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[22 de febrero]: Comentarios sobre la Cuarta Jornada de Elección de Jurado

Jackson Returns to Court After Two Weeks

9 minutes ago Entertainment - AP Music

By TIM MOLLOY, Associated Press Writer

SANTA MARIA, Calif. - Michael Jackson (news) returned to court Tuesday after a week's delay and the judge assured prospective jurors that the singer really had been ill and there was no plot to put off his child molestation trial.

Jackson, dressed in black, chatted with his attorneys at the defense table before questioning of prospective jurors started.

Santa Barbara County Superior Court Judge Rodney S. Melville told prospective jurors that he understood their frustrations over "a couple of false starts." He referred to Jackson's illness, which closed down jury selection for a week, and an earlier delay caused by the death of defense attorney Thomas Mesereau's sister.

He told prospective jurors that the delays were not part of a calculated attempt by anyone to slow down the trial.

"Mr. Jackson really was sick. He really did have the flu," the judge said. "I talked to his doctor. ... I wouldn't let anyone take advantage of us that way."

The judge said several names had been added to the defense's celebrity-studded witness list, including Macaulay Culkin (news), Eddie Murphy and Smokey Robinson. More than 300 names submitted earlier included Kobe Bryant, Elizabeth Taylor, Diana Ross and Jay Leno.

Attorneys were scheduled to question prospective jurors about any biases that should keep them off the panel.

Jury selection was abruptly cut off last Tuesday when Melville announced that Jackson had been rushed to an emergency room with flu-like symptoms. Jackson was released from the hospital on Wednesday.

Before jury selection was canceled last week, Mesereau asked prospects about their interest in the arts, their feelings toward Jackson, and whether they believed child witnesses could be led to lie. The defense will argue that the mother of Jackson's 15-year-old accuser, a former cancer patient, has told him to lie.

Attorneys are trying to select 12 jurors and eight alternates from a pool of 242 potential jurors. Each side can ask to remove an unlimited number of jurors for bias, and eliminate 10 jurors without cause.

Jackson, 46, is accused of molesting the boy, plying him with wine, and conspiring to hold his family captive.

Last week, Mesereau asked prospective jurors about their interest in the arts, their feelings toward Jackson and whether they believed young witnesses could be encouraged to lie.

The defense was expected to argue that the mother of Jackson's 15-year-old accuser has told him to lie.


No mucho nuevo...

solo 3 nombres a añadir a la lista de testigos para la defensa: Macaulay Culkin, Eddie Murphy y Smokey Robinson.

Otro comentario.. el juez le recuerda a los posibles miembros del jurado q MJ estuvo realmente enfermo.. q no dejaria q le tomaran el pelo ( no se como llamara a la q hace sneddon!), q hablo con el medico q atendio a MJ el martes pasado y confirma q si estaba enfermo... :sleep:
Última edición:
Este tipo se keda detallando la cadenita de michael y todas sus medallas, se keda asombrado. Michael sonrie JEJEJE...! :D


Y LUEGO............

Wissper: Police Man: Woh Mike U looks Great
Michael: Yeah man, I know I rule :cool:

MJforever dijo:
solo 3 nombres a añadir a la lista de testigos para la defensa: Macaulay Culkin, Eddie Murphy y Smokey Robinson.

Creo que todos les conocemos, pero aqui van unas fotos...

Smokey Robinson Cantante y compositor


Macaulay Culkin


Eddie Murphy Actor



Última edición:
aaa siempre me pongo muy nerviosa cuando lo veo ¿Alguien sabe si fue con el alguna persona de su familia? si es asi ¿Hay fotos de ellos?
rebecuya dijo:
aaa siempre me pongo muy nerviosa cuando lo veo ¿Alguien sabe si fue con el alguna persona de su familia? si es asi ¿Hay fotos de ellos?

no fue nadie, ni pueden tampoco pk el mugre de Melville le prohibió a Michael k llevara a alguien de su familia :mad:
aicythel dijo:
michael ya dejó la corte... aguien sabe por k tan pronto :confused:

Creo q solo estan en un break de 10 min....

el articulo q puse en el otro post..


Nine jurors dismissed from Michael Jackson jury pool on Tuesday

By Tim Molloy

11:55 a.m. February 22, 2005

SANTA MARIA – Nine prospective jurors in the child molestation trial of Michael Jackson were dismissed Tuesday, including three by mutual agreement of the defense and prosecution.

Those jurors included two women who questioned their ability to be fair because of news reports they had seen and a woman who said she was twice falsely accused of abusing children and had been abused herself.

Defense attorneys and prosecutors also dismissed two jurors each. Each side can eliminate 10 jurors without stating a cause.

Without giving reasons, prosecutors dismissed an 18-year-old man who said in court he was a Jackson fan and loved to sing karaoke and a woman who said she once did a cheerleading routine to one of Jackson's songs while in Junior High and she felt sympathy toward Jackson because of molestation allegations involving her relatives.

The defense, without noting any reasons, dismissed a 28-year-old mother of two young children whose own mother works in the district attorney's office and a male juror who said he had three friends who worked for the sheriff's department.

Two jurors were dismissed for hardship, one because he had job interviews and the other because his employer did not pay for long jury service.

Another man was dismissed earlier this month for health reasons, leaving 233 people in the original jury pool.

Jury selection resumed Tuesday after a week's delay, ordered when Jackson was hospitalized with what Santa Barbara County Superior Court Judge Rodney S. Melville said was the flu. Jackson, dressed in black, arrived in court Tuesday and chatted with his attorneys at the defense table before jury selection resumed.

Melville told prospective jurors that he understood their frustrations over "a couple of false starts," referring to Jackson's illness and an earlier delay caused by the death of defense attorney Thomas Mesereau's sister.

But, he said, it was not part of a calculated attempt by anyone to slow down the trial. "Mr. Jackson really was sick. He really did have the flu. I talked to his doctor. ... I wouldn't let anyone take advantage of us that way."

Jackson was released from the hospital on Wednesday after being admitted on Tuesday for "flu-like" symptoms.

The judge said several names had been added to the defense's celebrity-studded witness list, including Eddie Murphy, Macaulay Culkin and Smokey Robinson. More than 300 defense names submitted earlier included Kobe Bryant, Elizabeth Taylor, Diana Ross and Jay Leno.

Prosecutors on Tuesday interviewed jury prospects who had previously been questioned by defense attorneys.

Senior Deputy District Attorney Ron Zonen asked the prospects whether they had seen a recent interview with Jackson by Geraldo Rivera that aired on Fox News in which Jackson said many of the stories about him are not true. No one said they had seen it.

Before jury selection was canceled last week, Mesereau asked prospects about their interest in the arts, their feelings toward Jackson, and whether they believed child witnesses could be led to lie. The defense will argue that the mother of Jackson's 15-year-old accuser, a former cancer patient, has told him to lie.

Attorneys are trying to select 12 jurors and eight alternates from a pool of 242 potential jurors. Each side can ask to remove an unlimited number of jurors for bias.

Jackson, 46, is accused of molesting the boy, plying him with wine, and conspiring to hold his family captive.
no estoy muy seguro pero creo que.... ¿es la 1º vez que michael llega sin ningun tipo de gafas a la corte? me e dado cuenta de eso yesta... precioso como siempre...

En mi opinión deberia de asistir 50% de veces con gafas y el otro 50% de veces sin gafas jejejej, esque está favorecido de todas formas jaejeajeajjae tiene unos ojos preciosos, y si se los tapa con las gafas da igual, porque tiene una presencia espectacular :D
MJforever dijo:
solo 3 nombres a añadir a la lista de testigos para la defensa: Macaulay Culkin, Eddie Murphy y Smokey Robinson.

Testigos famosos por un tubo pero da la sesación de que pocos testigos verdaderamente relacionados con el caso van a ser llamados por la defensa, y me preocupa.
betty dijo:
Testigos famosos por un tubo pero da la sesación de que pocos testigos verdaderamente relacionados con el caso van a ser llamados por la defensa, y me preocupa.

No te preocupes, ten en cuenta que de 300 testigos de la defensa, la prensa sólo se ha hecho eco de los famosos. Los más importantes, son personas anónimas que están en la lista, pero la prensa no los saca porque no sabrían que decir de ellos.
Si es verdad lo que dice Vanil...

Obviamente habrá testigos famosos y otros que no lo son.

Mez sabe lo que hace, yo le tengo mucha confianza.

Y si vemos la lista de testigos de la defensa es mucho mas extensa que la
de los cerdos esos...:vom:
garabis dijo:
Pd: se le ha ido la mano con el maquillaje

pbr dijo:
se le ha ido la mano un montonazo


Si se refieren a esta foto se ve muy claro que esta retocada como paso hace poco con algúnas de las de la comparecencia del 31 de enero


Y asi hay muchas más en donde le exageran el color de los labios y otras partes de la cara y este ejemplo de su mano .

Yo a Michael le veo perfectamente bien ;) .
Última edición:
Muchas gracias por las fotos, molan , a ver q tal el poximo dia...lo cierto es q aparenta estar sereno, kizá lo esté...