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Audiencia en New Orleans por caso Bartucci *Hoy 17.08.05*

Audiencia en la corte prevista hoy para Michael Jackson

NEW ORLEANS. El Juez Eldon Fallon ha establecido una audiencia hoy en la que Michael Jackson debe mostrar por qué no debería ser retenido por desacato al tribunal o no se le debería imponer un juicio de falta.

Ni Jackson ni un abogado de la estrella aparecieron el mes pasado para la audiencia de un caso civil que acusa a Jackson de agresión sexual durante la World's Fair de 1984.

La audiencia era simplemente un procedimiento en el que Jackson debía mostrar que tenía representación legal.

Brian Oxman, un portavos de la familia Jackson, dice que las acusaciones son falsas y dice del demandante, Joseph Thomas Bartucci Junior, que es uno de las muchas personas que han intentado aprovecharse de la fama y fortuna de Jackson.

Bartucci afirma haber sido llevado dentro de una limusina de Jackson por uno de sus empleados, haber sido retenido durante días y agredido sexualmente durante un trayecto de ida y vuelta a California.

Bartucci tenía 18 años en aquel momento y dice haber reprimido la memoria hasta el 2003, cuando vio los medios de comunicación cubriendo el caso de abusos contra Jackson.

[Associated Press]

Inicio este post y si os parece vamos añadiendo aquí lo que se sepa sobre esta audiencia.
Netw@lker dijo:
Con este post he tenido un "deja vu"...

Ya te digo! Casi espero a que fuera Xtar quien iniciara el post :cuñao

Al final no me quedó claro si hoy día 17 también hay audiencia por el juicio de Schaffel. Creo que Friedman comentó algo.

Por lo de Bartucci no hay que preocuparse, es un caso civil, y si no me equivoco lo "único" que le podría pasar a Michael sería perder dinero. Que dudo mucho que eso ocurra viendo lo ridículas que son las acusaciones.

Michael no está obligado a presentarse en la corte. Basta con que lo haga un abogado suyo :reza:
En el fondo, aunq no lo parezca, esto beneficia a MJ en vez de perjudicarlo: ahora la gente verá la cantidad de tarados que hay intentando sacar provecho del dinero de MJ .

La gente es estúpida, pero no tanto...
En el fondo, aunq no lo parezca, esto beneficia a MJ en vez de perjudicarlo: ahora la gente verá la cantidad de tarados que hay intentando sacar provecho del dinero de MJ
Estoy de acuerdo con eso. Si al menos una pequeña parte del público -fans aparte, claro- empieza a pensar eso, ya será muy positivo.
Netw@lker dijo:
Con este post he tenido un "deja vu"...

Yo también, nada mas leer el titulo del post me ha entrado un escalofrío por el cuerpo y un pedazo de deja vu que te cagas :miedo:
Michael!! entiende que el juez necesita desesperadamente sus 15 minutos de fama!!! Por eso acepto el caso!! por favor acude para que el y el estupido que te acuso sean famosos!! no seas maloo!!!:llorando: :ains:
Por favor ke termine , desde ke he leido esto me ha entrado una pena grandisima en el cuerpo. Estoy llorando a lagrima viva,de verdad si pudiese daria mi vida x ke lo dejaran en paz!!

POR KE NO LO DEJAN VIVIR??Dios mio ke a exo para ke ocurra todo esto!!!??

Todos los ke kieren hacerle daño son el diablo, iros al infierno capullos!!

Nunca podreis hundir al rey del pop!!
¿es que la justicia en EEUU no tiene casos de verdad y necesita que alguien se los invente? Creia que ese caso no se habia admitido, que tonta!, si de Michael se admite todo, con tal de que algunos tengan sus minutos en los medios.
Opino igual, que los abogados hagan lo que tienen que hacer y que ese tio quede en ridiculo, y el juez tambien por admitir lo inadmisible.
Michael Jackson answers sexual assault lawsuit
Wed Aug 17, 2005 11:32 AM ET

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (Reuters) - Michael Jackson, who had missed two court appearances in a sexual assault lawsuit, avoided arrest on Wednesday by sending an attorney to a hearing in New Orleans, a judge said.

U.S. District Judge Eldon Fallon slapped Jackson with a $10,000 fine for missing two previous summonses. The singer's lawyer, Charles Gay, told a hearing that clerical errors prevented Jackson from responding to the notices.

"Somehow the order did not get conveyed to the right people," Gay told the court.

Fallon said he would have ordered Jackson's arrest and possibly a default judgment in the plaintiff's favor had Gay not attended the hearing on Wednesday. The plaintiff is asking for unspecified damages.

The plaintiff sued last November, saying he was lured into Jackson's limousine during the 1984 World's Fair in New Orleans and sexually assaulted. The assaults continued over eight days as the pair traveled to California, the suit alleges. The plaintiff said he was drugged, cut with a razor blade and bitten.

The man waited to sue because the memories were repressed until news coverage of the child molestation charges against Jackson in California revived them, the suit said.

In that case, a jury acquitted Jackson in June of molesting a 13-year-old boy in 2003.

Gay told Reuters he believes the suit is invalid because of a one-year statute of limitations. The plaintiff's attorneys argue the one-year window opened only when the man, who was 18 at the time of the alleged attack, remembered it in 2003.

Gay promised a vigorous defense.

Fallon set a September 7 hearing to schedule a trial in the New Orleans case.


Un resumen rápido: Michael ha tenido hoy representación, ha ido a defenderle el abogado Charles Gay, y se le ha puesto una multa de 10,000 $ por las 2 faltas anteriores. El abogado cree que esta demanda es inválida y promete una defesa vigorosa.
Mó_Ònw4lk3r dijo:
Un resumen rápido: Michael ha tenido hoy representación, ha ido a defenderle el abogado Charles Gay, y se le ha puesto una multa de 10,000 $ por las 2 faltas anteriores. El abogado cree que esta demanda es inválida y promete una defesa vigorosa.

Alguien tiene fotos de Charles Gay, habrá que ir pensando en hacerse tb camisetas de este tio, un caso tan ridiculo seguro que se lo ventila sin problemas! :qmal: :mareao: :mareao:
Una foto de Charles Gay:


Y una pequeña biografia, en inglés:

Charles F. Gay, Jr.Partner, Litigation
New Orleans
(504) 585-0295

Charles F. Gay, Jr. is a partner in the New Orleans office. Mr. Gay earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from Tulane University in 1973 and received his Juris Doctorate from Loyola University in New Orleans in 1976. Since joining Adams and Reese in 1973, he has concentrated his practice on civil trial work and is experienced in litigating product liability, professional liability and toxic tort cases.

In the last several years, Mr. Gay has personally tried over 15 major products liability and medical malpractice cases involving serious personal injury (e.g., quadrapledgia, brain damage) to successful defense verdicts before juries in Louisiana.

Mr. Gay is lead medical malpractice trial counsel for the Ochsner Medical Institutions and trial counsel for several publicly and privately held companies. He is experienced in partnering with clients to achieve cost effective, quality solutions to problems through the efficient use of resources, employment of technology, early case assessment and case management.

Mr. Gay is a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers. He is also member of the American Bar Association, Louisiana State Bar Association, New Orleans Bar Association, New Orleans Bar Association Inn of Court and Jefferson Bar Association. He served as co-chairman of the Louisiana Bar Association Medical/Legal Interprofessional Committee and is currently serving as chairman of the Louisiana State Bar Association Special Committee on Malpractice Insurance. He is a member of the International Association of Defense Counsel where he served as co-chairman of the Pharmaceutical, Medical Device and Biotechnology Committee. He is a member of Lawyers for Civil Justice and served as chairman of the Committee on Medicaid Recovery Efforts. He is a fellow in the International Society of Barristers and a member of Who's Who of International Lawyers. He has been a frequent lecturer in the areas of trial practice and personal injury litigation. He is listed in Best Lawyers in America (Personal Injury Litigation).
Artículo con algo + de info:

Judge fines Michael Jackson over missed hearing

Associated Press Writer

An irate judge, miffed by pop star Michael Jackson's failure to be represented at an earlier hearing in a federal civil case, fined the singer $10,000 on Wednesday.

Jackson was a no-show and had no lawyer present at a July procedural matter in a case accusing him of sexual assault during the 1984 World's Fair.

Charles F. Gay Jr. told U.S. District Judge Eldon Fallon that the summons for the earlier court date was simply lost in the confusion of Jackson's trial in Santa Maria, Calif., in which Jackson was acquitted of child molestation charges. The summons for the New Orleans court appearance arrived on June 13.

"I would like to point out that June 13 was probably the most anxious day of Michael Jackson's life," Gay said. "That was the day the jury reached the verdict."

At that time, Gay told the judge, Jackson was not eating or sleeping and was worried about his and his children's futures.

"The order of June 13 did not get in the proper people's hands because of the chaos in Michael Jackson's life," Gay said.

Fallon said he did not feel it was appropriate to fine Jackson for contempt, but he was not sold on Gay's excuse either, so he levied other fines related to court costs.

"It strains my understanding of the facts that Mr. Jackson did not know of this matter," Fallon said. "The same person received all the summonses."

Fallon said he could have had Jackson arrested after the July hearing and certainly would have done so Wednesday had Jackson not been represented then.

Fallon did fine Jackson $5,000 for missing the earlier hearing and $5,000 to cover the costs of the attorney fees for plaintiff Joseph Thomas Bartucci Jr.

Bartucci claims he was lured into Jackson's limousine by one of the singer's employees, then held against his will for days. He also claims he was sexually assaulted by Jackson during a drive to California and back. Bartucci was 18 at the time and claims he repressed the memories until 2003, when he saw the coverage of the child molestation charges brought against Jackson in the California case.

The judge scheduled a conference Sept. 7 to choose a trial date.

Gay said he doubted the case would go to trial.

"It's very unlikely," Gay said. "There is probably a problem with the statue of limitations."

There is a one-year statue of limitations from the time Bartucci claims he regained his memory, but Gay said Bartucci allegedly discussed the allegations with his wife in the 1990s.

Bartucci claims he regained memory of the event in November of 2003, his attorney William A. Pigg said.

Bartucci's legal team also filed a motion to have Gay dismissed as Jackson's attorney. Bartucci signed an affidavit saying he had met with attorneys from Adams and Reese, the firm Gay belongs to, and discussed the case.

"Mr. Bartucci's memory appears to be false," Gay said of the claim.

Bartucci is seeking unspecified monetary compensation from Jackson on a variety of claims such as emotional distress.

Pigg said he will push for a quick trial.

"My client has been under a great deal of stress," Pigg said. "He has been the victim of character assassination. He had animal blood smeared on his door a couple of weeks ago."



- Gay dijo que Jackson no tuvo representación en las 2 anteriores audiencias porque la citación llegó el 13 de Junio, y claro, Michael se encontraba en las horas más tensas de su vida, minutos antes de ser declarado inocente. "La orden del 13-J no llegó a las manos adecuadas porque el caos en la vida de Jackson entonces"- ha dicho Gay. El juez Gallon ha admitido esto, dando la razón a Charles Gay, pero le multó con 10,000 $ por los costes de las 2 audiencias anteriores y dijo que podía haber encarcelado a Jackson por no haber tendido representación legal en las otras 2 audiencias.

- El 7 de Sept. se decidirá la fecha del juicio, pero el abogado Charles Gay cree que esto no llegará a juicio. "Es muy improbable" - dijo. "Probablemente hay un problema con las limitaciones de status ["statue of limitations"] [Que coño significa eso?]. Hay un año de limitaciones de status desde el tiempo que Bartucci dijó que recuperó su memoria, pero Gay dijo que Bartucci discutió esto con su esposa en los 90. Bartucci dice q recuperó la memoria en Nov. 2003, dijo su abogado William Pigg [por cierto Pig = cerdo :cer:].

- El equipo defensor de Bartucci ha rellenado una moción para retirar del caso al abogado Charles Gay porque Bartucci se había reunido con los abogados Adams y Reese, que son de la misma firma que Charles Gay. "la memoria de Bartucci parece ser falsa" - dijo Gay de esto.

- El abogado acusador Pigg dijo que quiere un juicio rápido porque su cliente ha estado bajo gran stress" [y a este paso te va a dejar de pagar si se alarga el juicio, no te jode].
jajajajaja ke fuerte, si ya hasta de nombre se llama pigg ke puedes esperarte. Lo dicho k es muu fuerte.Yo paso de esto hasta el c*lo ke les den a todos y me imagino k Michael como ke pasa tambien ke bastante a tenido.

You do anything for money.....:sleep: :clo:
Ya estamos sacándole la pasta a Michael...:vom:

Le han pueto 5000$ por no presentarse la otra vez y otros 5000$ de los gastos causados al abogado de Bartucci.

El abogado de Michael dice que no cree que haya juicio, pero se dice que el día 7 de septiembre es para establecer cuándo comienza el juicio. :confused:

Qué interesante que el mismo Bartucci no quiera que Gay se encargue de este caso...:mmm: A saber de qué tiene miedo!
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