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Michael ingresado por gripe severa en un hospital de Santa Maria

Good Morning America:

- Inner circle says he has been feeling sick for two weeks (Hace dos semanas que esta malito)
- Defense wanted to try to get a delay some time ago because of Michael's condition (la defensa ya queria retrasar el proceso de selección del jurado por el estado de Michael)
- Michael was the one that insisted they NOT DELAY the trial (Michael fue el que insistió en no retrasar el juicio)
- Michael was moved to 4th floor to a non-emergency room (ha sido trasladado a una habitación de planta)
- Randy was the first of the family to arrive - causing comotion among press (Randy fue el primero de la familia en llegar)
- Michael is being fed antibiotics and fluids through IV (está siendo tratado con los medicamentos por intravenosa)
- Otherwise, they say he is healthy and expected to be released soon (dicen que está saludable y que saldrá pronto)

Michael :ily:
Última edición:
CBS Early Show:

- Doctor told the judge Jackson was very ill with flu-like illness (el doctor le dijo al juez que Michael estaba muy enfermo con gripe)
- Showed video of fan that fainted -- Randy comforting her (Mostraron un video de una fan que se desmayó y que Randy la atendió)
- Reporter said as the courtroom felt more and more empty without Michael as it filled (la prensa dijo que la corte se empezo a vaciar sin Michael) -Esto no se si está bien traducido-
- Several potential jurors called in sick with flu as well (varias personas del jurado llamaron enfermos con gripe)
- Taraborrelli said that back in 2002 when [Michael] was forced to take off his mask, a week or two later he came down with the flu (taraborelli dijo que en el 2002 cuando a Michael se le forzo a quitarse la mascarilla, a la semana o dos cayó enfermo con gripe)
Última edición:
no se si esto ya se haya puesto, lo pongo en ingles:

Edit: Perdonen, pero no puedo copiar el texto de MJJsource.com no se que pasa

En resumen, dice que el oçhospital por confidencialidad no puede dar comunicados por la salud de sus empleados pero que el Dr Chuck Merrill es el que dara un breve comunicado, el es un Medico del area de Emergencia del Hospital

y el Doctor dice que MJ fue evaluado en su hospital por "flu-like illness with vomiting" (perdon pero no se como traducirlo), tambien dice que MJ esta bajo tratamiento y que su salud es estable y que sera dado de alta cuando se el sienta bien.

tambien hay una nota para la prensa que dice que los fotografos estan causando problemas de seguridad por estar afuera de la entrada de emergencia del hospital y que los elementes de seguridad del hospital han dicho que esto pone en riesgo la privacidad de los enfermos.
Última edición:
tajera dijo:
CBS Early Show:
(taraborelli dijo que en el 2002 cuando a Michael se le forzo a quitarse la mascarilla, a la semana o dos cayó enfermo con gripe)

Siempre he pensado que Michael utliliza la mascarilla por problemas de salud.
Esperemos que se encuentre muy bien. No es para más que se sienta un poco mal por todo esto que le está pasando y por toda la basura que escriben de el a diario.

Que Dios ilumine tu camino en todo momento.
Todos sabemos que te vas a recuperar y vas a presentarte bello como siempre a la corte.

:) :) :) :)

Michael Jackson expected to leave hospital today
By Chris Johnston, Times Online

Michael Jackson arriving at court at the start of jury selection

Michael Jackson is expected to be discharged from hospital later today after being admitted yesterday suffering from flu-like symptoms.

The singer fell ill while travelling to court in Santa Maria, California, to attend jury selection for his trial on charges of child molestation. His limousine diverted to the emergency room of the local hospital.

For some time the seriousness of his illness was unknown and some feared the worst, given the strain that the case had placed on the 46-year-old entertainer.

Several hours later Judge Rodney Melville was able to allay the concerns of fans, explaining: "He has all the symptoms that we all have when we have the flu." He ordered jury selection to be delayed until next Tuesday.

Later, Dr Chuck Merrill said in a press conference at the Marian Medical Centre that Jackson was being treated for a "flu-like illness with some vomiting". He was being treated with intravenous fluids and was undergoing tests.

"He's in stable condition, and we expect a full recovery," Dr Merrill added.

Judge Melville told the court Mr Jackson would need three or four days to recover, and noted that several members of the jury pool were also suffering flu and that it appeared to be going around. It was the second delay to the trial in two weeks.

Outside the hospital, about 2 miles (3km) from the courthouse, a crowd of about 50 fans and reporters gathered. Police officers guarded all entrances, stopping anyone who appeared to be with the media, while white fabric was put up to conceal what was going on in the emergency room.

The defence and the prosecution are selecting 12 jurors and eight reserve jurors, who will decide whether Mr Jackson molested a teenage cancer patient at his Neverland Ranch and plied the youngster with alcohol. The trial could last as long as six months.

On Monday, the singer carried tissues and was wiping his nose when he arrived at court on the first day of questioning of prospective jurors. Mr Jackson's lawyers also announced that they may call such stars as Elizabeth Taylor and Diana Ross to the stand.

Jackson hit with the flu (Stacy Brown, MSNBC contributor)

I just spoke again with Jackson's sister Rebbie and his mom, who along with others, are headed to hospital. Jackson was exhausted from the flu for the past couple of days and it hit him late last night and early this morning, his family says. Fans, friends and media have been calling already from places like Singapore, Japan, Great Britain and Spain :)D ), they said.

"He's not feeling too well, he's tired," Katherine.

"He'll be okay," Rebbie.

Venga chicos, quien ha llamado? jejejeje :p
A mi me importa poco lo que piensen los medios, ya se que las cosas que dicen solo las hacen para vender. Lo más importante es que Michael se encuentre bien :*)
Re: Michael ha sido llevado a un hospital de Los Angeles

los medios chilenos son unos asquerosos de mierda!
