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Rare photos

me encantan todas estas fotos, algunas ya las habia visto, pero es lindo recordar, al hombre mas guuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaapoooooooo del mundo.

ay dioss me lo comoo vivoo ¡¡¡ :*):*)

If I sail to Acapulco or Cancun Mexico
There the law is waiting for me
and God knows that I'm innocent

If they wont take me in Cairo
then lord where will I go?

I’ll die a man without a country
and only God knew I was innocent now.


It's all for Love
ola chikos k tal
komo stan
soy nueva aki
espero conocer nuevos amios con kienes compartir mi amor x michael
cuidense muxo.....hermosas fotos
Wow!!! Estan super padres concuerdo kon karenka jackson era taaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnn ggggggggggggggggguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaappppppppppoooooooo m lo komo vivo!!! Oohh my good!!!

If I sail to Acapulco or Cancun Mexico
There the law is waiting for me
and God knows that I'm innocent

If they wont take me in Cairo
then lord where will I go?

I’ll die a man without a country
and only God knew I was innocent now.


It's all for Love

I'm so sad to see him wrote that....dear Michael R.I.P