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Influencia religiosa en Michael Jackson.

Todo sectas, unas más que otras pero todas iguales al fin y al cabo.
Mucho tardó en darles la patada.
Me quedo con las anécdotas con aquellos niños :jajaja:

It is good to distinguish my friend, what religion and what heresy ... it has a big difference, but we also know the truth that he did for a few years with his Jehovah's Witnesses, what did he do? How she felt, and finally she abandoned this religion
Michael en su etapa adulta era religioso o siguió siendo miembro de una religión?

His mother certainly played a very important role in this because he is a witness to Jehovah even today. And MJ before dying left his children to go to this church with his mom. Of course, he wanted his children to have influences from this church, just like he was a little boy.
MJ was not a member of this religion, just attended the gatherings (the lessons of the Holy Bible)
Una de las cosas que más me cuesta entender de Michael es cómo tardó tanto tiempo en dejar esta secta.

I had a friend to choose from .... Reputation; Glory; Being a faithful Christian, resisting temptations, and doing what the Holy Writ says in your life?
He had a very big dilemma, what to choose to do in his life, and he was already famous
Jehovah’s Witnesses
Definition: The worldwide Christian society of people who actively bear witness regarding Jehovah God and his purposes affecting mankind. They base their beliefs solely on the Bible.

What beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses set them apart as different from other religions?

(1) Bible: Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that the entire Bible is the inspired Word of God, and instead of adhering to a creed based on human tradition, they hold to the Bible as the standard for all their beliefs.

(2) God: They worship Jehovah as the only true God and freely speak to others about him and his loving purposes toward mankind. Anyone who publicly witnesses about Jehovah is usually identified as belonging to the one group—“Jehovah’s Witnesses.”

(3) Jesus Christ: They believe, not that Jesus Christ is part of a Trinity, but that, as the Bible says, he is the Son of God, the first of God’s creations; that he had a prehuman existence and that his life was transferred from heaven to the womb of a virgin, Mary; that his perfect human life laid down in sacrifice makes possible salvation to eternal life for those who exercise faith; that Christ is actively ruling as King, with God-given authority over all the earth since 1914.

(4) God’s Kingdom: They believe that God’s Kingdom is the only hope for mankind; that it is a real government; that it will soon destroy the present wicked system of things, including all human governments, and that it will produce a new system in which righteousness will prevail.

(5) Heavenly life: They believe that 144,000 spirit-anointed Christians will share with Christ in his heavenly Kingdom, ruling as kings with him. They do not believe that heaven is the reward for everyone who is “good.”

(6) The earth: They believe that God’s original purpose for the earth will be fulfilled; that the earth will be completely populated by worshipers of Jehovah and that these will be able to enjoy eternal life in human perfection; that even the dead will be raised to an opportunity to share in these blessings.

(7) Death: They believe that the dead are conscious of absolutely nothing; that they are experiencing neither pain nor pleasure in some spirit realm; that they do not exist except in God’s memory, so hope for their future life lies in a resurrection from the dead.

(8) Last days: They believe that we are living now, since 1914, in the last days of this wicked system of things; that some who saw the events of 1914 will also see the complete destruction of the present wicked world; that lovers of righteousness will survive into a cleansed earth.

(9) Separate from the world: They earnestly endeavor to be no part of the world, as Jesus said would be true of his followers. They show genuine Christian love for their neighbors, but they do not share in the politics or the wars of any nation. They provide for the material needs of their families but shun the world’s avid pursuit of material things and personal fame and its excessive indulgence in pleasure.

(10) Apply Bible counsel: They believe that it is important to apply the counsel of God’s Word in everyday life now—at home, in school, in business, in their congregation. Regardless of a person’s past way of life, he may become one of Jehovah’s Witnesses if he abandons practices condemned by God’s Word and applies its godly counsel. But if anyone thereafter makes a practice of adultery, fornication, homosexuality, drug abuse, drunkenness, lying, or stealing, he will be disfellowshipped from the organization.

(The above list briefly states some outstanding beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses but by no means all the points on which their beliefs are different from those of other groups. Scriptural basis for the above beliefs can be found through the Index of this book.)
Malditos fanaticos religio2so, enfermos mentales, con este tipo de religiones que las personas se vuelven locas, cada cosa que enseñan trastornan
A lo que voy es al fanatismo religioso, a eso de ser extremista, me parece que tener este tipo de vida es algo Malo para uno mismo y para tu alrededor, he visto personas que han maldecido en nombre de Dios, sumando la prohibicion de donar organos internos para salvar vidas a otras personas, las enseñanzas de la biblia que contiene historias horribles y existen creyentes que todo eso se lo toman al pie de la letra, a eso voy amigo, cada uno tiene el derecho de creer en lo que se da la gana pero religion tambien tiene cosas positivas como tambien cosas negativas, pero te lo vuelvo a repetir, el fanatismo perjudica, ahora si eres creyente y respetas la creencia de los demas, todo estara bien.
I respect your point of view and the whole view, I just did this Question to figure out why you say all this, just I am a religious one and I understand what else to be a fanatic And the other is to be faithful, it has a difference.

I read the Holy Scriptures and I can have an objective view of what is true and what lies, Jehovah's Witnesses are unfortunately accused of misconceptions, but many of them are lies like being extremists.

My point is that, not to hear what the other is saying, to believe what we hear about anyone but to have a personal view, to look for research to find out what is happening if we are interested in learning something.

And my last friend, another is to be a fanatical religion, and another to believe true, fanaticism is sickness does not benefit. True faith also benefits the one who believes and his round.
I respect your point of view and the whole view, I just did this Question to figure out why you say all this, just I am a religious one and I understand what else to be a fanatic And the other is to be faithful, it has a difference.

I read the Holy Scriptures and I can have an objective view of what is true and what lies, Jehovah's Witnesses are unfortunately accused of misconceptions, but many of them are lies like being extremists.
Why not know a Jehovah's Witness and talk to him? Answer a few questions we have? Whatever question we have? This is the right one, we will have a view on what we say, we can compare the right one with the error, the truth with the lie

My point is that, not to hear what the other is saying, to believe what we hear about anyone but to have a personal view, to look for research to find out what is happening if we are interested in learning something.

And my last friend, another is to be a fanatical religion, and another to believe true, fanaticism is sickness does not benefit. True faith also benefits the one who believes and his round.
Why not know a Jehovah's Witness and talk to him? Answer a few questions we have? Whatever question we have? This is the right one, we will have a view on what we say, we can compare the right one with the error, the truth with the lie
Michael Jackson creía en Dios y le tenía temor a el (respeto) pero no fue bautizado, ya que para ser un testigo de Jehová oficialmente es el paso del bautismo. Un ejemplo de La influencia de Los testigos de Jehová en Michael Jackson es en el documental Michael Jackson Private home Movies. El dice que cuando vio que Liz Taylor le había decorado la casa del rancho Neverland de navidad; el se encerró en el baño a llorar ya que le habían enseñado a NO celebrar navidades desde pequeño, y sé sentía culpable. Otro ejemplo es en la película Searching For Neverland. Cuando París le pregunta a su padre que porque le decían Raro Jacko, el le dice que hay gente mala y que a Jehová no le gusta, en otra escena de la misma película le dice a sus tres hijos que se porten bien, que sean educados ya que Jehová los vigila.

Opinión personal: Aunque Michael no siguió con los testigos de Jehová el tenía siempre presente a Dios y le inculcó ese mismo Temor a Dios a sus hijos. He visto fotos en el año 2009 en dónde se observa que Michael llevaba a sus tres hijos al Salón del Reino de los testigos de Jehová. Hasta el día de hoy Katerine Jackson sigue siendo testigo de Jehová. Soy testigo de Jehová, estuve viviendo en Estados Unidos mas exactamente en Santa Bárbara California (Donde vivía Michael Jackson en Neverland) En el 2006 época de los juicios a Michael Jackson, el Fue a 6 de nuestras reuniones. Iba solo y se sentaba en la parte de Atrás como una persona que asiste por primera vez.

Con todo esto podemos ver que Dios era importante en la vida de Michael Jackson aunque no era testigo de Jehová. Saludos.
Michael también fue protestante un tiempo no? En la época Dangerous. Yo recuerdo mas no tengo la fuente que al final fue ministrado por pastores evangélicos. A Michael le gustaba estudiar las religiones, más no creo que cuando se hizo independiente siguiera como testigo de Jehová devoto. En los juicios del 2005 fue invitado por Steve Harvey a la AME church que es metodista.