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MJ en portada de Ebony: *Portada, FOTOS y videos de la sesión*

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Re: NY Post: MJ será portada de la revista Ebony

JODER, estoy que alucino, esperemos la entrevista de access hollywood y la revista sean la ostia, y que a poder ser diga algo del nuevo disco.
Re: NY Post: MJ será portada de la revista Ebony

Nadie tiene que enseñarle a Michael como promocionar un futuro album, él es pionero y único en megapromociones. Y esto huele a album en 7 ó 8 meses :cool:

Por cierto, hola de nuevo a todos, he estado ausente del foro por fuerza mayor durante unos meses pero ya estoy aqui de nuevo enganchao... ;)
Re: NY Post: MJ será portada de la revista Ebony

:eek::eek::eek::eek: esooos trajes!!!!! esos movimientooosss!!!!! ese MICHAELLLLL!!!!
por DIOSSSS muchas gracias por toda la infoo!!!!!!!!!

access hollwyood hara un reportaje de esooooooo???? y veremos masss???!!!
Última edición:
Re: NY Post: MJ será portada de la revista Ebony

Acabo de encontrar esto en la web de accesshollywood, la experiencia que cuenta el periodsta que le entrevistó con foto incluida - es de esta entrevista o habla de otra anterior? es que la fecha 15 de octubre de 2006 en Irlanda que pone... alguien que domien inglés 100%inglés que diga algo please:eek:

Access Hollywood
Billy's Blog: Michael Jackson Exclusive (October 15, 2006)

DUBLIN, Ireland (October 15, 2006) -- It's half past four in the morning and I'm making my way to Dublin with Ray. I have spent a fair amount of time in the back of Ray's car in the last 34 hours. He is the driver, henchman for the fellow who owns the recording studio in the middle of no man's land, Ireland. Not only is it a quaint studio built inside the grounds of an old stone classic Irish estate... it's the new creative home of Michael Jackson.
And yes, I just conducted the first visit with Michael Jackson since he left the United States in June 2005. First off, let me tell you what this visit is not:
It is not a bare all, rehashing of that period of his life. I was prepared to ask him all the questions in the world regarding mistakes made and lessons learned, but trust me, he was not. He asked if 5 minutes of rolling tape was OK in the studio while he "collaborated" with Will.I.Am from the Black Eyed Peas. Ultimately, We rolled for about 40 minutes and I did ask him questions about music and his thoughts for making a comeback.
Michael Jackson was nervous and antsy. He was truly torn. He wanted to stay and keep jamming and have some fun, but he also wanted to leave before, from his perspective, he got crucified by another TV interview.
Michael's publicist and advisor, Raymone Bain, informed us (me and my Executive Producer, Rob Silverstein - pictured above with Michael and Will.I.Am) that Michael would like to meet us alone, no cameras, at a nearby cottage first. We agreed of course and before long we were seated at a breakfast table in a very cozy, humble stone cottage. Down the spiral staircase he came. First his boots, then his pants... black with a gold stripe down the side, then a velvet jacket with a white t-shirt underneath, then he turned to face us. I admit, my pulse was running high. He is a mythical character as atypical and untouchable as can be.
First impression I had was that he looked healthy. Fit. As his new landlord told us earlier, artists come to his estate for the whole experience of getting away... for peace and tranquility. It has suited Michael well, although he does not live there.
We stood up, shook hands and began small talk about life... soon, Michael began to make clear what he did not want: an interview. He was just willing to let our cameras roll while he and Will listened to beats and opened the lid to a comeback. I said that we should just go in there and go until he didn't want to anymore. Pensively, he agreed and we started for the door and the 50 yard walk to the studio.
This visit is a baby step for Michael.
About ten minutes into the session, after I had rolled out several questions, Michael paused and tried to get out. He did not like receiving pointed questions and he encouraged Will to play more beats so we could just roll casually.
At the end of the day, we did a little more of both. At one point, I suggested Michael remake "Thriller" for a new generation... with CD/DVD and Web components, essentially go with what's proven but update with the help of technically savvy producer, Will.I.Am.
Michael lit up. Amazingly that was something he hadn't considered.
When the music was rolling and he didn't have me asking him questions, one could see sparks of life and energy. He hummed a little and at one point got up and walked to the back of the room where he could move a little to the music... he was almost dancing.
Michael was there with his children. I never saw them but the studio's owner, said they were having a ball, playing with his children and enjoying the exquisite countryside. According to the owner, Michael gets up in the morning and makes breakfast for them... usually porridge and fruit. I find myself hoping that Michael's life is as normal as possible. Of course, it isn't. Nobody knows anything about him... does he drive? Apparently, he does occasionally and he even had a cell phone before losing it a day later.
There....something normal to which people can RELATE.
Again, this was a first step for Michael. He was excited and terrified. It's all about feeling whether he can trust somebody or not. His track record is horrible on that front. Maybe it will improve in regards to us. I am quite sure there is more to come.
(Note: More of Billy's visit coming to Access Hollywood in November)

Copyright 2007 by NBC Universal, Inc. All rights reserved.
This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Re: NY Post: MJ será portada de la revista Ebony

Leyendola más tranquilamente creo que es una entrevista antigua, sorry jeje.
Re: NY Post: MJ será portada de la revista Ebony

Que notición más inesperado! A ver si con el nuevo disco pasa lo mismo,,,,

Por cierto parece que MJ lleva el pelo como más castaño no?
Re: NY Post: MJ será portada de la revista Ebony

Esto era una de las cosas que nos tenía preparadas.
Las fotos tienen muy buena pinta, y al parecer hay video de la sesión de fotos.

Si la entrevista es buena, ya sería la leche.

Muy bien.
Re: NY Post: MJ será portada de la revista Ebony

Ey puede ser que tanta publicidad sea porque el disco aparecera antes de lo que pensabamos?
Re: NY Post: MJ será portada de la revista Ebony


Me muerooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !! :llorica:

Entré al foro a la mañana y vi que hablaban de un video, pero como estaba apurada para llevar a mi hija al jardín cerré todo para verlo mas tranquila...

:llorica: :llorica: :llorica:​

Es increíble el video y la foto de la portada por Diooooooosssssssss!!!!!!!

Encima bailando con su musica buaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!​

Se me ha atragantado el desayunoooooo!!! :llorando:​

Michael corazón!!! te preparas para volver como sólo sabes tuuu!!!:cor:​


Re: NY Post: MJ será portada de la revista Ebony


Uno entra al Hideout cada día con una mínima esperanza de que se sepa algo nuevo (y bueno) de Michael, aunque nunca pasa.

O casi nunca. Hoy es uno de estos poquitos días en los que el foro consigue ponerte realmente nervioso de emoción y alegría:tamuymal:
Re: NY Post: MJ será portada de la revista Ebony

La perfección humana.

Ea! Todo dicho!

Yo lo ví ayer cuando llegué de Halloween.Estuve por mensajear a todos los fans que conozco, pero eran las 5 de la mañana y no era plan. Increíble increíble increible como está Don Miguelito Jackson.
Re: NY Post: MJ será portada de la revista Ebony

En la revista sabemos seguro que habrá una entrevista:


Se puede leer Exclusiva: El rey del pop habla sobre Dios, creatividad, ser padre y música.

Pero en el video de Access Hollywood dicen que mañana (hoy) michael en su entrevista más íntima en años!! ¿Serán dos diferentes?
¡Tremenda foto! Espero que tanta portada y tanta entrevista quieran decir algo... Algo futuro, claro.
Re: NY Post: MJ será portada de la revista Ebony

Por cierto, ando impaciente por la revista sólo para ver el montaje de fotos que hará The Lost Child esta vez ("Rober" para los amigos y "precoz" para lo amantes)
Re: NY Post: MJ será portada de la revista Ebony

Yo no sé qué hago con mi vida que tardo 8 páginas de replies en enterarme de esto...gracias Gacechino por sacarme de la inopia .

¡¡¡Dios mío se le ve genial!!! ¡¡¡Y el video te pone los pelos como escarpias!!! Alguien ya lo ha comentado y lo corroboro , creo que la ropa elegida para esta nueva sesión nos va a gustar más que la de la Vogue ( y si la de la Vogue ya nos ha gustado...¡¡¡sacar conclusiones!!! ) .

¿¿¿Y por fin entrevista??? Ay omá...que esto se mueve...que resurge...:llorando:
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