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Janet Jackson - "20 Y.O."

Re: Janet Jackson >> Nuevo Álbum



Video de Janet en la playa entrenando :cool:

Y algunas fotillos mas de hace tiempo pa matar la espera de noticias o fotos nuevas



Super bowl no fue la 1º vez que enseñaba la tetilla... :jajaja:


Siento que las fotos sean tan grandes :miedo:
Última edición:
Re: Janet Jackson >> Nuevo Álbum

que bah que bah, no sientas lo de las fotos grandes, es una gozada tener las fotos de Janet sino en HQ, al menos en buena calidad y grandotas xD
Un besote!
Re: Janet Jackson >> Nuevo Álbum

LIYAH82 no me habias advertido de que el video puede herir la sensibilidad:llorando:
Re: Janet Jackson >> Nuevo Álbum

Orbitt dijo:
Si alguien todavia no ha escuchado al música de Janet y quiere esccuharla antes del nuevo lanzamiento, esta es su oportunidad, aqui estan sus más importantes singles:

Janet Jackson - Singles

Singles - Part 1: Control y Rhythm Nation 1814 Singles / La era de los 80´s:

Singles - Part 2: Janet y Velvet Rope Singles / La era de los 90´s:

Singles - Part 3: All For You y Damita Jo Singles / La era 00´s:

Alguien serìa tan amable de volver a subir estos? :hide:

Es que cambie de disco duro y se me borraron :llorando:

Please please please :reza:
Re: Janet Jackson >> Nuevo Álbum

Se esta rumoreando q en el nuevo disco d Janet va aver un dueto con JLo.Yo no se q piensan ustedes pero la verdad es q lo dudo, pero nunka se sabe.....Janet con Jenifer???? no pegan verdad?.

P.Y.T sinadie se m adelanta t puedo subir la primera part d single
Re: Janet Jackson >> Nuevo Álbum

**SeFrA** dijo:
Se esta rumoreando q en el nuevo disco d Janet va aver un dueto con JLo.Yo no se q piensan ustedes pero la verdad es q lo dudo, pero nunka se sabe.....Janet con Jenifer???? no pegan verdad?.

A priori parece que no pegan pero las dos bailan y pueden hacer un video guapo con buena coreografia.
Re: Janet Jackson >> Nuevo Álbum

Betty dijo:
A priori parece que no pegan pero las dos bailan y pueden hacer un video guapo con buena coreografia.

De hecho, Jennifer Lopez ya ha bailado para Janet en alguno de sus videos, aparece como "una bailarina más". Muy fuerte :p

A mi las canciones de JLo me suelen gustar, pero no es que me apasione.
Re: Janet Jackson >> Nuevo Álbum

unbreakableboy dijo:
De hecho, Jennifer Lopez ya ha bailado para Janet en alguno de sus videos, aparece como "una bailarina más". Muy fuerte :p

Bailar??? sale en "That´s the way love goes..." si eso es bailar....:jajaja:

En cual mas sale???
Re: Janet Jackson >> Nuevo Álbum

MiSSBiTTeR dijo:
Bailar??? sale en "That´s the way love goes..." si eso es bailar....:jajaja:

En cual mas sale???

Cambia la palabra "bailarina", por la palabra "actriz" :p Se me fue la pinza, es que con una mujer taaan polifacética :jajaja:
Re: Janet Jackson >> Nuevo Álbum

PYT no te preocupes yo te subo las otras dos partes :)

Ojala que no hubiera dueto entre ellas en el nuevo disco. A mi J.Lo ni fu ni fa, no me importaria un dueto en algún disco futuro de la Jenny, pero no el esperadisimo regreso musical de Janet, por dios! no! Que hay gente con más o con talento por ahí fuera.

Young, Rich and dangerous, la autobiografia de Jermaine Dupri

JD ha escrito un libro donde habla de su trabajo con Mariah Carey y Usher. el libro también cuenta con una parte dedicada a su relación con Janet. Parece que el libro se llama Young, Rich and Dangerous y no sé si esta ya publicado.

Os dejo un articulo de MTV.Com donde JD habla, algunas partes sobre Janet y llega a decir que Virgin Records es un depósito de cadaveres ("morgue"):

Jermaine Dupri is a producer, songwriter, artist, label owner and corporate executive — now he's about to add author to the list.

Dupri recently inked a deal with Atria Books, a division of Simon & Schuster, for his prospective autobiography, "Young, Rich and Dangerous: My Life in Music." He promises to show the way for aspiring wannabes in the volume, for which he submitted a 45-page proposal. "It's a road map," he writes in the proposal's introduction.

"You might never have heard of me," Dupri writes, "unless you pay attention to stuff like Us Magazine, which likes to put me and my girlfriend Janet [Jackson] on their best- or worst-dressed list from time to time. But I'm that little guy working the soundboard in the studio who's made some of the biggest stars in R&B."

Dupri plans to co-author the book with business journalist Samantha Marshall and organize it into eight chapters, or "tracks" (for instance, track one, "Home Alone," will be about his childhood). It won't exactly be a tell-all, but "Young, Rich and Dangerous" promises to reveal what life was like in the studio with Usher, Mariah, Lil Jon and Bow Wow (who Dupri describes as a "brat"). The episodes are to be punctuated with candid photographs and behind-the-scenes shots of parties and awards shows.

"People ask me all the time if I get jealous that Usher's the big star and I don't have anywhere near the kind of fame and screaming female fans he has," Dupri writes in the proposal. "No way! It's like how Berry Gordy felt about Smokey Robinson. There's a piece of me in Usher, like there is in all the artists I've worked with over the years."

Dupri then claims that Usher's Confessions album is really his story, "me cheating on my steady girlfriend, having a baby with that other woman and having to confess to everything that happened to my main girl."

But Dupri doesn't take all the credit for Usher's 2004 LP, even though he says he came up "with the lyrics, beats, tracks and everything."

"Whenever [Usher] makes a hit, he's always in love with some girl, and he's usually at the end of that relationship," Dupri continues. "His relationship with [TLC singer] Chilli was going into flame-out, and I told him to ... let it 'Burn.' Hence the song. Next time we do an album together, if he's not in love, I might be nervous!"

Dupri also promises to reveal moments from his own love life with Janet, whom he calls his soul mate. Part of what he appreciates about her, he writes, is that she understands the business and goes to strip clubs with him (see "Dupri Hits The Strip Club With Janet, Shakes It With Mariah"). "I even took Janet to Magic City so she could see where I go," he writes. "It was no big deal."

"People are always asking how I got a woman like that," he writes. "Eminem likes to be a hater, but I'm OK with that because I understand that he doesn't pick on anyone if they aren't successful. I was even excited when he put me in his song — kinda. I didn't even mind all that much when Chris Rock went off at the Grammys last year. He said that finding out I was with Janet was like finding out they were selling Bentleys for $4 and he missed it. But you gotta understand. Janet's a person I think every man in the world probably dreamed about all his life. I can't be mad at him."

The book might also feature some of Dupri's poetry, since three of his poems are included in the proposal. One includes the lines, "I feel like I'm cold when I know I'm hot/ I wonder what could happen if I got shot/ Bang!!!!/ Would radio play all my records?" He explains, "That's the crazy thing about success. The more you have it, the more problems it brings. I still don't have the fame or recognition of a Diddy or a Jay-Z, despite how many hits I've had."

He also laments about Virgin, where he is the head of the urban-music division (see "Virgin Records Snapping Up Jermaine Dupri And So So Def"): "That place is like a morgue." But he also offers up a more hopeful perspective about what he hopes to do: "Blow up a sinking label's record sales" to make "urban music history." "Watch this space because now I'm gonna make some noise!"

Dupri plans to promote "Young, Rich and Dangerous" with a book tour and release parties in Atlanta and New York. He also plans do TV and radio spots, hit college campuses and sell copies at his Cafe Dupri restaurant in Atlanta.

— Jennifer Vineyard
Re: Janet Jackson >> Nuevo Álbum

A mi me gustaria un duo de Janet con Gwen Stefani o Britney misma
(sin citar talentos, solo dije que me gustaria que alguna vez ocurriera)
Re: Janet Jackson >> Nuevo Álbum

A ver Sele foto de ese tatu que se vea bien y entero creo que no pero aqui te pongo lo que encontre. Si vieras lo que me costo sacarme el de la espalda por que por aquella epoca no lo habia enseñado entero... Y no es 100% como el de ella y luego va la pava y se despelota y sale corriendo de espaldas para el DVD de Hawaii :(

Mas grande no lo he encontrado pero imaginatelo... :rolleyes:


Supongo que sabras lo que es... :jajaja: pues aqui un fan se hizo el caso contrario


Y aqui Janet flipando con un tattoo de un fan suyo

Pero la cara que puso cuando vio el mio.... :eek: jajaja era pa haberle hecho una foto :jajaja:
Última edición:
Re: Janet Jackson >> Nuevo Álbum

liyah82 dijo:
Pero la cara que puso cuando vio el mio.... :eek: jajaja era pa haberle hecho una foto :jajaja:

Jaja, yo solo con que me mire (que ya lo hizo)
me pongo un tato de su logotipo en cursiva, negrita, y subrayado en una galta del culo. jajjajasjajaja:jajaja:
Re: Janet Jackson >> Nuevo Álbum

POr favor subir instrumentales... :jajaja:
GIUGNO coño ke no me haces caso!!! pasamelas!!! Y no me digas ke tienes la de Again, doesn´t really matters, that´s the way love goes... etc que son faciles de conseguir por emule