Janet Testerman, left, and her mother Janet Testerman-Crossley, pose with photos taken of themselves with Michael Jackson during The Jacksons’ Victory Tour concert in August 1984 in Knoxville. The Testermans got to meet the Jacksons backstage.
Janet Testerman, a la izquierda, y su madre Janet Testerman-Crossley, posan con fotografías de sí mismas con Michael Jackson durante el concierto de The Jacksons ,Victory tour, en agosto de 1984 en Knoxville. Las Testermans conocieron a los Jackson entre bastidores.
Janet Testerman, 15, the daughter of Mayor Kyle Testerman, meets Michael Jackson backstage during the Jackson Five's Victory Tour on Aug. 10, 1984 at Neyland Stadium.
Janet Testerman, 15, la hija del alcalde Kyle Testerman, conoce a Michael Jackson entre bastidores durante el Victory Tour de los Jackson Fiveel 10 de agosto de 1984 en Neyland Stadium.