Feb. 13, pls traduction
Dear all,
You probably received Carol Davis' email in appreciation of the fans support. It is time that we gather our strengths again and move forward with our support actions.
We pulled off a great show of love on January 16th and I want to thank everyone who was involved in organizing and everyone who attended or was there in spirit once again
As you all know, the next court date is set for February 13th, it is 99% sure that MJ will not have to be there, but his legal team will, and so will the media. Some of us came up with the following idea, because it will be difficult for many fans to be there in February, we thought that all the fan clubs around the world could send something to represent their support even in their absence. This "something" could be a huge banner, one that looks like the one carried by a group of So Cal fans at the arraignment and shown on media outlets around the world, the red one with MICHAEL IS INNOCENT on it.
Each fan club in every country should produce a similar banner, to be signed by as many fans and supporters as possible and then sent to LA. We will carry these banners coming from all over the world to Santa Maria on the 13th, for all to see. The banners will surround the court house and form a sort of ribbon around it, a ribbon of love.
The banner should be:
-About 35feet long and 4 feet high (this is just an indication, it could also be smaller)
(metric: 12 m x 1.5 m)
-The one in the picture is made with 13oz vinyl and was printed by a special graphic machinery, but Kinko's prints the same kind of banners, only a little smaller.
If you don't have access to sophisticated printing places, or are short on cash, don't worry because your banner can be made of any material, card board, fabrics, sheets, paper..whichever is easier for you. It can also be made in pieces, if it will be easier for you to mail it. The pieces, squares, will be then assembled and taped together once it gets to Santa Maria. Try to use colors, make it look colourful and cheerful, it is not important that the banner looks perfect or professionally made, a plain paper banner, with hand writing in color will do, if it is signed by many fans.
-The banner can have any kind of writing on it, but stay in the theme:
Michael is Innocent
We Love Michael
We want justice for Michael
This should be written in your language, if the banner comes from Italy, it should say MICHAEL E' INNOCENTE and then you can put a smaller translation in English underneath it.
-Each banner should also sport the flag of the country it was made in, to show how far it came from and that fans in that country support MJ.
Fans from Santa Maria or Los Angeles should write "Santa Maria supports MJ" on their banner.
-Before you send the banner, you should have a fan gathering in your town and all the fans should sign it, either in the back or around the main writing (not over). You could also take the banner to local malls and ask by-passers who want to support MJ to sign it. Try to get as many signatures and messages of support as you can.
-Then, mail the banner via air mail no later than February 5th. Check with your post office how long it will take, the banner must arrive no later than Feb 11th:
Send an email to mjjteam23@hotmail.com to get the address where you have to send the banner
Please let me know ASAP if you can manage to participate in this project. Surely, to see all these banners coming from all over the world, will be very heartwarming to Michael and it will show the media, we are still there in full force.
In addition, I would encourage all the fans in Southern California, to also be in Santa Maria in person on February 13th, if you can. We can have a smaller crowd but still a warm one.
Remember, your signs should not be carried by wooden supports, as it is illegal, and whatever we do, we must stay peaceful.
I would also encourage fans all over the world to organize more vigils on February 13th in your local cities, and to please send me or MJJF, or any other coordinator of the support, the information about location and time of your vigils. During these vigils, talk to the media and let them know how angry and upset you are at the way they are behaving, but do stay polite.
Don't forget you can always use the Support Forum if you need a space to coordinate your actions or to find information about the case and the fans actions:
All the fan clubs in each country should be able to connect and coordinate this operation together.
I look forward to your replies, and I know we are all tired and hurt, but we must have confidence in MJ and his legal team, and trust that we will see it though. They can't GAG us, so let's be heard!
Dear all,
You probably received Carol Davis' email in appreciation of the fans support. It is time that we gather our strengths again and move forward with our support actions.
We pulled off a great show of love on January 16th and I want to thank everyone who was involved in organizing and everyone who attended or was there in spirit once again
As you all know, the next court date is set for February 13th, it is 99% sure that MJ will not have to be there, but his legal team will, and so will the media. Some of us came up with the following idea, because it will be difficult for many fans to be there in February, we thought that all the fan clubs around the world could send something to represent their support even in their absence. This "something" could be a huge banner, one that looks like the one carried by a group of So Cal fans at the arraignment and shown on media outlets around the world, the red one with MICHAEL IS INNOCENT on it.
Each fan club in every country should produce a similar banner, to be signed by as many fans and supporters as possible and then sent to LA. We will carry these banners coming from all over the world to Santa Maria on the 13th, for all to see. The banners will surround the court house and form a sort of ribbon around it, a ribbon of love.
The banner should be:
-About 35feet long and 4 feet high (this is just an indication, it could also be smaller)
(metric: 12 m x 1.5 m)
-The one in the picture is made with 13oz vinyl and was printed by a special graphic machinery, but Kinko's prints the same kind of banners, only a little smaller.
If you don't have access to sophisticated printing places, or are short on cash, don't worry because your banner can be made of any material, card board, fabrics, sheets, paper..whichever is easier for you. It can also be made in pieces, if it will be easier for you to mail it. The pieces, squares, will be then assembled and taped together once it gets to Santa Maria. Try to use colors, make it look colourful and cheerful, it is not important that the banner looks perfect or professionally made, a plain paper banner, with hand writing in color will do, if it is signed by many fans.
-The banner can have any kind of writing on it, but stay in the theme:
Michael is Innocent
We Love Michael
We want justice for Michael
This should be written in your language, if the banner comes from Italy, it should say MICHAEL E' INNOCENTE and then you can put a smaller translation in English underneath it.
-Each banner should also sport the flag of the country it was made in, to show how far it came from and that fans in that country support MJ.
Fans from Santa Maria or Los Angeles should write "Santa Maria supports MJ" on their banner.
-Before you send the banner, you should have a fan gathering in your town and all the fans should sign it, either in the back or around the main writing (not over). You could also take the banner to local malls and ask by-passers who want to support MJ to sign it. Try to get as many signatures and messages of support as you can.
-Then, mail the banner via air mail no later than February 5th. Check with your post office how long it will take, the banner must arrive no later than Feb 11th:
Send an email to mjjteam23@hotmail.com to get the address where you have to send the banner
Please let me know ASAP if you can manage to participate in this project. Surely, to see all these banners coming from all over the world, will be very heartwarming to Michael and it will show the media, we are still there in full force.
In addition, I would encourage all the fans in Southern California, to also be in Santa Maria in person on February 13th, if you can. We can have a smaller crowd but still a warm one.
Remember, your signs should not be carried by wooden supports, as it is illegal, and whatever we do, we must stay peaceful.
I would also encourage fans all over the world to organize more vigils on February 13th in your local cities, and to please send me or MJJF, or any other coordinator of the support, the information about location and time of your vigils. During these vigils, talk to the media and let them know how angry and upset you are at the way they are behaving, but do stay polite.
Don't forget you can always use the Support Forum if you need a space to coordinate your actions or to find information about the case and the fans actions:
All the fan clubs in each country should be able to connect and coordinate this operation together.
I look forward to your replies, and I know we are all tired and hurt, but we must have confidence in MJ and his legal team, and trust that we will see it though. They can't GAG us, so let's be heard!