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Sneddon dio inmunidad a Amen... y Amen destruirá la conspiración

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DA: Conspiracy Was Dead Long Ago http://<b>da: Conspiracy Was Dead Long Ago</b>

It’s hard to believe that the District Attorney’s office proceeded with the conspiracy part of Michael Jackson’s case once they interviewed Vinnie Amen.

The news that this column was first to report on March 31 and then give you an update on last night is startling: Back on Dec. 30, 2004, Tom Sneddon offered Amen “use immunity” and then interviewed him. In doing so, Sneddon learned (as we reported in March) that there was no conspiracy, and that Amen and Frank Tyson felt held hostage to Janet Arvizo, and not vice versa.

In fact, once Sneddon finished with Amen, he clearly must have realized that the conspiracy part of the case had no substance. The question, then, is why bother going on with it?

The conspiracy has only served to weigh down the child molestation case. Arvizo’s erratic testimony about being kidnapped has only undermined the molestation allegations.

Amen will now likely testify right before or after comedian Chris Tucker and his ex-fiancée Azja Pyor. The effect of this trio should be devastating to the prosecution. All three will tell convincing stories of Arvizo’s demands, fantasies and hallucinations.

When the jury meets Amen, they will no doubt be shocked to encounter a mild-mannered and polite young man of slight build. They will have a lot of trouble imagining him holding Arvizo and her three boisterous, large children against their will.

But the question still lingers: Why did the district attorney’s office endanger the far more serious child molestation case with the creaky conspiracy case if they knew full well, a month in advance of trial, that the charges would not stand up?

No dice nada nuevo:

- Es dificil entender porqué Sneddon llevó adelante el cargo de conspiración tras hablar con Amen.

- Sneddon ofreció inmunidad a Amen y le entrevistó. Ahí supo que la conspiración no existía y que Tyson y Amen se sentían secuestrados por los Arvizo y no al revés.

- Se pregunta una y otra vez porque se molestó Sneddon en añadir este cargo sabiendo que no tenía ninguna base y que el testimonio de los Arvizo fue tan errático que podría quitarle peso incluso a la acusación de abuso.

- Amen testificará más o menos cuando Chris Tucker y su ex, Azja Pyor. El efecto del trio será devastador para la fiscalía. Los tres contarán historias convincentes de las demandas de los Arvizo, de sus fantasías y sus alucinaciones.

- Cuando el jurado conozca a Amen, verán a un educado joven y tendrán problemas para imaginarse a los Arvizo secuestrados por este chico.

- Se vuelve a preguntar porque Sneddon pone en peligro el caso de abusos al menter esta falsedad.