Michael Tiene Lupus Desde 1994???
Sneddon may face even more troubles to justify the way he treated MJ
"It seems that during the Chandler prosecution in Santa Barbara in 1994, MJ's doctor and Debbie Rowe certified that Michael had a disease called LUPUS, where the VITILIGO comes from. This disease provokes, among other symptoms, a fragility of the skin and a weakness of the bones structure.
This would imply that Sneddon knew that Michael had this disease. Now, according to laws in California, physically fragile suspects must benefit from special treatments that do NOT cause their physical condition to get worse ... That is why, cops should NOT have handcuffed MJ in his back, especially not in the car, because this position is very uncomfortable and can badly hurt fragile people.
Without even mentioning the handcuffs were too tight and cut the blood pressure ... and the dislocated shoulder during the frisk ...
For those who doubt that MJ was mistreated, be aware that Lupus makes him very sensitive to mistreatments, and what would cause us no mark or pain, has a different effect on him."
My translation (posted on www.MJfrance.com by Buttercup)
Lo que más o menos viene a decir esto, es que Michael podria estar enfermo de Lupus desde 1994 a causa del vitíligo y a la hora que pasaran, según Sneddon, los supuestos malos tratos, los moratones en los brazos de Michael pdrian haberse causado por la enfermedad ya que se vuelven más vulnerables por la piel.
Sneddon may face even more troubles to justify the way he treated MJ
"It seems that during the Chandler prosecution in Santa Barbara in 1994, MJ's doctor and Debbie Rowe certified that Michael had a disease called LUPUS, where the VITILIGO comes from. This disease provokes, among other symptoms, a fragility of the skin and a weakness of the bones structure.
This would imply that Sneddon knew that Michael had this disease. Now, according to laws in California, physically fragile suspects must benefit from special treatments that do NOT cause their physical condition to get worse ... That is why, cops should NOT have handcuffed MJ in his back, especially not in the car, because this position is very uncomfortable and can badly hurt fragile people.
Without even mentioning the handcuffs were too tight and cut the blood pressure ... and the dislocated shoulder during the frisk ...
For those who doubt that MJ was mistreated, be aware that Lupus makes him very sensitive to mistreatments, and what would cause us no mark or pain, has a different effect on him."
My translation (posted on www.MJfrance.com by Buttercup)
Lo que más o menos viene a decir esto, es que Michael podria estar enfermo de Lupus desde 1994 a causa del vitíligo y a la hora que pasaran, según Sneddon, los supuestos malos tratos, los moratones en los brazos de Michael pdrian haberse causado por la enfermedad ya que se vuelven más vulnerables por la piel.