Darren Hayes acaba de publicar en su facebook la letra de la canción Glorious, la cual dice que escribió en recuerdo de Michael dias después de su muerte. La canción estará como bonus track de su nuevo album en las ediciones especiales y collector edition. Esto es lo que ha puesto en su facebook:
It's no secret I'm a Michael Jackson fan. Many people know that he was a huge inspiration to me growing up. Many also know that part of my connection to the song 'Black Out The Sun' is that, although I didn't write the song about M.J - I recorded it the day he passed away and I hear that emotion in the vocal every time I listen to it. What not many people know is that I did write a song about Michael after he died. It's called Glorious and it's a bonus track on the special and collector's editions of the new album.
Given that the news is presently focused on the darker side of his passing - I thought I'd publish the lyrics to the song I wrote in celebration of the light he brought to my life. Here are the lyrics to Glorious.
You will never get older and you will never feel pain
Or fill the room with laughter like you used to
And I won't hear you speaking or others call your name
In spite of this the world will still continue
And you will always remain in my heart forever young
Sun and wind won't change you and you'll escape the hands of time
And now your beauty won't betray you and your future's paved with gold
But in my mind you are suspended and you will be forever young
I'm a little bit hopeful that we all carry on
But part of me still thinks we're all just stardust
And from the highest mountain I went to make a sound
I thought that if I called out you would answer
But no one did
And you will always remain in my heart forever young
Sun and wind won't change you and you'll escape the hands of time
And now your beauty won't betray you and your future's paved with gold
But in my mind you are suspended and you will be forever young
I know the rules of the game
For every sunset the light has to fade
But baby a light like yours was so glorious
Aqui el enlace a su facebook: Glorious | Facebook
It's no secret I'm a Michael Jackson fan. Many people know that he was a huge inspiration to me growing up. Many also know that part of my connection to the song 'Black Out The Sun' is that, although I didn't write the song about M.J - I recorded it the day he passed away and I hear that emotion in the vocal every time I listen to it. What not many people know is that I did write a song about Michael after he died. It's called Glorious and it's a bonus track on the special and collector's editions of the new album.
Given that the news is presently focused on the darker side of his passing - I thought I'd publish the lyrics to the song I wrote in celebration of the light he brought to my life. Here are the lyrics to Glorious.
You will never get older and you will never feel pain
Or fill the room with laughter like you used to
And I won't hear you speaking or others call your name
In spite of this the world will still continue
And you will always remain in my heart forever young
Sun and wind won't change you and you'll escape the hands of time
And now your beauty won't betray you and your future's paved with gold
But in my mind you are suspended and you will be forever young
I'm a little bit hopeful that we all carry on
But part of me still thinks we're all just stardust
And from the highest mountain I went to make a sound
I thought that if I called out you would answer
But no one did
And you will always remain in my heart forever young
Sun and wind won't change you and you'll escape the hands of time
And now your beauty won't betray you and your future's paved with gold
But in my mind you are suspended and you will be forever young
I know the rules of the game
For every sunset the light has to fade
But baby a light like yours was so glorious
Aqui el enlace a su facebook: Glorious | Facebook