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Nuevo comunicado de Karen Faye [Acusada de maquillar las heridas de MJ]

Re: Nuevo comunicado de Karen Faye

PuriaTor dijo:
Okis bizi :eek:

Otro mensaje de Karen a MJJForum:

Here's another statement to another one of her many lies on the air. I WAS INVESTIGATED, by the California Bureau of Investigation. Steve Cochran has the entire interview on tape. They know exactly where to find me. They haven't been looking for me. If she has the information I gave, then she knows it is contrary to the report that was "leaked".

Sorry, espero ke no te importe ;) Siempre es mejor esperar unos minutos y traducir a mano (Además ke traduciendo me voy enterando! :p). Voy con lo nuev, gracias por ponerlo:

"Otra cosa que responder a una de sus muchas mentiras en el programa: ME INVESTIGARON, la Oficina Californiana de Investigación. Steve Cochran tiene la entrevista entera grabada. Saben exactamente dónde encontrarme, no tuvieron que ir a buscarme. Si ella tiene la información que yo dí, entonces sabrá que no se corresponde con que fué "filtrado"."

Por cierto, no entiendo bien el contexto, y la ultima frase se podría interpretar también como "Si ella tuviera la información que yo dí, entonces sabrá que contradice el informe que se "filtró"."

:confused: Es que "report" puede ser un informe legal, o un simple rumor, o algo que se dice por ahí... y no entiendo a que se refiere exactamente.
Re: Nuevo comunicado de Karen Faye

Todo lo que sucedió en TV:

Here is the entire transcript of Crier and Dimond RE: Karen.

If someone has already put this up, a mod may delete this. Going to check the thread now, but wanted to make sure this got up ASAP.

Crier: Fireworks coming up in the Michael Jackson following a major ruling for the prosecution. Diane Dimond on the ground with that. . . And some more interesting news.

- - - Music - - -

Attorneys for Michael Jackson dropped a bombshell in a key hearing in the Michael Jackson molestation case, but . . . not over yet, still more crucial testimony still to come. Joining us with more is Court TV?s Executive Investigative Editor Diane Dimond. Before we get to that though, Diane, you make people in this camp mad wherever you go.


Dimond: I seem to make people on both sides mad.

Crier: (Laughing) We used to say in the judicial world when that was the case you were doing something right.

OK ? The make-up artist that we talked about yesterday, allegedly . . .

Dimond: Yes.

Crier: falisified a bruise ? That?s what we heard ? apparently has made this statement. Karen Faye has said this: ?I want to make a statement regarding Diane Dimond?s public statement that I used makeup to make a bruise on Michael?s arm. This is totally untrue. I am very angry. I am legally pursuing a *quote* on the air retraction of this statement. I have personal experience that we are all dealing with a pack of liars.?

Dimond: ooooo!

Crier: What do you want to say to Karen?

Dimond: Well, I haven?t heard that we needed to make a retraction. But I?ll tell you exactly what we said yesterday. We didn?t say that Karen Faye put makeup on his arm to make a bruise. We said that the Attorney General?s people who were investigating Michael Jackson?s police brutality allegations were trying to find her to talk to her about that. They heard that she had gone to a dinner party and bragged that she had put that makeup on his arm. We also said yesterday, as you remember, Catherine, that we didn?t think the investigators ever got to talk to her. Very few people in the Jackson camp cooperated, not even Michael Jackson would give a statement to the investigators.

Crier: Alright. In terms of the Attorney General?s report. What I got that had been put out on the internet didn?t reference the make-up. . .

Dimond: Right

Crier: . . whether the makeup was put on his arm or whether the bruise was real or the bruise wasn?t actually . . they found that there was nothing to corroborate his claims. And as you said, nobody from the camp was really giving statements. So do we know, whether . . . Diane

Dimond: They were looking into that. They were looking into that allegation.

Crier: OK.

Dimond: But ? when people don?t cooperate, and you can?t get it either way, you know .. . What are you going to say?

Crier: OK. So the AG?s office made no determination in writing or in a public statement whether they really thought the bruise was real or not.

Dimond: Correct.

Crier: OK, let?s get to what happened in court today again because I understand first that the judge ruled that the search of Neverland is fine, but they, in fact if the defense wants to challenge certain items that they can do so. Tell us about that.

Dimond: Well, court actually is dark today, Catherine, because the judge gave the defense time today to get up their list about what exactly are you challenging about what was taken from Neverland. So that, of course, will be delivered to the DA late today. We may hear something about it tomorrow.

Crier: Well what about the letters?

Dimond: (unintelligible)

Crier: I?m sorry we?re going to run out of time in this segment . . . There are some interesting letters. Tell us about that.

Dimond: Well, there are interesting letters, but tomorrow we get closest to the kid than we ever has because his step-father?s going to be here to testify and the mother?s first attorney, William Dickerman, who wrote this stack of letters to Mark Geragos . . . (holding up letters) . . . We have them exclusively. Tom Sneddon said that these letters show theft, false imprisonment, extortion, stalking, possession of stolen property, and here?s a quick clip. Look at this. This is written by William Dickerman, the attorney, to Mark Geragos

(Quoting from the letters. Text shown on screen.) Jackson has relentlessly hounded and harassed the children and their mother almost daily since they left Neverland. Such despicable behavior consisted of: death threats, surveilling and photographing of children?s schools, throwing rocks at her parents? home, telephoning her, leaving her disturbing notes,most recently, stalking the family. My clients believe that Jackson is illegally eavesdropping on their phone conversations.

Dimond: (continuing, while text from letters is on screen) They demand that Jackson immediately return to them their passports and visas, all property removed from the apartment . . . (intelligible) . . . of course, Catherine, that Jackson . . . we know that there was an allegation that Jackson?s team was trying to get them to Brazil.

Crier: OK. I wish we had more time. This is all coming up tomorrow. Diane Dimond thanks for being with us . . . etc.
Última edición:
Re: Nuevo comunicado de Karen Faye

Claro, es que "report" se puede interpretar de muchas formas.

A mí lo que me ha mosqueao es lo de la oficina californiana de investigación. En otras palabras: el FBI. No recuerdo si fué ella misma, o alguien relacionado con Michael, despues del registro en Neverland, se quejó de que fueron 80 policías: 60 eran agentes del sheriff, y 20 eran agentes del FBI.

Y desde ese momento yo pensé igual: Qué pinta el FBI en una investigación que es rutinaria? Osea, digo rutinaria porque habrá -por desgracia- muchos casos de pederastia que investigar por ahí. Entiendo que Neverland es un sitio enorme y necesitaran muchos policías, pero POR QUÉ agentes del FBI? El FBI se supone que solo interviene en asuntos interestatales, o de seguridad nacional y cosas así.

Me recuerda a los años 60, cuando Edgar J. Hover estaba obsesionado con encontrar cualquier mínima tontería para desprestigiar a Martin Luther King. La HIStoria se repite...

HIStory dijo:
"...Hay cosas en la vida que se niegan a ver, pero si Martin Luther viviera, no consentiría esto! No, no..."
Re: Nuevo comunicado de Karen Faye

Yo creo que "report" aquí se refiere a como tú has dicho antes, informe legal.

Otro post de Karen:

I just want thank all of my friends and everyone from the Forum. Just know there are so many lies and liars out there. You all know Michael and his heart. I can not give this any more energy. I am going for a walk in the sun....a walk in the light. Knowing that all of you are there, comforts my spirit, and talking to all of you over the years from my site has been an oasis in the desert for me. An arrow aimed at Michael's heart is also aimed at me....and all of you that love him. I just wanted everyone to know I did not do this, and even in Dimonds rebuttle of my statement she creates even more lies. ( I haven't even been to a party...LOL). I know my friends know the truth. My love to all of you......
Karen Faye

PD: Bizi, he editado el post de arriba, acaban de poner la entrevista COMPLETA.
Última edición:
Re: Nuevo comunicado de Karen Faye

Continuación de lo de antes en el programa:

Crier: Vale. Ahora sobre el informe del fiscal general, por lo que yo he entendido sobre lo de la entrevista, de que le puso maquillaje en el brazo, no me ha quedado claro si es que el moratón era auténtico, o es que no lo era. Y han concluido que no había nada que corroborara lo que él (MJ) decía. Y como dijiste, nadie de (la gente de MJ) hizo declaraciones. [Frase ke no entiendo.]

Dimond: Pero estaban buscando eso! Estaban investigando esa alegación, pero cuando la gente no coopera y no puedes dar con ellos, osea... qué vas a decir?!

Crier: Ok, entonces la oficina del fiscal general no se decidió a hacer público si ellos creían que el morado fuera real o no lo fuera.

Dimond: Correcto, correcto.

---------- Resumiendo: Nada nuevo :p
Re: Nuevo comunicado de Karen Faye

Sí, yo tambien creo que se refieren al informe ke el fiscal generla hizo llegar al sheriff, es verdad.

Post nuevo de karen:

Quiero darle las gracias a todos mis amigos y a toda la gente del Forum. Sabed que hay muchas mentiras y muchos mentirosos rondando por ahí. Vosotros conocéis a Michael y conocéis su corazón. No puedo dedicarle más energías a esto, voy a dar un paseo bajo el sol, un paseo en la luz ;) Saber que todos vosotros estáis ahí, tranquiliza mi espíritu, y hablar con vosotros a lo largo de los años a traves de mi web ha sido como un oasis en medio del desierto para mí. Un flechazo en el corazon de Michael y también en el mío, y todos vosotros que tanto le keréis. Solo quiero que todo el mundo sepa que yo no hice eso, y que aunque Dimond siga respondiendo a mis declaraciones, no hace más que crear más mentiras (YO NUNCA HE ESTAO EN NINGUNA FIESTA! :jajaja: ) Yo ya sé que mis amigos saben la verdad. Mi amor para todos vosotros.

No quiero repetirme pero , ejem.... KAREN!!!!! :urule: :urule: :urule: !!!!!!
Re: Nuevo comunicado de Karen Faye

Que coraje y que ganas de desaparecer a toda esa gentuza

Venga Karen despellejala

Gracias por la info :ayos:
Re: Nuevo comunicado de Karen Faye

He tenido una "inspiración divina" :p

Aida al Frutero dijo:
"¡¡¡Ni una rata subiéndome por la pierna me daría tanto asco como el asco que me das tú!!!"

Me ha calao hondo esa frase :cuñao :jajaja:
Re: Nuevo comunicado de Karen Faye

Gracias por las traducciones, que orgullo que existan todavìa, grandes seres humanos, gracias Karen Faye :urule:.
Re: Nuevo comunicado de Karen Faye

Madre mia que verguenza :mad:

Lo he estado leyendo todo lo de Bizi y Puri y esta tipeja de la Diamond la cogia de los pelos de abajo y se los arrancaba de cuajo! :|

Ahora van a por ella? :z: Anda y que les den por el culo 39576 veces con una caña rajada :mad:

Karen: " Y si tiene vitiligo!" Pos eso, haver si se enteran! :sacabo:
Acusan a Karen Faye de "maquillar" los morados de MJ

Diane Dimond dice que Karen Faye maquilló el morado que Michael Jackson mostró en el programa "60 minutes"

Esto es lo que dijo Dimond:

Attorneys for Michael Jackson dropped a bombshell in a key hearing in the Michael Jackson molestation case, but . . . not over yet, still more crucial testimony still to come. Joining us with more is Court TV’s Executive Investigative Editor Diane Dimond. Before we get to that though, Diane, you make people in this camp mad wherever you go.

Dimond: I seem to make people on both sides mad.

Crier: (Laughing) We used to say in the judicial world when that was the case you were doing something right.

OK – The make-up artist that we talked about yesterday, allegedly . . .

Dimond: Yes.

Crier: falisified a bruise – That’s what we heard – apparently has made this statement. Karen Faye has said this: “I want to make a statement regarding Diane Dimond’s public statement that I used makeup to make a bruise on Michael’s arm. This is totally untrue. I am very angry. I am legally pursuing a *quote* on the air retraction of this statement. I have personal experience that we are all dealing with a pack of liars.”

Dimond: ooooo!

Crier: What do you want to say to Karen?

Dimond: Well, I haven’t heard that we needed to make a retraction. But I’ll tell you exactly what we said yesterday. We didn’t say that Karen Faye put makeup on his arm to make a bruise. We said that the Attorney General’s people who were investigating Michael Jackson’s police brutality allegations were trying to find her to talk to her about that. They heard that she had gone to a dinner party and bragged that she had put that makeup on his arm. We also said yesterday, as you remember, Catherine, that we didn’t think the investigators ever got to talk to her. Very few people in the Jackson camp cooperated, not even Michael Jackson would give a statement to the investigators.

Crier: Alright. In terms of the Attorney General’s report. What I got that had been put out on the internet didn’t reference the make-up. . .

Dimond: Right

Crier: . . whether the makeup was put on his arm or whether the bruise was real or the bruise wasn’t actually . . they found that there was nothing to corroborate his claims. And as you said, nobody from the camp was really giving statements. So do we know, whether . . . Diane

Dimond: They were looking into that. They were looking into that allegation.

Crier: OK.

Dimond: But … when people don’t cooperate, and you can’t get it either way, you know .. . What are you going to say?

Crier: OK. So the AG’s office made no determination in writing or in a public statement whether they really thought the bruise was real or not.

Esta la respuesta de Karen Faye:

"I just want to make a statement regarding Diane Dimond's public statement that I used make-up to make a bruise on Michael's arm. This is totally untrue. I am very angry. I am legally pursuing an "on the air" retraction of her statement. I have first hand experience, that we are dealing with a pack of liars. I also want to thank all of you for giving Michael, his family, and his team all of your love and support. We must do everything we can to bring justice and fairness back into this world. Your show of support gives me hope that there are so many people in the world that DO have true hearts. We will pave the way to a better world, and Michael will help us do it!
Love, Karen Faye"

Óliver Ramos.-
Última edición:
Re: Acusan a Karen Faye de "maquillar" los morados de MJ

No puedo ponerme ahora con la traducción, pero vamos, viene a decir lo que he puesto. Dimond deja caer que Karen Faye maquilló el morado que Michael Jackson muestra en las fotografías de "60 minutes" y luego Karen responde, como es lógico, diciendo que no es cierto.
Última edición:
Re: Acusan a Karen Faye de "maquillar" los morados de MJ

¿Que significa eso de "morados"? ¿A que se refiere?:confused:
Re: Acusan a Karen Faye de "maquillar" los morados de MJ

Morado; Moretón; Cardenal: Mancha amoratada, negruzca o amarillenta de la piel a consecuencia de un golpe u otra causa.

Fuente: Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española (DRAE)
Última edición:
Re: Acusan a Karen Faye de "maquillar" los morados de MJ

q fuuuerte!!!! a donde iran a parar la gentuza esta q va tras d MJ!!! ya no saben q inventar!!me dan nauseas
Re: Nuevo comunicado de Karen Faye

gracias a personas como Karen,sigo teniendo fe en el ser humano...... :urule:

muchiiisimas gracias x las traducciones y toda la info!!!
Diane Dimond que Mier.... tiene en la cabeza para decir eso:mad: , que asquerosidad me da esta gente:vom: :mad: , con mucha razon el mundo esta como esta,por culpa de esa gente y la peor de todas , Diane Dimond al decir tremenda mentira :mad: ,ojala que tenga un poco de desencia y pida perdon.
que se muera esa tia.