M J N I Michael will make the annoucement at the Killer Thriller...
Just as MJNI will suprise him with the demo, i have found out that Michael will suprise the fans with a special annoucement which will be music related at the killer thriller party on June 15th.
To my knowledege the annoucement will not be about a tour it will be something else! Which exites me!
Michael will announce in style.
100% Comfirmed
eyerony and all the other haters this was told to me by Dominic Mohan a reliable editor from The Sun.
There is also a 50/50 rumour going around that Speilberg will direct Michaels third release from Vince after being re-united on the Men In black 2 set. We all know there very good freinds. Brett Ratner's boyhood dream was to direct a Michael Jackson video so things are in the pipeline at the momment.
Just as MJNI will suprise him with the demo, i have found out that Michael will suprise the fans with a special annoucement which will be music related at the killer thriller party on June 15th.
To my knowledege the annoucement will not be about a tour it will be something else! Which exites me!
Michael will announce in style.
100% Comfirmed
eyerony and all the other haters this was told to me by Dominic Mohan a reliable editor from The Sun.
There is also a 50/50 rumour going around that Speilberg will direct Michaels third release from Vince after being re-united on the Men In black 2 set. We all know there very good freinds. Brett Ratner's boyhood dream was to direct a Michael Jackson video so things are in the pipeline at the momment.