Hello everybody, didnt find a place where i can intro myself, so hope here it's fine!!!
I'm Lemo, i'm italian, and i'm a beLIEver...i'm a fan since i was born, my dad and mom were dancers, we tour many many times before stop in Italy, and MJ music, with Dianas and Stevies was my ABC...i saw 2 Bad shows and a Dangerous, and i miss that magic so much! I cannot accept his death, and i really think there's no MJ body in FL grave...i hope you all don't mind if sometimes i come and visit your forum, i'm just trying to find info everywhere...
Please someone tell me if is ok if sometimes i'll share some of your info in my italian forum...well,not mine, the one i'm registered on and where i'm a supermod!!!
I don't write spanish, i hope you can help me to understand if i need help!
Well, we are a big big family, stay well, thank you.