Es un artículo bastante interesante sacado de The Smoking Gun. Trata de lo frívolo que se mostró Gavin durante las entrevistas que mantuvo con la policía, permitiéndose incluso gastar bromas sobre la situación
Pongo de momento la noticia en inglés marcando lo más importante. Me voy a comer ahora
si vuelvo y nadie ha traducido lo importante lo hago yo luego!
Edit: abajo comentarios del texto en castellano
Teen accuser told investigators he knew more about "birds and bees" than Michael Jackson.
FEBRUARY 27--The Los Angeles boy who has accused Michael Jackson of molestation told investigators that the singer was a naif when it came to "the birds and the bees," claiming that his alleged abuser "didn't know much. I knew more than he did."
The surprising appraisal from the boy, now 15, came during a January 19, 2004 interview with Santa Barbara Sheriff's Department officials, The Smoking Gun has learned.
At the interview's conclusion, a detective asked the child about conversations he had with Jackson about girls and any related guidance offered by the performer. The boy, who was 13 at the time of the alleged molestation, replied that Jackson would "always, like, try to give me" advice about "the birds and the bees."
However, the boy told investigators, "He didn't know much. I knew more than he did."
The Q&A session, which was audiotaped, came about two months prior to the child's initial appearance before the grand jury that later voted to indict Jackson on ten felony counts. During his testimony, the boy occasionally appeared flippant while discussing the alleged sexual assaults and Jackson's provision of wine and assorted booze to him and his two siblings.
When District Attorney Tom Sneddon asked if he had ceased drinking alcohol after leaving Neverland Ranch for the last time, the boy responded, "That period of my life, I went to AA. That period of my life is over." To "make sure the record is clear," Sneddon asked the boy whether he was kidding about attending Alcoholics Anonymous. "I'm just joking," replied the accuser.
At another point during his testimony, the boy was asked to describe the alleged molestation incidents in Jackson's bedroom, which he did in graphic detail. The boy, who has been enrolled for years in a Navy sea cadets program, was then asked by Sneddon if anyone else had been present during the assaults. "No," the child answered, adding, "Not unless a Navy SEAL dropped down."
At the close of his first day of testimony, the boy received Sneddon's standard witness admonition that a judicial gag order barred him from talking to the media about his confidential testimony. "Oh man," the child replied, "I was going to have a press conference."
- Gavin cuenta que Michael trataba de darle consejos respecto al sexo, pero que "Él no sabía demasiado. Yo sabía más que él"
- Sneddon le preguntó si había dejado de beber alcohol desde que salió de Neverland la última vez. Gavin contestó : "Durante ese período de mi vida fuí a Alcohólicos Anónimos. Esa etapa ya ha pasado". Para asegurarse y dejar real constancia en el informe, Sneddon le pregunta si estaba bromeando en cuando a lo de Alcohólicos Anónimos. "Sólo estoy bromeando", dijo Gavin.
- Hablando ya de los supuestos hechos ocurridos en la habitación de Michael Sneddon le pregunta si había alguien más presente durante esos hechos. "No, no a menos que una 'foca de la marina' se dejara caer por allí" **He traducido 'Navy SEAL' como 'foca de la marina' pensando que hace referencia a las dos ocasiones en que su hermano Star (de ahí lo de foca :jajaja: ) presenció los hechos, además de que ambos hermanos pertenecen a los 'cadetes de la marina' o algo así**
- Al final de su declaración, Sneddon le recuerda que se encuentra bajo una orden de silencio y que no tiene premitido hablar sobre su testimonio a los medios de comunicación. "Vaya, tío", contestó Gavin, "iba a hacer una rueda de prensa"
Edit: abajo comentarios del texto en castellano
Teen accuser told investigators he knew more about "birds and bees" than Michael Jackson.
FEBRUARY 27--The Los Angeles boy who has accused Michael Jackson of molestation told investigators that the singer was a naif when it came to "the birds and the bees," claiming that his alleged abuser "didn't know much. I knew more than he did."
The surprising appraisal from the boy, now 15, came during a January 19, 2004 interview with Santa Barbara Sheriff's Department officials, The Smoking Gun has learned.
At the interview's conclusion, a detective asked the child about conversations he had with Jackson about girls and any related guidance offered by the performer. The boy, who was 13 at the time of the alleged molestation, replied that Jackson would "always, like, try to give me" advice about "the birds and the bees."
However, the boy told investigators, "He didn't know much. I knew more than he did."
The Q&A session, which was audiotaped, came about two months prior to the child's initial appearance before the grand jury that later voted to indict Jackson on ten felony counts. During his testimony, the boy occasionally appeared flippant while discussing the alleged sexual assaults and Jackson's provision of wine and assorted booze to him and his two siblings.
When District Attorney Tom Sneddon asked if he had ceased drinking alcohol after leaving Neverland Ranch for the last time, the boy responded, "That period of my life, I went to AA. That period of my life is over." To "make sure the record is clear," Sneddon asked the boy whether he was kidding about attending Alcoholics Anonymous. "I'm just joking," replied the accuser.
At another point during his testimony, the boy was asked to describe the alleged molestation incidents in Jackson's bedroom, which he did in graphic detail. The boy, who has been enrolled for years in a Navy sea cadets program, was then asked by Sneddon if anyone else had been present during the assaults. "No," the child answered, adding, "Not unless a Navy SEAL dropped down."
At the close of his first day of testimony, the boy received Sneddon's standard witness admonition that a judicial gag order barred him from talking to the media about his confidential testimony. "Oh man," the child replied, "I was going to have a press conference."
- Gavin cuenta que Michael trataba de darle consejos respecto al sexo, pero que "Él no sabía demasiado. Yo sabía más que él"
- Sneddon le preguntó si había dejado de beber alcohol desde que salió de Neverland la última vez. Gavin contestó : "Durante ese período de mi vida fuí a Alcohólicos Anónimos. Esa etapa ya ha pasado". Para asegurarse y dejar real constancia en el informe, Sneddon le pregunta si estaba bromeando en cuando a lo de Alcohólicos Anónimos. "Sólo estoy bromeando", dijo Gavin.
- Hablando ya de los supuestos hechos ocurridos en la habitación de Michael Sneddon le pregunta si había alguien más presente durante esos hechos. "No, no a menos que una 'foca de la marina' se dejara caer por allí" **He traducido 'Navy SEAL' como 'foca de la marina' pensando que hace referencia a las dos ocasiones en que su hermano Star (de ahí lo de foca :jajaja: ) presenció los hechos, además de que ambos hermanos pertenecen a los 'cadetes de la marina' o algo así**
- Al final de su declaración, Sneddon le recuerda que se encuentra bajo una orden de silencio y que no tiene premitido hablar sobre su testimonio a los medios de comunicación. "Vaya, tío", contestó Gavin, "iba a hacer una rueda de prensa"
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