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Rueda de prensa del sheriff... actualizaciones AQUÍ

Que patetico... que han demostrado en esa conferencia? que han mostrado con ese audio?? NADA!

Que MJ jamás se quejó de que le maltrataran durante el trayecto a la corte, fue dentro de la corte cuando le hicieron daño. Además durante ese auto se escucha como MJ se queja de lo apretadas qu estaban las esposas.

De verdad que para tener los cargos tan altos que tienen deberían de venir con mejores excusas.
Oh ya entiendo :D!!!!....es aki q me entero bien de todo...todo el dia q no pude entrar aki....he andado colgada de las lamparas por lo q vi q transmitieron en la t.v.....bola de cabrones...Sneddon como te odio desgraciado...:mad:. Geragos debe tener pruebas solidas del abuso sino a Michael le van a demandar...
Ya lo dije, O Geragos reacciona o a MIchael se lo van a comer con patatas, lo van a masacrar, lo van a dstruir. Si es muy fácil, si tienen algo pues que lo denuncien,muestren pruebas contundentes como el informe de un medico acompañando las fotos del otro día, porquer MJ tiene a media humanidad en su contra y se deja las cosas a medias o sin aclarar se lo van a comer vivo, a ver si Geragos no saca de todo esto que pinta muy mal
No pueden denunciarlo porque no pueden demostrar que haya mentido.

En el video solo se ve a Michael saliendo y entrando de la comisaría y en el audio sólo se le oye silvar ,responder que "mavavilloso" el AA. y encima que le aprietan las esposas...
Si eso fuera poco,si se tramita una denuncia el sheriff tiene que elevarla al jefazo de Sneddon y eso es lo que precisamente no quiere Sneddon ,de ahí el comentario de este post de Geragos:

"We not only welcome an investigation by the Attorney General of California, but will ask that the entire case from its inception be investigated by that office. The deliberate disregard of the findings of the Los Angeles Department of Children & Family Services investigation -- and closure of this case as totally unfounded by that agency -- seriously hurts the credibility of the Santa Barbara County Sheriff".

Se han pillado ellos solitos....:meparto: :meparto:
MJ deberia de haberselo montando mejor, primero denunciarlo y luego contarlo en la entrevita.

Y aunque el audio y video no sea veraz, MJ sabia de su existencia y nose como puede afirmar las lesiones dejando tantos cabos suelto como su salida de la comisaria tan fresco (aunque fuera solo teatro para que la prensa lo vea bien) y ahora esto, lo unico que hace pensar que MJ no piensa en las consecuencias de sus acciones.

La policia no va a demandar a MJ, es un farol no tiene pruebas suficientes
Orbitt si Geragos ha considerado que se debia de hacer así por algo será. No creo yo que uno de los más prestigiosos abogados que hay ahora mismo en EE.UU. tome estas tácticas a seguir porque se levantó con ese pie u el otro esa mañana.
Vosotros no os preocupeis que Super-Geragos pondrá una demanda que se les ve a caer el pelo porque yo la credibilidad de Michael como si fuera la biblia si lo dice Michael es porque será verdad, no me planteo ni un juego ni una mentira, él nunca mentiria con cosas tan serias como estas.
Aqui está la transcripción completa de lo que el sheriff dijo en la rueda de prensa:

December 31st, 2003
12/31/03 Sheriff Statement RE: Mistreatment Allegations
During a recent interview that aired on network television on the evening of the 28th of December, Michael Jackson made serious allegations of misconduct against members of the Santa Barbara Sheriff's Department.

Specifically, Mr. Jackson claimed that his shoulders had been dislocated as a result of being "manhandled very roughly" by members of the Sheriff's Department during his arrest and booking.

Additionally, Mr. Jackson accused the arresting officers of intentionally injuring his wrists when they handcuffed him at the time of the arrest. He produced a photograph that supposedly depicted an injury to his right arm that he claimed was a result of improper handcuffing by the arresting officers.

Mr. Jackson also alleged that during the booking process he had been locked in a jail bathroom for 45 minutes and that the bathroom had fecal matter on the walls, floor and ceiling.

Michael Jackson was treated with the utmost respect and courtesy during his arrest, transport and booking and was release by all members of the department. He was in no way "manhandled" or abused. His treatment by this department can only be described as professional. I am shocked and troubled by his allegations.

When Mr. Jackson was taken into custody, he was told by the arresting officers that he would be handcuffed behind his back as part of the standard procedure. The handcuffs were double locked by the officer to prevent them from further tightening. After Mr. Jackson seated himself in the car, he told the officers that the handcuffs "hurt". He went on to say "they're tight aren't they?" In response, he was advised by the officers to sit in the car seat during the transport in order to limit any discomfort caused by the handcuffs.

In fact, the arrest and transport of Mr. Jackson were documented by way of video and audio tapes. Additionally, on two separate occasions during the transport to the jail, the arresting officer asked Mr. Jackson how he was doing. On the first occasion, Mr. Jackson responded by saying that he was "fine". When he was asked the second time he responded by saying that he was "wonderful". He was also whistling and singing to himself during the transport. It should be noted that these remarks were captured on an audio recording.

Upon his arrival to the jail, the handcuffs were removed within approximately 40 seconds. The position of the handcuffs at this time were noted by the jail staff and were consistent with proper handcuffing procedure.

From the time of Mr. Jackson's arrival to the jail to his departure, approximately 63 minutes had elapsed. The entire booking process was personally supervised by the jail Command Staff. At no time during this process did Mr. Jackson complain of any injury incurred during the course of the arrest or mistreatment by the jail staff. Furthermore, jail staff present during the process observed nothing in the way of injuries present on Mr. Jackson's person.

Mr. Jackson's attorney, who was present during a portion of the booking procedure, made no mention to jail staff of any problems regarding Mr. Jackson's wellbeing.

At one point, Mr. Jackson requested the use of the restroom facilities. He was escorted to a holding cell in order to facilitate his request. This particular holding cell was designed to hold up to 7 individuals and had a toilet located in one area. He was alone in the holding cell for approximately 15 minutes. The cell had been cleaned by a work crew just prior to Mr. Jackson's request.

Upon Mr. Jackson's release, he thanked one of the detectives who escorted him out of the jail. This can also be heard on an audio recording.

Mr. Jackson was seen waving at the crowds gathered outside the jail during his departure. This activity is inconsistent with Mr. Jackson's claims of injuries incurred during the course of the arrest and booking.

The Santa Barbara Sheriff's department is a professional organization made up of dedicated men and women who deal with difficult and challenging circumstances on a daily basis. While the service of the search warrant at Neverland and the subsequent arrest and booking of Mr. Jackson has generated unprecedented media attention and public interest, Mr. Jackson was afforded courteous and professional treatment consistent with the ethical standards of the Santa Barbara Sheriff's Department.

I am accepting the extremely serious allegations made by Mr. Jackson as a formal citizen complaint against members of the Santa Barbara Sheriff's Department. I have requested that the State Attorney General's Office conduct a thorough and complete investigation of these allegations. Should this investigation prove the charge made by Mr. Jackson to be groundless, I will request that criminal charges of false Report of Peace Officer Misconduct be pursued against Mr. Jackson.



Siguen negando maltrato fisico hacia Michael y que le trataron con mucha amabilidad, profesionalidad, etc...


No pueden hacer ninguna denuncia en contra de MJ porque el no ha hecho una denuncia oficial de maltrato por parte de la policía. El simplemente lo dijo en la entrevista y eso no cuenta como una queja formal.
juer aver me estoy liando.. kuando lo detubieron, quando ivan akia kmisaria en el coche lo grabaron en audio??? eso es legal???

vaya lios pero yo no me kreo a ese sheriff, no kreo k MJ mienta en algo asi.
"Pruebas son amores ke no deklaraciones".
Modifikando "alegremente" un viejo dicho español, me sirve para expresar mi opinión sobre lo ke realmente valdrá para demostrar lo dicho y esto klaro, son las pruebas.En este kaso serían verifikar por un profesional médiko el alkance de los daños komo konstatación válida-lo demás (komo el deklarlo en entrevista) es puro humo; pero eso sí, antes de ke sane la lesión, vamos digo yo!: es lo ke sugiere la más elemetal de las lógikas..y es ke a veces el sentido komún es el menos komún.:|

PD: en el juicio el ke va a tener ke demostrar lo ke dice es el fiskal y el demandante , pero ahora en este kaso es de Mike.
Man, be consistent and play straight, do not complicate things beyond they already are!
Seguramente él ya ha hehco que lo mire un médico y que le hagan un parte médico, aunque allí no sé si el parte médico por este tipo de agresiones es obligado denunciarlo al inmediato, pq a lo mejor MJ se está guardando el supuesto parte médico que pueda tener para denunciar más adelante, pq no creo yo que pueda llevar dos casos a la vez, nu se.
Pos es verdad, tienes toda la razón!

Cierto ke Mike ya haya tomado estas medidas y aparte, lo deklaró en la entrevista, ojalá sea así!
tal vez con nosotros como fanaticos que somos sabemos lo que le hicieron a Mj..
pero las televisoras no!
he visto mucha basura estos dias...ellos afirman sin decirlo que Michael miente