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mj en drogas

Ya empezaron de nuevo"Michael Jackson adicto a las drogas y alcohol"

mj hooked on drink and drugs
The Mirror

August 16, 2002, Friday


LENGTH: 574 words


BYLINE: Drew Mackenzie In New York

OFF THE WALL: Jacko is said to be out of control on wine and painkillers; ALARMED: Janet flew across US to see her brother


TROUBLED superstar Michael Jackson is hooked on drugs and booze, it is claimed.

Worried family members reportedly flew across the US to try and help him.

But Michael refused their pleas to get treatment - and then banned them from ever staging another emergency intervention. According to a source Michael said he just had an occasional glass of wine and only took painkillers when necessary.

But US magazine National Enquirer claims Jacko's health may be in trouble.

An insider said: "The family fears for Michael's life. They believe he's out of control on drugs and alcohol."

Details of the alleged dramatic intervention with Michael have emerged recently but it was said to have happened months ago.

The magazine said four family members, sisters Janet and Rebbie and brothers Tito and Randy, flew on a chartered jet from Los Angeles to New York to confront the star. They had received frantic calls from a senior member of Michael's staff who said he was "walking around like a zombie".

The staff member claimed Michael was "hooked on Demerol and was drinking large amounts of wine".

Even more alarming was that it was not the first time Michael had reportedly fallen into the clutches of the powerful narcotic.

In 1999 it was claimed that Michael regularly hooked up to an intravenous drip that sent "doses of the prescription painkiller surging into his veins".

A family insider confirmed back then that the performer had "been seen taking large doses of Demerol", which has potential side effects including disorientation and hallucinations.

Doctors explained that an intravenous drip gives an addict precise control of the dosage, lessening the chances for an overdose. The insider said: "He first got hooked on painkillers in 1998 after an injury, and news of his recent relapse hit hard.

"Michael's mother pleaded with her kids to help him. Janet chartered the plane to confront Michael in New York, where he was staying at an apartment.

"They arrived unannounced and persuaded security to let them in.

"Michael wasn't there and they were left sitting for more than two hours.

"When he arrived, he was shocked to see his brothers and sisters sitting waiting for him.

"They told him they knew he was abusing Demerol and drinking heavily.

"They pleaded with him to get counselling before it was too late. They even offered to set the whole thing up. But Michael wouldn't hear of it.

"Janet told Michael how his family cared about him and wanted to make sure he didn't end up like Elvis. But Michael kept telling them not to worry, that he was just fine. The family left firmly believing he was in denial and wasn't ready for any help. But they warned him they would be back."

After the no-holds barred session, the family got reports that Michael was trying to clean up his act.

But the insider said: "Sadly he now seems to have fallen back to his old ways and everyone is alarmed about him.

"And he left standing orders with his staff and security that his family never be allowed into his place without an appointment.

"Now they are living in fear he is going to turn up dead one day."

Nine years ago, while the singer was accused of being a paedophile, he checked himself into a private hospital to help get off prescription pills.

A business associate of the singer said: "Michael is addicted to pain pills. We are all very worried about him."

Ya van a empezar otra vez con sus p*tos rumores. Ches amarillistas no tienen nada mejor que hacer. :mad:

A ver si alguien lo puede traducir porque ahora no tengo tiempo.

Paparazzis BURN IN HELL!!!!!:mad:
Lo habia visto, pero me daba tanta vergunza ajena que no lo puse antes. Estos tabloides, aprovechando el 25 aniversario de la muerte de Elvis, causada por su adiccion a las pastillas, estan tratando de hacer comparaciones entre uno y otro.
Ahora tambien dicen que Michael le da al vino... en fin...
pues si, pero me enp*ta que hagan eso y lo pero es que hay gente que LO CREE!!! pero bueno para que hacer bilis sobre algo que no vale la pena
Bah!! Bobadas ni puto caso :D

Nosotros a lo nuestro...cada vez viendo q pasamos mas de ellos se iran inventando mas cosas...:lol:

Saludos :muac:
Que es esto, por favor!!!! estas cosas son muy serias para andar inventandolas y publicandolas, que verguenza, los tabloides nunca se van a cansar...
esto es algo q encontre en el foro kingdom, espero q no sea cierto, esta en ingles y pues si alguien tiene tiempo de traducirlo q lo haga cuanto antes para q todos lo entiendan.

saludos desde Mexico :borrachín

The Mirror

August 16, 2002, Friday


LENGTH: 574 words


BYLINE: Drew Mackenzie In New York

OFF THE WALL: Jacko is said to be out of control on wine and painkillers; ALARMED: Janet flew across US to see her brother


TROUBLED superstar Michael Jackson is hooked on drugs and booze, it is claimed.

Worried family members reportedly flew across the US to try and help him.

But Michael refused their pleas to get treatment - and then banned them from ever staging another emergency intervention. According to a source Michael said he just had an occasional glass of wine and only took painkillers when necessary.

But US magazine National Enquirer claims Jacko's health may be in trouble.

An insider said: "The family fears for Michael's life. They believe he's out of control on drugs and alcohol."

Details of the alleged dramatic intervention with Michael have emerged recently but it was said to have happened months ago.

The magazine said four family members, sisters Janet and Rebbie and brothers Tito and Randy, flew on a chartered jet from Los Angeles to New York to confront the star. They had received frantic calls from a senior member of Michael's staff who said he was "walking around like a zombie".

The staff member claimed Michael was "hooked on Demerol and was drinking large amounts of wine".

Even more alarming was that it was not the first time Michael had reportedly fallen into the clutches of the powerful narcotic.

In 1999 it was claimed that Michael regularly hooked up to an intravenous drip that sent "doses of the prescription painkiller surging into his veins".

A family insider confirmed back then that the performer had "been seen taking large doses of Demerol", which has potential side effects including disorientation and hallucinations.

Doctors explained that an intravenous drip gives an addict precise control of the dosage, lessening the chances for an overdose. The insider said: "He first got hooked on painkillers in 1998 after an injury, and news of his recent relapse hit hard.

"Michael's mother pleaded with her kids to help him. Janet chartered the plane to confront Michael in New York, where he was staying at an apartment.

"They arrived unannounced and persuaded security to let them in.

"Michael wasn't there and they were left sitting for more than two hours.

"When he arrived, he was shocked to see his brothers and sisters sitting waiting for him.

"They told him they knew he was abusing Demerol and drinking heavily.

"They pleaded with him to get counselling before it was too late. They even offered to set the whole thing up. But Michael wouldn't hear of it.

"Janet told Michael how his family cared about him and wanted to make sure he didn't end up like Elvis. But Michael kept telling them not to worry, that he was just fine. The family left firmly believing he was in denial and wasn't ready for any help. But they warned him they would be back."

After the no-holds barred session, the family got reports that Michael was trying to clean up his act.

But the insider said: "Sadly he now seems to have fallen back to his old ways and everyone is alarmed about him.

"And he left standing orders with his staff and security that his family never be allowed into his place without an appointment.

"Now they are living in fear he is going to turn up dead one day."

Nine years ago, while the singer was accused of being a paedophile, he checked himself into a private hospital to help get off prescription pills.

A business associate of the singer said: "Michael is addicted to pain pills. We are all very worried about him."
Que fuerte!!!! Ojala no sea verdad!! Michael Jackson ...drogado?? :lloratis La verdad es que no entiendo mucho como una persona con la personalidad de michael pueda llegar a drogarse para escapar del dolor. Si fuese verdad la culpa seria de la puta prensa. Han estado martirizando a Michael siempre...malditos cerdos!
Repito...que fuerte como sea verdad!!! Me moriria :(
Espero que no sea verdad aunque desgraciadamente todas las grandes estrellas acaban igual. Espero que la hsitoria de Elvis y tantos otros no se repita, lo que más me preocupa es que haya dado órdenes para que su familia no pueda acudir en su ayuda. De todas formas, el diario este no me merece ninguna credibilidad.
La verdad que desde que saco Bad. La prensa ha intentado hundir a Michael hasta el fondo. Con estupideses. Un ejemplo, cuando fue acusado, en el caso Chandler, toda la prensa fue en su contra, principalmente porque Michael adora a los niños y ese fue su punto debil. Si no tubiese ninguna relacion, hubiese pasado desapercibido.
InvincibleMJJ :urule:

Por si alguien todavía no lo sabe, el famoso paparazzi cabr*n que ha llevado a juicio a esa fan (que por cierto a ver si nos informan pronto de qué pasó en la vista) y que nos agredió el año pasado. trabaja para el Mirror, harán cualquier cosa para reventarle en público, pasar de lo que digan. Encima para colmo, el Mirror dice basarse en el semanario americano National Enquirer: Es decir que se han aliado (y creo que es la primera vez) los dos tabloides más asquerosos y cabrones de la historia, que se dice pronto.

Es más, los que queráis la traduccion podéis ir a un traductor de esos cutres (que son muy malos pero total todo es mentira así que un poco más de distorsión tampoco pasa nada). Lo digo porque soy capaz de ponerlo, que alguien extranjero pase por aquí, me entienda mal, y vaya por ahí asustado diciendo que en este foro se ha dicho que MJ realmente tiene problemas, así que mejor ni me arriesgo.

Pero total, para yo perder tiempo en traducir gilipolleces y vosotros perder tiempo en leerlas, pa eso ni me molesto.
:babilla: Pues por todo lo que me han dicho ,Que Michael se droga y que no quiere ayuda de la familia?????????? :eek:
No lo creo :lloratris nooooooooooooooo :llorando: eso no es verdad el dice que odia la droga y seria ridiculo q' ahora estuviera metido en ellas... no es verdad :buaaah: y por mi parte me gustaria ver la historia original ,digo... pa' estar bien enterada de lo q' dicen esos y si alguien lo comenta defender a Michael q' pa' eso estoy aqui!!!!!!!!! :D que triste estoy!!!!! :llorando:
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