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"Nuevas inéditas" de MJ: "To Satisfy You" y So Plush Sampler

Re: Para el que aún no lo tenga, tema inédito de Brian Loren y Mj "To Satisfy you"

muchas gracias, ya la habia escuchado pero no la tenia
Re: Para el que aún no lo tenga, tema inédito de Brian Loren y Mj "To Satisfy you"

gracias no la habia escuchado..
Re: Para el que aún no lo tenga, tema inédito de Brian Loren y Mj "To Satisfy you"

Gracias Kapital!! Es chulisima!! Que lástima que Michael no cante ninguna estrofa... en la parte final hay mucha instrumentación donde Michael podria haber hecho algún "matiz" vocal de los suyos...
Re: Para el que aún no lo tenga, tema inédito de Brian Loren y Mj "To Satisfy you"

Muchas gracias, para mi es nueva, yo nunca me he preocupado en buscar temas inéditos, y con todo lo que hay ....bueno pues me alegro de escuchar canciones "nuevas".
Re: Para el que aún no lo tenga, tema inédito de Brian Loren y Mj "To Satisfy you"

mm q bien.. no sabia de su existencia jeje graxi *descargano*!!

te amo michael.............
Re: Nueva canción de mj??

Es un descarte de Dangerous que MJ cedió a Bryan Loren, de donde éste se hizo con los coros que MJ había grabado.
Re: Nueva canción de mj??

Fue escrita por MJ y Bryan para Dangerous, y al no incluirse en el album MJ se la cedio a Bryan para su propio album incluyendo los coros que habian grabado ambos. Damion Hall tambien la incluyo en su album en 1994 pero sin los coros de MJ, ya que estos fueron exclusivos para Bryan... Muy buen tema, una pena no haberlo escuchado en Dangerous ;)
Re: Nueva canción de mj??

Aqui te dejo la letra por si te interesa:

Hey girl, my only wish is to satisfy you (satisfy you),
I want to make this the best I can do (I wanna make this),
To keep you happy with all my might (all of my might),
Youll want for nothing both day and night.

I like to watch you move across the floor, and you know I do,
As much as I do now makes me want you more,
And you know thats true,
You are the only girl I adore, Id do it all for you,
To give you what you need, all that I live for, oh girl,
No, no, no, no, no, no, no way.

(no way, no way) say youll never have to worry,
(no way, no way) said Ill never do you wrong, girl,
(no way, no way) youre the reason that I live baby,
(always) and I sing this song to you because...

Hey girl, my only wish is to satisfy you (satisfy you),
I want to make this the best I can do (I wanna make this),
To keep you happy with all my might (all of my might),
Youll want for nothing both day and night.

You came to me when I was in need, I didnt have no one,
And now my sole desire is to please, and youre the only one,
Just like the shining sun you warm my heart,
And make me feel secure,
And I pray to God while on earth well never part, oh, darling,
No, no, no, nothing babe.

(no way, no way) say youll never have to worry,
(no way, no way) said Ill never do you wrong, girl,
(no way, no way) youre the reason that I live baby,
(always) and I sing this song to you because...

Hey girl, my only wish is to satisfy you (satisfy you),
I want to make this the best I can do (I wanna make this),
To keep you happy with all my might (all of my might),
Youll want for nothing both day and night.

My only wish is to satisfy you
(oh, I love you baby, I love you baby, I love you darling),
I want to make this the best I can do
(oh, oh, oh),
To keep you happy with all my might
(keep you happy, all of my might),
Youll want for nothing both day and night
(youll want for nothing every day and night).

My only wish is to satisfy you
(I love you baby, I love you baby),
I want to make this the best I can do
(I love, I love, I love, I love, I love you baby),
To keep you happy with all my might
(oh my might),
Youll want for nothing both day and night.

My only wish is to satisfy you
(and I love satisfy you),
I want to make this the best I can do, baby
(I want to make this the best I can do, baby),
To keep you happy with all my might
(oh, all of my might),
Youll want for nothing both day and night
(youll want for nothing day and night, babe).

(my only wish is) my only wish is,
(my only wish is) my only wish is.