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Acusaciones infundadas contra MJ en Febrero (Documento oficial)+ Reacciones en prensa

"The Somking Gun" Documento exclusivo "Sex abuse charges unfounded back in february&q



DECEMBER 9--A confidential investigation by Los Angeles police and child welfare officials concluded earlier this year that allegations Michael Jackson sexually abused a cancer-stricken boy were "unfounded," according to an internal government memo obtained by The Smoking Gun.

The probe's findings were based, in large part, on interviews with the alleged victim, his two siblings, and the boy's mother. According to the memo, when the child was questioned in February by a social worker assigned to the Sensitive Case Unit of L.A.'s Department of Children & Family Services (DCFS), he "denied any form of sexual abuse" by Jackson and said that he never "slept in the same bed as the entertainer." While not specifically named in the DCFS memo, the 45-year-old Jackson is referred to repeatedly as "the entertainer."

The memo notes that the boy, now 14, and his 12-year-old brother--who also denied sexual abuse--expressed "a fondness for the entertainer and stated they enjoyed visiting his home, where they would often ride in the park, play video games, and watch movies." The pair's sister, now 17, told a social worker that she accompanied the boys on "sleepovers at the entertainers home," but had "never seen anything sexually inappropriate between her brothers and the entertainer."

The children's mother told investigators that Jackson was "like a father to the children and a part of her family." While acknowledging that her son "has slept in the same room as the entertainer," the woman claimed "they did not share a bed. The entertainer would sleep on the floor," according to the November 26 memo.

The joint probe by DCFS and the Los Angeles Police Department ran from February 14-27 and, the memo states, the "investigation by the Sensitive Case Unit concluded the allegations of neglect and sexual abuse to be unfounded both by the LAPD-Wilshire Division and the Department."

When an investigation is closed, child welfare officials can summarize their findings in one of three ways. If evidence is found to support abuse charges, the case is marked "substantiated." A case is termed "not substantiated" when evidence discovered is not sufficient to support allegations (though the charges may, in fact, be true). Finally, a matter is branded "unfounded" when officials determine there is no merit to the allegations.

As with many DCFS investigations, the Jackson abuse case began with a call to the agency's child abuse hotline. According to the memo, a "Child Abuse Referral" was phoned in on February 14 by a "school official" from the Los Angeles Unified School District, which oversees the city's sprawling public school system. Citing the prior week's ABC broadcast of "Living with Michael Jackson," the controversial Martin Bashir documentary, the school official lodged allegations of "general neglect by mother and sexual abuse by 'an entertainer,'" according to the summary memo. The school official identified both the cancer patient, then 13, and his younger brother as the "referred children."

While the school official is not further identified in the DCFS memo, published reports have indicated that the older boy was taunted by classmates after the documentary aired on ABC's "20/20" newsmagazine. During the February 6 program, the child was seen holding hands with Jackson and resting his head against the singer's shoulder. Jackson told Bashir that he had slept with many children unrelated to him, but insisted, "It's not sexual, we're going to sleep. I tuck them in...It's very charming, it's very sweet."

In a clear reference to fallout from the Bashir documentary, the boy's mother told investigators that "she believed the media had taken everything out of context," according to the memo, which summarizes the DCFS child abuse investigation. The "sensitive case" memo was prepared at the direction of Dr. Charles Sophy, a high-ranking DCFS official who joined the department in late-March, a month after the Jackson probe was completed. The memo was authored by Jennifer Hottenroth, a DCFS assistant regional administrator. In a brief telephone interview yesterday morning, Hottenroth declined to speak about her memo, saying, "I can't talk about it...I can refer you to our public affairs person. I can't comment on any of this." Sophy (pictured at right) did not return a message left with his assistant. Louise Grasmehr, a DCFS spokesperson, said that while she had been given a copy of the document by Hottenroth Monday morning, "We cannot comment on anything that is stated in the memo. Because it's all protected under confidentiality laws in California."

The boy's February 2003 interview with child abuse investigators--not to mention those with his family--appears to run counter to allegations he later made to law enforcement officials in Santa Barbara, where Jackson was arrested November 20 and released on $3 million bail. District Attorney Thomas Sneddon has said that he expects to file felony child molestation charges against Jackson next week. In addition to the boy's original denial of sexual abuse by Jackson, his younger brother's February 2003 statements also appear to contradict recent published reports claiming that the child has told Santa Barbara investigators that he witnessed his brother being molested by the star.

While it is unclear what, if any, effect the LAPD-DCFS investigation will have on a future Jackson prosecution, the performer's defense team will surely seize on the February 2003 probe's findings to question the current veracity and motives of the child and his family--and, of course, further muddy a case that already promises to be a difficult prosecution.

The child abuse investigation was immediately placed with the Sensitive Case Unit since department guidelines dictate that if "one of the clients in the referral is a public figure" or if the case's allegations "would be certain to generate media interest if they became known outside of DCFS," the matter requires utmost secrecy.

As with most DCFS abuse cases, a children's social worker (CSW) was dispatched to interview the boys, as was a LAPD investigator (the memo does not indicate whether the cop and the social worker conducted their interviews in tandem). In either case, it is likely that the children were questioned apart from their mother, since the abuse referral included allegations of neglect on the woman's part, according to a DCFS source familiar with agency operations.
El documento oficial

Documento oficial de la oficina de asuntos sociales de Los Angeles donde concluyen que el supuesto abuso sexual es infundado, y donde confirman haber hablado con TODOS; madre, Gavin, hermano y hermana y donde todos confirman que NO HA HABIDO NADA.

Incluso al final, mencionan haber tenido otro reporter de abusos sexuales cuando estaban los padres en las demandas de divorcio en octubre del 2001.

¡La plataforma de Michaeljacksonesinocente, tenéis que conseguir que los medios muestren este documento YA!.

Mientras que todos enviemos a los medios este link, que mañana todos se hagan eco, ¡venga, yaaaa!!!

Esto no es una buena noticia, es UN COMPLETO BOMBAZO!!! Ya me estoy viendo a Gloria Allred con velo por la calle pa que no la reconozca nadie porque con esto se le cae la cara al suelo de vergüenza!

La Plataforma MJ Es Inocente ya está trabajando en ello pa que se entere todo bicho viviente (otra cosa es que según que "bichos" hagan caso o no, pero el caso es que vamos a informar).
Genial!! :D A ver si acaba pronto esta pesadilla
Gracias fzugasti por poner la noticia y gracias Vero por avisarme

Bezitos :muac: :muac:
New Document May Back Jackson's Defense

Dec. 9— The boy alleging Michael Jackson molested him told child welfare officials in February that the entertainer never abused him, according to a document obtained by The Smoking Gun.

The confidential memo on the police and child welfare investigation conducted in Los Angeles could prove damaging to the case against Jackson in Santa Barbara County.
Jackson, 45, was booked last month in Santa Barbara County on multiple counts of child molestation after a 14-year-old boy alleged the self-proclaimed King of Pop sexually abused him during visits to Jackson's Neverland Ranch. The boy was 12 at the time of the alleged abuse. Jackson has labeled the allegations "a big lie."

The document obtained by The Smoking Gun Web site (www.thesmokinggun.com) indicates child welfare officers in Los Angeles looked into allegations of possible abuse involving the same boy and an adult identified only as "the entertainer." That investigation was launched, according to the document, in response to a complaint filed by an official from the Los Angeles Unified School District, which was filed after the child appeared in a documentary with Jackson.

In the memo, officials said both Los Angeles police and child welfare investigators interviewed the alleged victim, his 12-year-old brother, his 16-year-old sister and his mother. Each said the child had a strong friendship with "the entertainer," but insisted there was nothing sexual about it.

"The child … denied any form of sexual abuse," the document obtained by The Smoking Gun said. "He denied that he ever slept in the same bed as the entertainer."

His mother was quoted as saying that "her children are never left alone with the entertainer." And, according to the memo, she said that while "her son has slept in the same room as the entertainer … they did not share a bed. The entertainer would sleep on the floor."

The statements are consistent with what Jackson claimed on the British documentary that aired last February on ABC. Jackson told interviewer Martin Bashir that he had shared his bed with children, but that it was not at all sexual.

"The most loving thing to do is to share your bed with someone," he said.

He also said he would sleep on the floor while a young houseguest slept in his bed.

"I said, 'No, you sleep on the bed, I'll sleep on the floor,' " Jackson said in the documentary.

The document obtained by The Smoking Gun indicated the school official who called a child abuse hotline suspected the boy was being neglected by his mother and sexually abused by "the entertainer."

But after a two-week investigation, the "sensitive case" was dropped because the Los Angeles Police Department and child protective services officers concluded that the allegations were unfounded.

It is unclear whether Santa Barbara District Attorney Tom Sneedon knew about the Los Angeles investigation before filing charges against Jackson in November.

While the investigation was conducted in February, the document summarizing the findings, which was obtained by The Smoking Gun, is dated Nov. 26 — after the Santa Barbara charges were filed. Either way, the prosecutor has stated publicly that the alleged victim and his family are now fully behind the current charges.

Lo más irónico de todo es que la página web The Smoking Gun pertenece a Court TV, así que Diane Dimond debe estar encantada de la vida. :lol:
Creo que nada me haria tan feliz como que todo esto sirva al menos para que ocurra algo similar a lo que pasa en Ghost, cuando MJ pega un grito... y todos los fantasmas que hay su alrededor se esfumen
A ver si alguien lo puede traducir y empezamos a bombardear a los medios de "comunicación". Supongo que si se lo mandamos en español harán mas caso :)
Os recuerdo que en este post ( que se va a terminar convittiendo en un clásico) estan las direcciones de programas y demas medios.
Última edición:
OOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D ya esta chicos!!!!!!! todo esta a punto de terminarse!!!!!!! :)
hay q hacer q todo el mundo de entere de esto!!!!!!!

habra jucio entonces??no,no???????????


Escrito originalmente por crisjackson
habra jucio entonces??no,no???????????

Cris, esto solo es un tanto más (muy grande, eso si) para MJ, se supone que la investigación actual (investigación basada en una "causa probable" y por vía criminal) es independiente de la de Febrero. Desde luego no sé por dónde va a salir Sneddon, pero me temo que nos cabe esperar una semana llena de contraataques por parte de la acusación disfrazados de "noticias filtradas"

Por cierto, echadle un vistazo a este tema ;)

[COMUNICADO MJEI]Información a los medios sobre las acusaciones infundadas en Febrero
Por eso estan buscando mas testigos, porque el que tiene les esta fallando. Encima, por eso Tom Sneddon ha retrasado la vista y ahora esta tirando de uno del 1993.

Si yo fuera Michael, cuado salga victorioso bien por que el juicio acabe o no se llegue celebrar, llamaria a declaran o reabriria el caso del 1993.