Harvey en la radio

Por el momento he traducido el trozo que importa:

Ok, fue una entrevista de 15 minutos. Mike dijo basicamente que nunca hablado ni conocido a M&M (Eminem) y que no entiende por que le hizo esto (se refiere a lo del video). Dijo que estaba muy triste y horrorizado por el video. El siente que el video sera rechazado por la radios y las TVs (BET ya lo ha hecho) y agradecio todod los que le aman y le apoyan. Se le oyo con fuerza. El realmente permitio a Steve (el presentador del programa) hablar mucho y Steve le dio la razon a Mike. Steve hizo una alusion a que Eminem sea aprovechado de el arte musical negro y que se a metido con un icono para los negros como es MJ (que nadie se tome lo de negro como racista).

Apartir de aqui no hay nada importante referido al video de Eminem. Lo que pasa es que MJ no sabe si sigue en antena o no, y lo pregunta y todo el mundo se rie.
Re: Mensaje de Michael y de BET sobre el video de Eminem

nkingdon dijo:
No lo sabia........ pero Mike, que pasa? :miedo:

Gracias por la info.
Eso lo hace Michael para ser cortés, cosa que por cierto podría tomar ejemplo Eminem.

Solo me queda aplaudir el comunicado de Michael, 100% adecuado, y la decisión tomada por el canal BET :bravo:
Re: Mensaje de Michael y de BET sobre el video de Eminem

Traduccion rapida:

"Quiero darte las gracias, Steve, Radio 1, La comunidad Afro-Americana, mis fans alrededor del mundo, y algunos miembros de los medios de comunicacion, por el apoyo que me has dado a mi. Tambien quiero agradecer a Mr. Robert Johnson, fundador de BET, por quitar de antena el video de Eminem. Aprecio mucho el amor y el apoyo que todos vosotros me aveis mostrado"

"Estoy muy enfadado con la reprentacion que Eminem a echo de mi. Siento que es escandaloso y desppreciable. Es una cosa para spoofearla (que es spoof? no me viene en el diccionario), pero es otra cosa mas para estar desagradado y insensible"

"He admirado a Eminem como artista, y estaba shockeado por ello. El video es inapropiado y despreciable para mi, mis hijos, mi familia y la comunidad. ESpero que los otros medio de comunicacion sigan el ejemplo de BET y retiren el video"
Re: Mensaje de Michael y de BET sobre el video de Eminem

Mó_Ònw4lk3r dijo:
Eso lo hace Michael para ser cortés, cosa que por cierto podría tomar ejemplo Eminem.

Debe ser por eso entonces, porque no me cabe en la cabeza que a Mike le guste Eminem como artista con esas letras que pone en sus canciones que dan :vom: .

Re: Mensaje de Michael y de BET sobre el video de Eminem

Gran comunicado de Michael y tiene toda la razon del mundo. No se porque tiene que ir Eminem y hacer un video metiendose con Michael solo para ganar mas dinero o publicidad o lo que el quiera conseguir con eso, y menos cuando alguien esta pasando por unos momentos delicados.
Re: Mensaje de Michael y de BET sobre el video de Eminem

Como el otro post de m&m ya esta por la pagina no se cuantos... espero no os importe q ponga aqui el articulo.

MTV no dejara de emitir el video.... q se jodan estos malnacidos....!! Despues de todo lo q ha hecho MJ por ellos!

Michael Jackson Asks Stations To Stop Airing Eminem Video
10.12.2004 4:52 PM EDT

Eminem as Michael Jackson in the "Just Lose It" video

Eminem isn't making a fan out of Michael Jackson with his new video, which pokes fun at the embattled pop star. The singer has asked video channels to stop playing "Just Lose It," and BET has since pulled the clip out of rotation.

In the video, Eminem riffs on several Jackson-related themes, from an opening routine reminiscent of "Billie Jean," to a joke about the 1985 incident in which the singer's hair caught on fire during the filming of a Pepsi ad. Wearing prosthetic makeup to look like Jackson, Eminem also targets the singer's molestation scandal by sitting on a bed with boys dancing around him.

In the song, Eminem insists it's not an attack, rapping, "Come here, little kiddies, on my lap/ Guess who's back with a brand new rap/ And I don't mean a rap as in a new case of child-molestation accusation/ ... I've done touched on everything but little boys/ That's not a stab at Michael/ That's just a metaphor/ I'm just psycho."

Jackson said he finds the video "offensive" and "demeaning," according to spokesperson Raymone Bain. "The entire video is inappropriate; it's not just one thing," Bain said. "He is very disappointed, he is very angry. It's one thing for there to be a spoof, it's another to be insensitive and disrespectful. It crossed the line."

Jackson also called in to "The Steve Harvey Morning Show" on Los Angeles radio station KKBT-FM on Tuesday to complain. "I've never had a problem with Eminem," Jackson told Harvey, saying that he felt "appalled" and "angry" at his depiction in the video. "I've admired Eminem as an artist, and was shocked by this," Jackson said. "The video was inappropriate and disrespectful to me, my children, my family and the community at large."

Bain said Jackson was encouraged by BET's decision to pull the video and hopes other channels follow suit. BET spokesperson Michael Lewellen said the move was "out of respect for our longstanding relationship with Michael Jackson."

"BET pulled the video because we feel it is inappropriate to use our network to air a video disparaging Michael's character, or that of any other celebrity," BET Chairman/Founder Bob Johnson said in a statement.

In the meantime, Eminem is standing by his video. His label, Interscope, released a statement expressing disappointment with BET's decision.

MTV, MTV2 and MTVU continue to air the "Just Lose It" video.


Re: Mensaje de Michael y de BET sobre el video de Eminem

Encuesta sobre el video m&m....


What Do You Think About Eminem's "Just Lose It" Video & His Impressions of Michael Jackson & Others?

It was funny, and simply a joke as intended.​
It was funny, but he probably went too far with it​
I didn't mind, or really care.​
I didn't think it was funny, it shouldn't happen.I found it offensive, and wrong of Eminem to do.​


What Do You Think About Eminem's "Just Lose It" Video & His Impressions of Michael Jackson & Others?

It was funny, and simply a joke as intended. 80.60% (2298)
It was funny, but he probably went too far with it 5.47% (156)
I didn't mind, or really care. 5.82% (166)
I didn't think it was funny, it shouldn't happen. 2.88% (82)
I found it offensive, and wrong of Eminem to do. 5.23% (149)

Esta mal la cosa... pero vamos a demostrarles q podemos dar la vuelta a una encuesta como esta!!​

MJ rules!​

Re: Mensaje de Michael y de BET sobre el video de Eminem

Venga, todo el mundo a votar ;)

What Do You Think About Eminem's "Just Lose It" Video & His Impressions of Michael Jackson & Others?

It was funny, and simply a joke as intended.
80.31% (2304)
It was funny, but he probably went too far with it
5.47% (157)
I didn't mind, or really care.
5.82% (167)
I didn't think it was funny, it shouldn't happen.
2.93% (84)
I found it offensive, and wrong of Eminem to do.
5.47% (157)
Re: Mensaje de Michael y de BET sobre el video de Eminem

creo que una cosa es, sentido del humor y otra es pasarse de la ralla, a mi en lo personal nunca he considerado al chocolate (M&M) artista, pero en fin a lo que voy es que creo que lo que MJ pide de retirar el video tiene sentido, y almismo tiempo seria lo mas Justo, recordad cuanto escandalo hicieron con "TDCAU" la vercion de la prision, el video solo dava un mensaje crudo y visual de la verdad, en cambio esta vez el video de este tipo es un ofensa.:mad:
Re: Mensaje de Michael y de BET sobre el video de Eminem

opero que horror vamos perdiendo :llorando: jejeje hay que votar
Re: Mensaje de Michael y de BET sobre el video de Eminem

Parece ser q VH1 acaban de decir en sus noticias q esta noche tendran una reunion para decidir si retiran el video....!!

Viacom posee las tres cadenas (aparte de muchas mas) BET, Vh1 y MTV!! Asiq esperemos q se dedidan a retirarlo de todas ellas!!

Supongo q si lo retiran de la MTV americana, eso significara q lo retiran mundialmente, no? Esperemos!!

Por si alguien quiere meterles mas presion!!! Aqui estan algunos emails y numeros de tlfn.... caña a estos cabronazos arrogantes...(con educacion, por supuesto! Podriamos mencionar q otros canales, vh1, bet han dejado de emitirlo o lo estan pensando. Y q por supuesto nos sentimos ofendidos por el video en si, no solo pq seamos fans de MJ, lol)

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No encuentro la de VH1.. si alguien puede ayudar.. gracias!
Última edición:
Re: Mensaje de Michael y de BET sobre el video de Eminem

y yo ke siempre he pensao que toa eza encuesta tan toa amañá...

ya he votao... pero amo... ke creo que no ze ha contabilizao mi voto.. marca la misma cantidad de votantes...
Re: Mensaje de Michael y de BET sobre el video de Eminem

Bueno me parece bien al actuacion de BET y el comunicado de MJ

Por cierto de dnd me puedo bajar el video de EMINEM???