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Acusaciones infundadas contra MJ en Febrero (Documento oficial)+ Reacciones en prensa

Michael y yo estámos en estos momentos así:

Vale... el rollo es que este memorandum es de FEBRERO, tras el LWMJ... mientras que los abusos se denunciaron tras la visita a un psicologo en julio o agosto, e.d. que pueden haber sucedido en la version del demandante entre febrero y julio.
¿Que seria muy raro y que esto ayuda claramente a la defensa?
Sí, pero no es definitivo.
A ver, todo esto está muy bien :D, pero la verdad, es algo que la defensa de MJ puede tomar a su favor, pero ¿tan positivo es esto?. Es decir, todo esto es una hoja con todas las noticias q se han comentado en el foro mas o menos, me refiero, algo como un popurrí.

Ya sabiamos lo del niño y lo de la madre y alo mas.

No se si me explico... :(

Another Twist
New Document May Back Jackson's Defense

Dec. 9 — Authorities in Los Angeles cleared Michael Jackson months ago of sexual allegations involving the same boy making claims against the singer in a Santa Barbara criminal case, according to a confidential document

The internal government memo, obtained by The Smoking Gun Web site (www.thesmokinggun.com), says Los Angeles police and child welfare officials concluded that sexual allegations against Jackson were "unfounded" months before the pop star was arrested on molestation charges in Santa Barbara on Nov. 20.

The memo, which followed a confidential investigation by Los Angeles police and child welfare officials, said the minor "denied any form of sexual abuse" and said that he never "slept in the same bed as the entertainer."

The document said the boy had denied the allegations when questioned by a social worker assigned to the Sensitive Case Unit of L.A.'s Department of Children and Family Services back in February of this year.

Bill Bastone, editor of The Smoking Gun says he called Santa Barbara investigators and briefed them on the existence of the document before releasing it on his Web site.

"They were very surprised and basically said California law does not allow them to comment on any degree of the investigation," Bastone told ABCNEWS' Good Morning America. "They essentially confirmed that the document is real as we already knew but beyond that they couldn't talk about it, which is what we expected."

Bastone did not reveal how the document was obtained by The Smoking Gun.

Jackson, 45, was booked last month in Santa Barbara County on multiple counts of child molestation after the 14-year-old boy alleged the self-proclaimed King of Pop sexually abused him during visits to Jackson's Neverland Ranch. The boy was 12 at the time of the alleged abuse. Jackson has labeled the allegations "a big lie."

The document, which does not use Jackson's name, referring to him only as "the entertainer," resulted from an investigation that was launched in response to a complaint filed by an official from the Los Angeles Unified School District

The official filed the complaint after the minor appeared in a documentary with Jackson, according to the document.

In the memo, officials said officers from the L.A. police department and child welfare investigators interviewed the alleged victim, his then 12-year-old brother, his 16-year-old sister and his mother. According to the memo, each one said the child had a strong friendship with "the entertainer," but insisted there was nothing sexual about it.

The boy's mother was quoted as saying that "her children are never left alone with the entertainer." And, according to the memo, she said that while "her son has slept in the same room as the entertainer … they did not share a bed. The entertainer would sleep on the floor."

The statements included in the memo are consistent with what Jackson claimed on the British documentary that aired last February on ABC.

Jackson told interviewer Martin Bashir that he had shared his bed with children, but that it was not at all sexual.

"The most loving thing to do is to share your bed with someone," Jackson said in one of a series of interviews with Bashir.

Jackson also told Bashir that he would sleep on the floor if a young houseguest wanted to sleep in his bed.

"I said, 'No, you sleep on the bed, I'll sleep on the floor,'" Jackson said in the documentary.

The memo, obtained by The Smoking Gun, indicated that the school official suspected the boy was being neglected by his mother and sexually abused by "the entertainer."

According to the memo, the joint probe by DCFS and the L.A. Police Department took place between Feb. 14 and 27. The memo states, the "investigation by the Sensitive Case Unit concluded the allegations of neglect and sexual abuse to be unfounded both by the LAPD-Wilshire Division and the Department

It is unclear whether Santa Barbara District Attorney Tom Sneedon knew about the Los Angeles investigation before filing charges against Jackson in November.

The investigation was conducted in February, but the document summarizing the findings, which was obtained by The Smoking Gun, is dated Nov. 26 — after the Santa Barbara charges were filed. Either way, the prosecutor has stated publicly that the alleged victim and his family are now fully behind the current charges
Chicos, cambiarle el titulo al post que llevo una hora en el foro y sin darme cuenta yo de la importancia de este post!

Uuuuuuuueeeeee! And Michael Jackson kicks Mottolas & Sneddon ass :D
Escrito originalmente por Mó_Ònw4lk3r
Chicos, cambiarle el titulo al post que llevo una hora en el foro y sin darme cuenta yo de la importancia de este post!

Uuuuuuuueeeeee! And Michael Jackson kicks Mottolas & Sneddon ass :D

¿Mejor así? ;)
Escrito originalmente por alita
Michael y yo estámos en estos momentos así:


:meparto: :meparto: Me too peque :D

Que buena noticia

P.D. alita habrá que empezar a informar también de esto a los medios de comunicación mexicanos :)
Última edición:
Toma, chupa del frasco sneedon (carrasco) jaja, no que guay, porfín, ya vereís todo va a terminar bien :D
Los supuestos abusos, segun los datos q se han dejado escapar.. sucedieron cuando el niño tenia 12 años.....

esta prueba deberia ser casi definitiva para el caso....

un juez en su sano juicio no deberia dejar seguir el caso adelante! lol

Sneddon, jodete!!!
MJForever, ¿es ilógiko el temer ke la justicia amerikana -tal y komo va en muchos kasos y más tratándose de Michael?: eres inocente hasta ke no se demuestre lo kontrario excepto si eres Michael Jackson, komo dijo el otro.

Me preokupa las artimañas y tretas ke D.S hubiera preparado desde Febrero y hasta el juicio para darle la vuelta al asunto (espero ke todas mis prokupaciones deriven de mi deskonocimiento del funcinamiento del entramado judicial y en realidad mis temores sólo sean "kometarros" míos ).

No olvidemos ke para este patán askeroso la persekución hacia Mike se ha vuelto personal ( o se parece mucho al menos: no kiere retirarse sin haberle enjuiciado y puesto a la sombra ha venido a decir si mal no rekuerdo.:mad: )

El día de ke a este le retiren por insidioso y porke se le deskubra el pastel, yo disfrutaré también en mi "jubilación":el júbilo ke me producirá el verle frakasar.:rolleyes: :cool:

Fight the power! (D.S version)
:eek: esto increible :D, es genial que salga a la luz algo asi :D aun si el imbecil de Sneddon se las arregle para presentar cagos he ir a juicio ya todo esto saca credibilidad a las acusaciones y va a intalar el principio de DUDA RAZONABLE en los jurados;) obligandolos a desechar el caso o declarar lo INOCENTE tal cual lo es:)

Si al final llore cuando veia a Sneddon reirse en la conferencia de prensa y me parece que pronto me despanzare de la risa al verlo decir que perdio el caso o que lo desechara :rolleyes:

Ya se quien sera la primera periodista a la que enviare esto :diablillo
oigan chicos, pues como ustedes me sinto feliz y llena de fe en que todo sadra bien, pero veo con tristeza que esa noticia no la estan pasando casda media hora ni en primera plana como " la entrega de jackson "" pues si, ya como lo unico que les interesa es dañar la reputacion de alguien inocente y mesclarlo en el fango del cual provienen ellos, ahora que todo va saliendo a la luz, esto no se publica, esto no es importante, uta mmm. bien, pues ahora nosotros debemos hacer precion para que esto lo transmitan los medios, tenemos que escribir mucho a la prensa y medios de espectaculos, en fin, de alguna forma para hacernos escuchar, para que se sepa la verdad que el asunto por si solo va dando.

que viva el REY
Qué buena noticia!!!!!!!!! Mil gracias a fzugasti, Tabloid Killer y todos los demás por informarnos :urule:. Va a salir todo bien, cada día se desmorona más la trama de D.S. Confío en que dicho papel exista y sea de gran relevancia en el juicio.

THE LEGEND CONTINUES...after all:diablillo
Todo esto está muy bien y vamos ganando puntos a nuestro favor, pero tengo el mismo miedo que el primer día q empezó esta pesadilla. Yo hasta q no oiga "Michael Jackson is innocent" no me voy a confiar en absoluto ni voy a relajarme xq se q MJ es una persona maravillossa pero esto es la realidad y en la realidad no siempre los buenos ganan, y hay mucho hijo de p*ta suelto por ahí con ganas de hacer daño.
De todas esto nos da un margen de ventaja y podemos respirar un poco más trankilos pero sin despistarnos. Gracias x la info, saludos ;)
es maravilloso, pero igual que los demas, espero que sirva realmente para el caso....recuerden que por muchas cosas que salgan a la luz en favor de michael, siempre se la hacen dificil....

tenemos que seguir manteniendo la fe, ya que todo esta saliendo de maravillas :D

Memo: Jackson Cleared of Charge Earlier
13 minutes ago

By TIM MOLLOY, Associated Press Writer

LOS ANGELES - Child welfare investigators earlier this year found there was no basis for allegations that Michael Jackson (news) had abused the boy now accusing him of molestation, according to a confidential memo.

The memo from an administrator with the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services was based on an investigation last February and was leaked to the Web site thesmokinggun.com, which posted it Tuesday. A source familiar with the document confirmed its authenticity to The Associated Press.

The memo was dated Nov. 26, 2003 — a week after the Santa Barbara County district attorney announced child molestation allegations against Jackson.

Both the boy and his brother told investigators Jackson had not sexually abused them, according to the memo. Their older sister said she had never witnessed anything sexually inappropriate between her brothers and the entertainer.

The memo was sent from a regional administrator to bureau chief Charles Sophy and detailed a probe completed before Sophy joined the agency.

Jackson's defense is certain to seize on the memo.

Santa Barbara County District Attorney Thomas Sneddon did not immediately return a call for comment Tuesday.

The memo, which refers to Jackson as "the entertainer," said the department began a 13-day inquiry after a Los Angeles school district official called its hot line Feb. 14 out of concern for the boy and his brother. The investigation was conducted with the Los Angeles police.

The school official suspected neglect by the boy's mother and sexual abuse by Jackson, according to the memo. But the department and the police concluded the allegations were "unfounded," the document said.

Louise Grasmehr, a spokeswoman for the child welfare department, said the leak would probably be investigated because the memo was supposed to be confidential under state laws designed to protect children. Police spokeswoman Officer Sandra Escalante had no comment.

The school official called the hot line after the child, a cancer patient who had visited Jackson at his Neverland Ranch, appeared in a TV documentary in which the boy told an interviewer he had been a guest for sleepovers at Neverland. In the documentary, Jackson defended his habit of letting children sleep in his bed as "sweet" and non-sexual.

The boy's mother told investigators in February that "she believed the media had taken everything out of context," the memo said. The mother said that the children were never left alone with Jackson and that her son slept in the same room with Jackson but never shared his bed. She said Jackson would sleep on the floor.

Separately, the mother contacted an attorney around the time the documentary aired, saying she thought her son had been abused.

Jackson was booked Nov. 20 on suspicion of child molestation. He has denied the allegations and was released on $3 million bail. Authorities said they expect to file formal charges next week
Esta noticia es de lo mejor que he oido, gracias por la notica, como ya habeis dicho, espero que sirva para su defensa.
Es genial esto, Michael You Are Innocent, espero que lo digan en los medios de comunicacion.
Muchisimas gracias por la noticia.
¡¡¡¡Saludos Y Animo!!!!